Food: What’s Healthy? What’s Not?

Food: What’s Healthy? What’s Not?

When it comes to food, knowing what’s healthy and what isn’t can be tough. The food industry has done a masterful job of brainwashing people into believing that their products are good for you. Wrong! Get the real dish on healthy eating from nutrition coaches Tana Amen, the co-author of The Brain Warrior’s Way and several brain healthy cookbooks, and Mareya Ibrahim (aka the “Fit Foodie”) and author of Eat Like You Give a Fork. The two women met on ABC’s Recipe Rehab when they were both contributing to the #1 New York Times bestseller The Daniel Plan, written by Dr. Daniel Amen, Pastor Rick Warren, and Dr. Mark Hyman.

Join these two in a week-long series of the Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, in which they share their secrets to the food swaps, easy cooking methods, and simple mindset strategies that can help you shift to a way of eating that will help you thrive. Find out what to put on your fork will boost your moods, supercharge your energy, sharpen your thinking, and more.

In this entertaining and insightful series, you’ll discover:

  • Why everything you put on the end of your fork matters
  • How to retrain your taste buds using an 8-day reset that will make you crave healthy food—it’s true!
  • Ways to transform your kitchen and rehab your refrigerator to make healthy meal prep so much easier
  • Why you can’t believe food labels that say “healthy”
  • What knowing your motivation has to do with getting healthy
  • The foods that blitz your brain and shut down the signals that tell your body you’re satisfied
  • How even if you’re eating 2,000 calories a day, you could still be malnourished
  • How feeling depressed or lethargic could be a sign you aren’t getting certain key nutrients
  • Why it’s never too late—or too early—to change your eating habits and start changing your DNA in a positive way
  • How you can overcome a family history of obesity, diabetes, and cancer to have the brain and body you want
  • Why it’s a good idea to eat vegan twice a week
  • The best ancient grains to help you get all the amino acids you need

Listen to the 4-part series on Eat Like You Give a Fork on the Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast.

At Amen Clinics, we have helped thousands of people use nutrition to help balance their brain and minimize symptoms of mental health/brain health issues. If you or a family member needs help, call 888-288-9834 or schedule a visit online.


  1. I’m a 41 year old male. Never married, no kids. I started drugs in HS. I had unusual reactions to all drugs. On cocaine I walked out apartment of friends. Nothing look familiar.Clueless where my car was. That was early 20s. Now I only feel joy on Klonopins. Can’t hold job. Just lost a City job with awesome benefits. Not there long enough to use it. Any advice. I’m nice looking guy but haven’t had a girlfriend since my 20s. I can’t continue living another 40 years this way. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Comment by Brian Williams — August 5, 2019 @ 3:04 AM

  2. Hello Brian, thank you for reaching out. We would like to contact you directly to discuss more, we will reach out via email or phone. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

    Comment by Amen Clinics — August 5, 2019 @ 7:18 AM

  3. These two women are amazing and so very, very blessed. To have the time to cook fresh food every day or have a food prep day. Oh my, how nice would that be. It’s worth reading both their books to find out how on earth they do this

    Comment by Sarah Edwards — August 8, 2019 @ 9:12 AM

  4. veryone wants to stay healthy and nutrition is the most important aspect of our health, the procedure with which we utilize food for energy and healthy growth. A balanced diet always helps in reducing chances of heart disease, diabetes but still people neglect nutrition while thinking of nutrition. Both fitness and nutrition are inter-related terms but the problem is how to choose balanced diet plan. There is no shortcut to have a fit body. Only thing to do is to burn as much calories as one can consume and to burn fat, energy is required. Avoiding fats and carbohydrates only makes you little harmless but you cannot think yourself healthier by doing this. To burn fat, you need to eat very carefully. You intake foods of many types like vegetables, fruits, fish, cereals and milk products. A balanced diet plan provides your body a proper ratio of fats, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. Excessive intake of these products also causes adverse affects. Every health expert always suggests you that only consuming a healthy food alone never enable your body to function properly. With balanced diet, you also need to take part in physical activities. Fitness related to various activities which enables your muscles to work regular and control over pumping of heart beat. Fitness is equally important as nutrition because it is also an essential part to have healthy life style. This unique relationship works well for those people suffering from overweight problem. Both fitness and nutrition play essential role in stimulating metabolism rate of human body. If you are seeking to have a healthy body and want to enjoy lifestyle, you should remember why nutrition and fitness is important in your life. Replace your fatty, processed food with natural and fresh organic choices.

    Comment by bathroom scale benefits — September 21, 2019 @ 9:44 AM

  5. My name is Chris I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder in my teen years also have adhd. For years I have struggled with poor nutrition . However, I started to use a magnesium supplement which has give me more focus. so that task are much easier to complete. I don't exercise regularly however, I will start. My question is what diet would give greater longevity and have a impact on my wellbeing ?. I would like to do a more plant based diet but would a keto diet be more beneficial ?

    Comment by Christopher Brunetti — November 17, 2023 @ 8:53 PM

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