Have you experienced extreme trauma in your life?
Susan had. She had experienced extreme emotional trauma in her life. And she came to see us in Orange County, CA, for help. After a full evaluation including brain SPECT imaging, Dr. Garrett Halweg showed her how parts of her brain were more vulnerable to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
How TMS Helped Susan
He suggested transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as part of her personalized depression and anxiety treatment plan—it changed her life. Hear Susan’s full story in the video below…
About TMS
Some people with depression just don’t get results from medication, or the side effects from medication are too much to bear.
In 2008, the FDA approved TMS for treating depressed adults for whom at least one antidepressant has failed to effectively resolve the symptoms of depression.
TMS uses a non-invasive, highly focused, brief magnetic pulse to stimulate activity in the areas of the brain known to affect mood—without the troubling side effects people often experience from taking medication.
One TMS study that involved over 300 patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder demonstrated two impressive results:
• Acute (short-term) treatment with TMS provided symptomatic improvement in 62% of patients, and 41% of patients experienced complete remission
• Out of those who had experienced relief from acute (short-term) TMS treatment, 68% achieved symptomatic improvement and 45% reported complete remission after 12 months
What TMS Can Help With
While TMS is FDA approved for the treatment of major depression, there is now significant evidence that TMS can be helpful in treating a wide range of brain-related issues, including:
• Addiction
• Anxiety
• Migraines
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Cognitive and memory issues
• Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
TMS Offers New Hope
TMS is appropriate for anyone who has not had success in controlling certain conditions with medications or therapy alone, or someone who wants a more natural approach to treatment.
We Can Help You!
Your Amen Clinics specialist can help you decide if TMS may be right for you. If you are ready to regain control over your life or help a loved one do the same, give us a call at 888-288-9834 or click here to ask a question.
As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I certainly treat a lot of patients for depression. I am well versed in Functional Medicine, and start with root cause treatments first, lifestyle, etc. I am interested in this for of treatment (transcranial mag stim). Do patients need to go through the full evaluation and SPECT scan to be considered for this form of treatment? Thank you.
Comment by Dianne Avey — January 26, 2018 @ 6:17 AM
Can TMS help people with bipolar disorder who do respond to SSRI therapy but would rather not be on them longterm? (Side effects on the liver)
Comment by Linda — January 26, 2018 @ 7:26 AM
Hello Linda, for more information about TMS and how it relates to this specific instance, we do have information on our website here. And you can call and speak to a Care Coordinator at 888-288-9834.
Comment by Amen Clinics — January 26, 2018 @ 11:59 AM
Hello Dianne, thank you for this question. A patient can make a consult with a specialist to determine if TMS is the right treatment. We can then determine the circumstances of the patient and if a SPECT scan is needed or if TMS can be used immediately to ease the symptoms. For more information, you can call our Care Coordinators at 888-288-9834.
Comment by Amen Clinics — January 26, 2018 @ 12:02 PM
Where is your nearest facility? Am wondering if this could be beneficial to my son who is suffering from addition, depression, low teststosterone.
Comment by Marcia Michael — February 5, 2018 @ 4:48 AM
Hello, Is TMS a procedure that is typically covered by Heath Insurance?
Comment by Robin — February 5, 2018 @ 5:47 AM
I am a psychologist in the mid Missouri area. How expensive is TMS? And does insurance typically cover it? I need to know for my clients’ perspective.
Comment by susan murray smart — February 5, 2018 @ 7:18 AM
I live in Ontario Canada and would like to know if this treatment TMS is available here?
Also is there an Amen Clinics here in Canada?
Comment by Don P — February 5, 2018 @ 7:31 AM
Hello Don, we are able to provide information and possible referrals in your area for treatment options and TMS. Our Care Coordinators are available at 949-266-3715.
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 5, 2018 @ 9:52 AM
Hello Susan, to get accurate pricing and treatment availability for our 7 clinic locations, please call our Care Coordinators at 888-288-9834 and they can give you information on TMS as well as insurance, reimbursement, and financing options for your clients. Thank you for contacting Amen Clinics!
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 5, 2018 @ 9:54 AM
Hello Robin, please call our Care Coordinators at 888-288-9834 and they can give you information on TMS as well as insurance, reimbursement, and financing options.
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 5, 2018 @ 9:54 AM
Hello Marcia, our locations are listed here – https://amenclinics.com/locations/. You can also call us for more information about treatment options for your son at 888-288-9834. Thank you for reaching out to us!
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 5, 2018 @ 9:55 AM
Hi Don,
You may be able to get TMS in Toronto through one of more academically-oriented institutions. I do not know the availability or cost for that.
Another option is to consider one of the private TMS clinics elsewhere in Canada. There is one in Calgary, for example (Riverview). We also have one here in Vancouver, BrainStim Healthcare Associates (www.brainstim.ca) and we offer accelerated twice-daily treatments to out-of-town patients so that the treatment course can be completed in two weeks.
Stephen Wiseman MD
BrainStim, Vancouver
Comment by Dr. Stephen Wiseman — February 5, 2018 @ 11:09 AM
Can you tell me the difference between TMS and Neurofeedback? Can they be used simultaneously or alternately? My daughter’s SPECT showed PTSD and we did 25 sessions of Neurofeedback which helped for sure but now she is back in college and I think we need to find something to keep her healing on track. Do you have a list of recommended TMS providers around the country? thanks
Comment by Connie D — February 5, 2018 @ 12:43 PM