If you struggle with symptoms of a brain-based disorder, ask yourself these questions:
- Do you want a natural approach to treating your symptoms?
- Are you suffering unwanted side effects of medication?
- Do your symptoms interfere with your daily life?
- Are you dissatisfied with the results from medications and therapy alone?
At Amen Clinics, we understand that no two people are alike and treatment is not a one-size-fits-all approach – especially in psychiatry. Where medication is indicated and appropriate, Amen Clinics doctors will prescribe them. But did you know that some psychiatric medications are actually toxic to brain function? As we formulate individual treatments plans, Amen Clinics doctors follow a simple guiding precept: find solutions that will treat the condition most effectively while imposing the least possible toxicity. This is why we offer many natural therapies for patients as they make brain-healthy life changes. Once such highly effective, non-medication treatment is called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS.
What is TMS?
TMS is an innovative form of brain stimulation used to treat certain psychiatric and neurological disorders that have not improved through traditional approaches. TMS uses a non-invasive, painless, highly focused, brief magnetic pulse that stimulates activity in different areas of the brain – without the troubling side effects people often experience from taking medication. Sessions last about 40 minutes and patients can resume their normal activities immediately after each session.
The Importance of Imaging First
Amen Clinics is the only clinic in the world where you can get a SPECT image of your brain before innovative treatments, like TMS, so that we can help predict if a certain treatment is going to be successful. Research demonstrates that SPECT scans effectively help predict if a person is going to positively respond to TMS. Why is this so important? Because we know that depression, for example, is not one thing. For some people, their brains work too hard, and they can’t stop thinking about bad things. For other people, their brain activity is too low, and they can’t think at all. Thanks to imaging, we know if your brain is not working hard enough, we can use TMS to stimulate it in a way that increases brain function. But if it is working too hard, we can use TMS to calm it. If you treat every person with depression in the same way with TMS, it is no different than giving everyone with depression the same medication – you are NOT going to have the most effective results.
Amen Clinics results are better than other TMS clinics because we look before we treat. That way, we know how to treat more effectively. In fact, scan guided TMS results in an 80-85% success rate at Amen Clinics. Research supports our experience: that scan guided TMS provides better results than non-scan guided TMS.
“I basically have my life back. I feel so good; I will actually sing along with the radio. And I’m able to manage the demands of a busy working mom. The TMS therapy is truly a life-changing experience.”
~Susan, a TMS patient
Although TMS was originally FDA approved for and used to treat depression, there is now substantial evidence that TMS can be helpful in treating a wide range of brain-based issues including addiction, anxiety, ADD, OCD, mild cognitive impairment and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
“TMS was a permanent solution. Instead of taking drugs for the rest of my life, I could do TMS for a month and see significant results that were permanent. I am happy, I’m losing weight, and I just feel like I have a life again. I believe that TMS gave that back to me.”
~Vivica, a TMS patient
Imaging changes everything. To learn more about TMS or other natural therapies for depression, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, or memory issues, contact Amen Clinics today at (888) 288-9834 or visit us online.
I’m one of your happy customers using your products. I was just checking out TMS for tinnitus. I’ve had it for many years and was just reading that it was connected with brain function and not hearing damage as I had always thought. Could Dr. Amen give us some information on it as many people have this condition and he mentions that TMS is helpful.
I can’t get a scan done as I live in Australia.
Comment by Margaret Deeble — February 13, 2018 @ 9:46 PM
I pulled myself from poverty to become one of the most prominent and respected lawyers in Oklahoma, then i just walked away. I moved away from Oklahoma and spend a lot of time isolating, I’m no longer social and rarely answer my phone or messages. It is like my spirit has left my body and there is no enjoyment or passion, it is like the divine spark has been extinguished. I turned 63 and wish i could experience the magic I once associated with living. Depression is a factor, I’m become a little irritable at times. My memory is fading and my heart grows more anxious, I remember my mother beating me to the extent my brain had swollen when i was five, I was beaten on a regular basis before my mom was sent to an institution. I have been a loving father and husband, have lived my life as a straight arrow and worked very hard to provide my wife and family what i never had, mainly love. My wife became bored and left which was the beginning of my unravelling. There is little reward in doing things with honor and integrity, it is perceived as a weakness. Later I married a Colombian woman who stole several hundred thousand dollars from me, I lack the fortitude and energy to do anything about it. So I forgive her and go on. My ex wife is in her last days of life with cancer, I officiated my son’s wedding and was told by my ex wife that she loved me. This is the most loved I’ve experienced in the aggregate of my life thus far. I’m always fatigued and and have little energy, my inflammation level is the highest that is measured with current technology. I’m a mess and a dark fog has descended upon my mind where i can no longer organize or remember how to accomplish goals. I sound a bit pathetic. I was also an adviser to the late Ted Kennedy with respect to immigration issues as well as mental health. I had come a long ways from poverty in a poor high school to Oxford, it seemed that it was effortless to be a leader and productive. I ran out of airspeed, altitude and ideas. God’s Peace! Bobby Joyner
Comment by Bobby Joyner — September 17, 2018 @ 3:24 AM
Do you treat bipolar disease successfully?
Comment by Cathy — September 17, 2018 @ 3:35 AM
Hello Cathy, thank you for reaching out. Yes, we do use Brain SPECT Imaging to diagnose and treat Bipoloar Disorder. Here is more information on our website for you: https://amenclinics.com/conditions/bipolar-disorder/, and you can see a few case studies here as well: https://amenclinics.com/case_study/. For more information, feel free to call and speak to a Care Coordinator or you can submit this form online to receive a response via email: https://amenclinics.com/schedule-visit/.
Comment by Amen Clinics — September 17, 2018 @ 9:35 AM
Hello. Do you have any treatment for tinnitus?
Comment by Giancarlo Garcia — July 19, 2019 @ 10:11 AM
Bobby J, look into TMS Therapy immediately. It is a life saver and a life Giver.
I understand AMEN Clinics offer this and it is gaining traction with Pyschiatrists all over the world.
If you have treatment resistent depression then you need to do this. It’s painless, and many experience positive effects in a couple of weeks.
Also, Google Dr. Oz Tms Therapy. Find the show that he did on TMS in 2015. It is an excellent visual demo of TMS Therapy.
Best Wishes.
Mark M
New Jersey
Comment by Mark M — December 17, 2019 @ 11:19 AM
I have Tinnitus in my left ear and it's been a year now with the ringing in the ear plus 1/2 my hearing gone away. I've read many articles on drugs that can help, but that's not true as I have found out through Mayo Clinic, as they say there is No Cure.
I've got all of Dr.Amen discs and been watching quite often, as I thought to myself is there a cure through the Amen Clinic? seeing it has to do with the Brain.Thank you for your time in this matter.
Comment by David Mengo — December 3, 2022 @ 9:08 AM
Hello David, thank you for reaching out. For more information about SPECT scans and our services, please contact our Care Coordinators: https://www.amenclinics.com/schedule-visit/.
Comment by Amen Clinics — January 9, 2023 @ 11:36 AM