My Mom Has Alzheimer’s—Am I Next?

Memory Rescue Genetics

Can there be anything more heart-wrenching than watching a parent struggle with Alzheimer’s disease (AD)? Or more anxiety-provoking than wondering if Alzheimer’s is in your future—especially if you notice your memory slipping?

The risk is real: If you have a family member who has (or had) AD—especially if it’s a first-degree relative like a mom, a dad or a sibling—you’re 3.5 times more likely to develop symptoms than someone with no family history. There are several genes that are known to increase production of the sticky beta-amyloid plaques of Alzheimer’s or the tangles of tau protein that disrupt brain cell function.

But even if you have one of the e4 versions of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, there is a 75 percent chance you won’t get Alzheimer’s!

Research shows that having an APOE e4 is not an unavoidable dementia death sentence.

Learning how to protect yourself and your brain is what the Amen Clinics’ new BRIGHT MINDS Program is all about. Genetics is the fourth of the 11 risk factors that you need to be aware of if you want to keep your mind sharp for the rest of your life. Studies show that knowing your personal vulnerabilities and addressing each one is the most effective way to prevent Alzheimer’s and memory loss—or to get your memory back when it’s weakened.

Here are all 11 risks contained in the words BRIGHT MINDS, which is a simple and effective way to remember them:

B – Blood Flow

R – Retirement/Aging

I – Inflammation

G – Genetics

H – Head Trauma

T – Toxins

M – Mental Health

I – Immunity/Infection Issues

N – Neurohormone Deficiencies

D – Diabesity

S – Sleep Issues

If you have family members with dementia or Alzheimer’s, consider having a test for your APOE gene status so that if you do have one or two e4 variants, you can work wholeheartedly to reduce your other risk factors. Discuss with your physician whether you need to have further genetic testing if there’s a family history of early-onset memory problems.

It’s also wise to reduce your genetic risk with these strategies:

  • Get screened early—at about age 40—for brain and memory issues
  • Exercise—especially if you have the APOE e4 gene
  • Engage in leisure activities like sports or hobbies that involve new learning
  • Avoid head trauma—especially if you have the APOE e4 gene
  • Take a balanced multivitamin/mineral with extra vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA
  • Supplement (to reduce beta-amyloid and tau protein accumulation) with resveratrol, green tea extract, blueberry extract, Panax ginseng, ashwagandha, and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • Eat more polyphenol-rich foods, such as chocolate, green tea, blueberries, kale, apples, cherries and cabbage, and cook with sage and turmeric
  • Avoid foods high in saturated fats that also boost your blood sugar, like pizza, processed cheese, and microwave popcorn

In the video below, Dr. Daniel Amen discusses genetics and the role they play in rescuing your memory today!


Be hypervigilant about your brain health and you could be rewarded with excellent recall and many dementia-free years. To learn more about Amen Clinics Memory Program based on Dr. Amen’s BRIGHT MINDS approach, check it out HERE.


  1. Good morning,my wife has a memory problem big time she was on a study for a couple of years,and she had breast cancer on chemo but what I would like to know is she drink wine and I tell her that it sure dont help,I would like to have your opinion

    Comment by Marel Bernier — November 9, 2018 @ 4:12 AM

  2. I am 45 years old Japanese female who has great interest in health especially brain. My 22 years old daughter has been suffering from mental disorders since little. My 80 years old mother is getting very forgetful. I watched TED and became interested in brain scanning and came to this subscription. Thank you for providing beneficial health information.

    Comment by Kaori Kubo — November 9, 2018 @ 4:13 AM

  3. I live in Houston, Texas. Is there a clinic or a trained physician using your methods that you can recommend? Thank you. Kimberly Thigpen

    Comment by Kimberly Thigpen — November 9, 2018 @ 5:23 AM

  4. My husband has been to your Atlanta Clinic and had a brain scan. There are many questions I/we did not get answered or the information needs more clarification. Is there a physician in the Houston area that I (me alone) can go to to get some answers. A consultation type visit

    Comment by Janie Dale — November 9, 2018 @ 2:14 PM

  5. Excellent article.

    Comment by Danette Howard — November 10, 2018 @ 5:26 AM

  6. I have essential tremor. It was diagnosed partly on the fact that alcohol helps calm the shakiness. I was perscribed an antibiotic that reacted badly with alcohol so I stopped. Started noticing shakiness in my knees and loss of the ability to remember common words (gutter). Went to neurologist for shaky knees. He asked if I drank and I told him I’d quit. He said I should seriously consider starting drinking again (off that antibiotic). I did and the difference was amazing. I noticed a significant lessening in knee shakiness and also a great deal of improvement in memory.

    Comment by Elizabeth Davidson — November 10, 2018 @ 8:10 AM

  7. Excellent information. Thank you for all your brilliant effort in trying to help us all.
    Looking at my own family history….I see a definite link between high cholesterol resulting in dementia, stroke and cerebral haemorrhage.

    Comment by Pamela HOLDSWORTH — November 10, 2018 @ 4:41 PM

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