5 Ways to Boost Stress Resilience

5 Ways to Boost Stress Resilience

In today’s world, we’re faced with all kinds of psychological stress daily—there’s no escaping it. Unfortunately, too much stress is bad for your brain and body.

Keep your stress levels low and support the health of your brain with these 5 stress-busting techniques:

1. Gather Information

What you do not know has power over you, whereas knowledge brings you choices and control. Fear of the unknown can increase your stress and anxiety. When you have questions, ask them and find answers. Getting more information about your challenges will bring you closer to your goals and help you manage the confusing and stressful situations that life brings your way. When it comes to personal relationships, gathering more information and avoiding assumptions is critical. If you are confused about a loved one’s behavior or believe that they are upset with you, pick a calm moment and gently ask for clarification. Without questioning your thoughts, assumptions can take over and little issues can turn into BIG issues that ruin your relationships.

2. Develop a sense of personal control

Taking personal responsibility for what happens in your life and looking for creative ways to solve your problems will stop you from feeling like a victim and will instantly give you more control. This practice can be uncomfortable at first, but taking personal responsibility will help you feel a greater sense of freedom in the long run.

3. Keep your pleasure centers healthy

Deep inside your brain, your pleasure centers respond to several neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine. When dopamine is low, depression and low motivation are much more likely—it can be harder to find your sense of joy and lift yourself out of a funk. Naturally boost dopamine by engaging in meaningful and pleasurable activities on a regular basis. Do work that you love, get lots of exercise and take time to have fun with your loved ones. It is equally important to avoid wearing out your pleasure centers through substance abuse or too many repetitive behaviors, such as gambling, video games, and compulsive eating or shopping.

4. Clear up past traumas

To be resilient, it is essential to clean out the closet in your head of past or current traumas so they no longer control your future. If you experience reoccurring stress from traumatic memories, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) combined with a psychotherapeutic treatment technique called EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) may help. The focus of EMDR is to resolve or eliminate emotional distress by shifting how a memory is triggered in the brain. EMDR can be particularly helpful for people with a history of abuse or those with PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder).

5. Build a community

If you have ever felt euphoric after getting together and bonding with a group of friends, you have experienced the brain-boosting power of social connection! Spending time in a positive community of like-minded people is a wonderful way to boost your bliss hormones, such as oxytocin. In fact, numerous studies have indicated that those who feel close, connected, loved and supported have a lower incidence of depression, anxiety, heart disease, infections, and cancer. Conversely, unhealthy habits can also be contagious, so bring awareness to the kind of company you keep and focus your energy on people who are positive and engage in healthy habits.

Need More Help?

Having a regular stress-management program is critical to keeping your brain healthy in the long run. You really CAN learn to manage your stress and make your brain better, but you need a very specific program to do so.

You have a choice about how you respond to the stress in your life. Amen Clinics has helped tens of thousands of people manage stress and anxiety. If you feel that you or a loved one could benefit from an evaluation, contact us today or call 888-288-9834.


  1. I have been following your e-mails for some time now.
    I truly wish that I can attend some of your Seminars, but I am from South Africa which makes it a tad difficult.

    Today I would like to ask your advice:
    I am a Simultaneous Academic Interpreter at the North-West University, which means that I Interpret into English for students in classes where the instruction medium is a different language. We are only allowed a lag-time of about two words behind the Lecturer. The cognitive processes are quite intense and after a long day of classes I feel really drained. I have been doing this job as well as translating for the last ten years, but am starting to feel that I need a supplement to boost my brain-power. I have a beautiful baby girl and husband at home that also deserves my attention so I am looking for a product that can help me maintain my fast-paced (sometimes brain-suffocating) yet wonderful and rewarding job, as well as my home-life.

    What can you recommend?
    (PS: I do not know if this is relevant information but I also still struggle with Post Natal Anxiety which rears its ugly head whenever I start dealing with a really stressful situation).

    Kind regards,

    Marilize van Deventer

    Comment by Marilize — February 9, 2018 @ 2:25 AM

  2. Hello Marilize, Dr. Amen has a line of supplements that can be found here – https://www.brainmdhealth.com/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — February 9, 2018 @ 9:18 AM

  3. May I suggest developing daily practice of Mindfulness Meditation (AKA, a mental gym to build your mindful muscle) and Mindfulness (when you are engaged in a task). Start with an app or take something called MBSR.

    Comment by Les Aria — June 2, 2018 @ 6:43 AM

  4. excellent advice!

    Comment by Doug Morris — August 15, 2024 @ 12:22 AM

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