Dr. David Keator, M.S., Ph.D. has been an active researcher in the fields of neuroimaging and neuroinformatics applied to psychiatric and neurological disorders for over twenty years. Prior to coming to the Amen Clinics, his research was focused in three principle domains: (1) Identifying brain-based biomarkers of dementia in Down Syndrome, traumatic brain injury (TBI), Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease; (2) The development of advanced machine learning models for problems in neuroimaging and medicine; (3) Developing biomedical informatics tools and techniques for the field of neuroimaging and applying them to problems in medicine. In each of these domains he has made significant research contributions, many of which have gained international exposure. At the Amen Clinics, Dr. Keator’s research will focus on understanding how SPECT neuroimaging can be used to identify brain-based biomarkers of psychiatric disorders and provide evidence-based guidance about treatment selection and outcomes.