Do You Know the 9 Herbs and Spices that Fight Memory Loss?

Do You Know the 9 Herbs and Spices that Fight Memory Loss?

If you’re worried about forgetfulness, you might want to take a look in your kitchen cupboards. Why? Because some of the most common herbs and spices that people use to add flavor to foods may also fight memory loss. According to the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that spices may prevent or even halt neurodegenerative disorders commonly seen in aging, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Here are 9 herbs and spices that have solid scientific evidence showing neuroprotective and memory-enhancing properties. Be sure to stock up on these the next time you go to the market and try the brain healthy serving suggestions below.     

1. Cinnamon

The sweet/savory spice has been found to improve working memory in older adults and in people who are prediabetic while improving blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. It has also been shown to inhibit tau aggregation (the tangles seen in Alzheimer’s disease) and to lower cholesterol, fasting glucose, and HbA1c levels and improve insulin sensitivity. 

A healthy way to dish it up: Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in your morning shake for a brain healthy way to start your day.

2. Curcumin

A polyphenol mix from turmeric root that is used in curry, curcumin contains at least three curcuminoids that have been shown to decrease beta-amyloid plaques and inflammation. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, a special curcumin preparation with enhanced absorption (Longvida) improved memory and attention after just 1 hour. After 4 weeks, working memory, energy levels, calmness and contentedness (as measures of mood) and even fatigue induced by psychological stress were all significantly improved.

A healthy way to dish it up: Curcumin comes from the turmeric root. Sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric spice in soups, stew, or curries.

3. Ginger

An anti-inflammatory agent, ginger may protect against neurodegenerative diseases and reduce the oxidative stress that causes brain cells to age and die. Ginger also contains natural antiemetic agents to help decrease nausea and vomiting. It is also believed to help lower cholesterol. Note: Ginger has natural anticoagulant properties, so if you are taking anticoagulant medication, check with your healthcare provider before using ginger supplements.

A healthy way to dish it up: For a fragrant ginger tea, grate three teaspoons of fresh ginger root, place it in one cup of boiled water, cover and steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain before drinking.  

4. Mint

When most of us think of mint, we typically think of toothpaste, gum, or breath fresheners. But mint leaves possess other powerful health benefits. According to a study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, the scent of peppermint improves memory and focus.

A healthy way to dish it up: Add mint leaves to water or smoothies, or chop and add to any salad to give it a fresh, summery twist.  

5. Nutmeg

This aromatic spice contains myristicin, which helps to prevent the formation of beta-amyloid plaques (the plaques seen in Alzheimer’s disease). It also contains eugenol, a compound thought to be cardioprotective.

A healthy way to dish it up: Though commonly used in baking, nutmeg adds a delicious twist to lamb stew.

6. Rosemary

This well-known herb offers protection from the cognitive decline associated with dementia and may provide new hope in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Just the smell of rosemary has been shown to help memory.

A healthy way to dish it up: Probably one of the most versatile herbs for creating marinades and salad dressings, rosemary adds great flavor to salads, poultry, and meat.

7. Saffron

A 2016 study found that saffron may improve memory in people with Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, multiple studies at the University of Teheran in Iran found that saffron was as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with mild to moderate depression. Depression has associated with memory problems and forgetfulness. 

A healthy way to dish it up: Add about ½ teaspoon of saffron to two cups of quinoa while cooking for a mood-boosting side dish.

8. Sage

When you keep losing your car keys, it’s time for some sage. A 2017 review of the existing scientific evidence on sage shows that the aptly named spice revs up memory in both the younger and older generations, and it also minimizes the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Sage works by inhibiting an enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which needs to be at high levels to boost memory.

A healthy way to dish it up: Add two tablespoons of chopped fresh sage leaves to enhance the flavor of winter soups.

9. Thyme

This flavorful herb helps to protect neurons in the brain from premature aging. It also increases the amount of active omega-3 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase working memory, executive function, and mood, and decrease brain atrophy.

A healthy way to dish it up: The next time you roast a turkey, rub it with two tablespoons of chopped fresh thyme leaves in addition to your other favorite herbs before cooking.

If you or a loved one is suffering from memory issues, understand that there are many things you can do to prevent or reverse memory loss. At Amen Clinics, we use brain SPECT imaging as part of a comprehensive evaluation to help us develop a personalized treatment plan to prevent or reverse memory issues. Our Memory Rescue program has already helped many patients improve their memory.

Speak to a specialist today at 888-288-9834. If all our specialists are busy helping others, you can also schedule a time to talk.


  1. I am eighty five year old women with dementia. I am enjoying all the things you are discussing in the posts that I am seeing from you.

    Betty Ann

    Comment by Betty Ann Riley — May 29, 2020 @ 7:35 AM

  2. How often do I use these herbs and spices to help brain functioning?

    Comment by Ruthie Cann — May 29, 2020 @ 9:06 AM

  3. please let me know if there is anything to do or supplement to take for tinnitus. I am desperate for help

    Comment by madeline durant — May 30, 2020 @ 3:37 AM

  4. Thanks Dr Amen. Food is medicine for our minds, bodies and spirits!

    Comment by Stephanie Grey FCN Director — May 30, 2020 @ 12:09 PM

  5. I am a 80 years old. I tend to forget a lot. I have to older sisters. My mother died while suffering of dementia and alzheimer. Am I T risk. Please let know. Thanks.

    Comment by Elena Valentin — June 1, 2020 @ 6:52 AM

  6. I am a Licensed Therapeutic Massage practitioner. Acupressure around the inside of the orbit of the outer ear can be very successful in relieving tinnitus. Hopefully it can be successful for you.

    Comment by Ruth Kramer — June 1, 2020 @ 8:13 PM

  7. Thank you so much for the herbs and spices that Fight Memory Loss –

    Comment by Patricia A Garner — June 2, 2020 @ 2:32 PM

  8. Hello Ruthie,

    I am of Southeast Asian background and have used these herbs daily, three meals and sometimes some cultural savory beverages. So you can use them as many times and often.

    BUT the amount should be carefully used.

    You don’t use spoons full in each service, it’s always a half or a quarter of a tea spoons.

    Comment by Naila Qazi — June 5, 2020 @ 12:30 PM

  9. where is this located? top or bottom of ear?

    Comment by mary marino — June 23, 2020 @ 11:18 AM

  10. For Madeline Durant, I also have tinnitus. It is worse when I don’t get enough rest, but most of all I have found it is related to diet. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet, staying off sugars, carbs such as grains, starchy veggies, most dairy, my tinnitus dissipates or disappears. Inflammation can show up in many ways- arthritis, migraines, allergies, brain fog, depression, fatigue. Changing my diet changed my life.

    The other thing that made a huge difference–belly breathing and meditation. Try breathing in, pushing your belly out, holding for 4-5 count, and breathing out for 6. Do at least 3 at a time, at least 3 times per day. Before meals is a good time to relax. You are taking your body out of stress mode, “fight or flight”, and into “rest and relax” mode.
    Here’s a meditation I found helpful:

    Hope this helps, Madeline. Praying you’ll have improvement!
    Diane English

    Comment by Diane English — August 1, 2020 @ 1:40 PM

  11. I keep forgetting people’s names, where I have placed my belongings. I am suffering from dementia? Alzheimer?

    Comment by Germaine — December 3, 2021 @ 2:40 AM

  12. I usually forget things quickly when I study and it has made me fail my exams too .so I need help

    Comment by Destiny — May 21, 2022 @ 5:46 AM

  13. Hello Destiny, thank you for reaching out. For more information about SPECT scans and our services, please contact our Care Coordinators:

    Comment by Amen Clinics — May 23, 2022 @ 3:09 PM

  14. As above, please let me know if there is anything to do or supplement to take for tinnitus. I am desperate for help

    Comment by John H. Julian — November 4, 2022 @ 3:49 AM

  15. I would love an Organic 9 Spice blend supplement by Brain MD!

    Comment by Cindy — November 4, 2022 @ 5:58 AM

    TO BE 83 years old FEBURARY 1923.

    Comment by Ruthie Bailey — November 4, 2022 @ 6:27 PM

  17. do you recommend Longvida? Or another one? Do you need to take pepper with tumeric? Thanks.

    Comment by Carolyn — November 4, 2022 @ 7:51 PM

  18. Thank you so much , lately I have been depressed and I started loosing my memory,I have all the plants you have mentioned but did not know they can help me.thank you so blessed

    Comment by Justine — November 7, 2022 @ 12:29 PM

  19. Very informative thanks

    Comment by Patricia Brown — November 26, 2022 @ 4:27 AM

  20. Thank you, for alighting us about herbs and spices treating Alzheimer's and dementia.
    Keep it up.

    Comment by Mabokang Semoko — December 10, 2022 @ 11:58 PM

  21. My mother has dementia, what can she take to help improve her memory and slow the progression of her dementia?

    Comment by Julia — January 24, 2023 @ 1:19 PM

  22. Hello Julia, thank you for reaching out. For more information about SPECT scans and our services, please contact our Care Coordinators: For information about Dr. Daniel Amen's recommended, brain-directed supplements visit

    Comment by Amen Clinics — February 7, 2023 @ 8:23 AM

  23. I am 84 years old and feel like I might have the start of dementia. I am interested in taking these supplements

    Comment by Marie Roy — February 20, 2023 @ 9:03 AM

  24. Hello Marie, thank you for reaching out. For more information about Dr. Daniel Amen's recommended, brain-directed supplements please visit

    Comment by Amen Clinics — February 28, 2023 @ 11:46 AM

  25. I know all those herbs and spices I have them in my kitchen I use some of them every day and didn’t know they was so powerful. I made ginger beer a lot .
    Very refreshing turmeric,nutmeg. ,and cinnamon these spices are very powerful go ahead and use them no side effects. Be bless

    Comment by Verona — May 1, 2023 @ 11:21 PM

  26. Easily forgotten what i read

    Comment by Mohammed Sani — May 11, 2023 @ 3:25 PM

  27. I am type 2 diabetic. Insulin dependent. Can I use these herbs?

    Comment by Jane monroe — August 26, 2023 @ 4:50 AM

  28. I will be 80 years on my next birthday. I am forgetting it same more each day . However, things does come back later. I truly have enjoyed reading others comments . I would like to know about your clinic . Thanks in advanced . MH

    Comment by Mary H — September 11, 2023 @ 2:05 AM

  29. Thank you very much

    Comment by saundra — October 27, 2023 @ 1:46 AM

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