Dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is challenging for both children and parents.
To better manage the family impact of ADD/ADHD it’s important that all members of the family discuss and understand how ADD/ADHD effects their home, school, and relationships. Even the best parenting skills can wane when they’re up against the day-to-day stress of having an ADD/ADHD child or teenager in the family.
Here are 10 Tips to Better Manage Families with ADD/ADHD:
1. Identify the Issue
Get a professional medical opinion to identify the issue. Then you can create the appropriate action plan and seek the support needed. Denial will only perpetuate stress and suffering.
2. ADD Runs in Families
Every member of the family who has ADD needs to be treated, parents included. ADD has genetic underpinnings, it is helpful to screen all immediate family members.
3. Exercise Together
Physical exercise is fun and has many tangible mental and physical health benefits.
4. Be Flexible
Don’t push when you see your child get stuck or locked into a particular idea.
5. Schedule Quiet Time
If your child is noisy and you prefer quiet, make sure that you allot yourself enough “quiet time” so that you can recharge your batteries and be more able to deal with the noise.
6. Learn to Forgive
Harboring bad feelings has a negative effect on your brain and body. Forgiveness and understanding go a long way in helping families heal.
7. Avoid Sugar
Avoid irritable, oppositional and cranky behavior by avoiding food and drinks with high sugar content.
8. Children Respond Well to Touch
Give lots of hugs. The more touching and connecting there is, the more relaxed everyone will feel.
9. Communication is Key
Make sure that you, the parent, has someone to talk to about the stresses of your life. The better you handle your own stress, the less likely you will be to take it out on your children.
10. Try Deep Breathing
Learn how to breathe slowly when things are getting out of control. Gaining control over your breathing is the first step to controlling your actions. Whenever you start to get upset, try these three steps:
- Take a big breath in
- Hold it for 2 seconds
- Then, very slowly exhale for between 5-10 seconds
To help promote more positive relationships, try a few of these tips and start creating a more harmonious family environment.
We Can Help
ADD is a neurobiological disorder with serious psychological and social consequences. Children, teens, adults and parents need to know that it’s not their fault, they didn’t cause it, and there is hope.
Amen Clinics is here to help you understand the ADD brain and provide treatment options that address more than just symptoms. Call us today at 888-288-9834 or visit us online to schedule a visit.
How do I go about getting my children screened for ADHD in the UK? It is such a demanding process to get an assessment here, and my children don’t have really obvious signs of ADHD. I have been diagnosed (at 42yrs!) And my second eldest son was diagnosed when he was 7yrs (now 21yrs old). It seems obvious to me that the whole family should be screened…..But that option doesn’t seem to be automatically available here. Thank you
Comment by Rachael — March 23, 2017 @ 12:32 AM