It’s back to school time already, which can mean helping your child adjust to a new classroom, new teachers, and for many—new distractions. Getting through this transition can be a challenge for those with undiagnosed or untreated ADD, and can wreak havoc on their lives – and yours! But, it doesn’t have to; learning more about the symptoms and treatment for ADD can lead you and your loved ones to healthier and more productive lives.
One of Dr. Amen’s scientific contributions is, through the use of brain SPECT imaging, he uncovered the 7 subtypes of ADD, each involving a unique pattern of activity in the brain. And, not surprisingly, that each of the ADD types requires a different treatment—not a one-size-fits-all ADD solution.
While each of the 7 types of ADD has its own unique set of symptoms, they generally share the same core symptoms:
- Short attention span
- Distractibility
- Organization problems
- Procrastination
- Problems with follow-through
- Poor impulse control
The 7 Types of ADD:
Type 1: Classic ADD
This first type of ADD – what is known as ADHD (H = Hyperactive), is usually evident early in life. As babies, they tend to be colicky, active and wiggly, growing into children who tend to be restless, noisy, talkative, impulsive and demanding. Their hyperactivity and sometimes conflict-driven behavior gets everyone’s attention early on. Classic ADD tends to be more frequently seen in boys.
Type 2: Inattentive ADD
Those with this type are usually quiet, more introverted and appear to daydream a lot. They may be labeled as unmotivated—even slow or lazy. Inattentive ADD is common in girls and boys but is often missed because children with this type tend to have fewer behavioral problems and don’t draw the negative attention to themselves as do those with Classic ADD. Nonetheless, left untreated they may live life below their true potential.
Type 3: Overfocused ADD
People suffering from this type have most of the ADD features, but rather than not being able to pay attention, they become hyper-focused on certain things while tuning everything else out. These folks tend to get stuck or locked into negative thought patterns and behaviors. This type of ADD is often found in substance abusers as well as the children and grandchildren of alcoholics.
Type 4: Temporal Lobe ADD
In addition to the core features of ADD, people with this type have symptoms associated with temporal lobe problems, such as problems with learning, memory, mood instability, aggression, temper outbursts, and sometimes, even violence. It is not unusual to see this type of ADD in people who have had head injuries.
Type 5: Limbic ADD
In Limbic ADD, the core symptoms of ADD intersect with mood issues and are present over a long period of time. Commonly, people with this type suffer from not only the symptoms of ADD, but also with low self-esteem, sadness, low energy and motivation, and a loss of interest in fun activities.
Type 6: Ring of Fire ADD
With this type, people often have difficulty “turning off” their brains, typically feeling overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, in addition to problems with inattention, distractibility and other core ADD symptoms. Ring of Fire ADD can also be related to some form of allergy, infection or inflammation in the brain, or to bipolar disorder.
Type 7: Anxious ADD
With Type 7, the core symptoms of ADD are compounded by symptoms of anxiety such as worry, nervousness, tension and fear of being judged. Furthermore, the ADD symptoms in people suffering from this type tend to be magnified by their anxiety.
ADD is a neurobiological disorder with serious psychological and social consequences. Children, teens, adults, and parents need to know that it’s not their fault, they didn’t cause it, and there is hope. Amen Clinics is here to help you understand the ADD brain and provide treatment options that address more than just symptoms. Call us today at 888-288-9834 or visit us online to schedule a visit. For daily brain health updates, follow us on Facebook.
How do you keep a child still enough for a SpectScan without anesthesia? Or an EEG? Suppose their ADD is part of their autism?
Comment by BarryStern — September 22, 2017 @ 4:20 AM