5 Brain Facts You Need To Know

Blog-5 Brain Facts You Need To Know

Your brain is involved in everything you do and everything you are. When it works right, you work right, but when it doesn’t, you are more likely to struggle in your everyday life. Since the brain is still malleable until 25, it is important that YOU take the proper steps to care, nourish, protect and optimize your brain.

But what are those steps? We’re here to help you get on track!

You Are Your Brain

As profound as this might sound, the simple fact is that you are a construct of your brain. Let’s think about this for a second. Your heartbeat, bodily functions, organs, movements, thoughts, moods, actions, reactions, interactions, personality, memories, health, spirituality, happiness, feelings, relationships, successes, energy, focus, creativity, failures, problem-solving skills, anxieties, diet, decisions, hurts and dreams are all dependent upon the moment by moment functioning of the three-pound super computer housed within your skull. Your brain is involved in every aspect of your life. It controls everything.

Your Brain is Complex

As much as we have learned about the brain in just the past decade, we still have not even scratched the surface of understanding how incredibly complicated the human brain is. In fact, many argue that there is nothing in the universe more complicated than the human brain. Your brain is estimated to have more than one hundred billion neurons within it, and these neurons have trillions of supporting cells. The critical consensus is that there are more connections in your brain than there are stars in the universe.

Your Brain is Not Fully Developed Until Age Twenty-Five

We may like to assume that we are adults when we turn eighteen; however, the truth is our brain is still undergoing a significant amount of construction until our mid-twenties. Research has shown that the brain is not fully developed until a person reaches about the age of twenty-five. For males, full development can extend until the age of twenty-eight. What does this mean for you? If you are under twenty-five, this means every decision you make, every thought you have, every action you take, all the food you eat, the amount of sleep you get and everything else you do throughout your day has significant impact on your developing brain.

Your Brain is Quite Fragile

When you think of the human brain, we often imagine a rubbery, firm organ. This is probably because the brains we have seen outside of skulls are typically kept in formaldehyde, which makes the brain firmer and rubberier than it really is. Your living brain has about the same consistency as warm butter, an egg white, soft gelatin or soft tofu. While your skull protects your brain, the brain is still quite vulnerable.

When Your Brain Works Right, You Work Right

Think of what happens when the hard drive on your computer is not functioning at its best. It could be due to a virus, the fragmentation of data, clutter or a host of other issues. What happens when there is a problem with the engine of your car? It doesn’t run quite right. Many people don’t realize that the human brain works in a very similar way. When your brain is working right, you have a much greater chance of working to your full potential. This is when you have the greatest access to yourself and have the ability to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

There are many ways to optimize your brain and your mind by the age of 25. You can create a brain healthy life by learning how to love and care for your brain, and by focusing on what you love about your life a lot more than what you don’t. PASS IT ON. Take what you have learned here to develop your brain healthy life and teach it to others. By creating brain healthy families, businesses and communities ALL of us benefit.

If you would like more information about how to get the most out of your brain before you’re 25 you can find it here. If you are past the age of 25 and would like a clinical evaluation, there is hope. You can change your brain and change our life. Call us at 888-288-9834 or visit us online to schedule a visit.


  1. The brain develops even after you hit 25. Why are all the Professors well over 25? The brain develops for as long as you use it!

    Comment by Derick Poremba-Brumer — October 10, 2018 @ 3:04 AM

  2. Thank you so much for all your information it’s helped me so much I pass it to all my friends I desired to have a better brain I have took in some of Amen courses and one day I’ll be visiting your clinic I want to subscribe also to some of his medication or vitamins keep sending your post I’m very interested in addictions I have family that I’ve been praying for have a blessed day

    Comment by Irma Banuelos — October 10, 2018 @ 5:56 AM

  3. How much permanent memory loss can occur because of continued stress or hidden depression?

    Comment by Ledbetter Cynthia — October 10, 2018 @ 9:52 AM

  4. My Mother, & 4 of her siblings all had Dementia & her Mother had Alzheimer’s Disease. Does that mean that myself, my siblings & cousins have a great chance of having Dementia?

    Comment by LINDA DAVIS — October 10, 2018 @ 6:15 PM

  5. I am not aware of anything that cannot be reversed unless the cells are dead Even then the body will respond to major increases in blood flow.

    Comment by Steve Pohlit — October 12, 2018 @ 3:05 PM

  6. There is an inherited gene that increases the likelihood of developing brain disorder. Dr Amen can give you more information about that What I have been taught is the body can defer the development of a brain disorder and even reverse it with a substantial influence on blood flow. So far I have not caught Dr Amen’s attention on how energy medicine helps

    Comment by Steve Pohlit — October 12, 2018 @ 3:10 PM

  7. EMF is a big threat to our brain and overall health I represent two companies that have products that address this threat

    Comment by Steve Pohlit — October 12, 2018 @ 3:12 PM

  8. Are melamine dishes safe ?

    Comment by Deborah — October 13, 2018 @ 5:01 AM

  9. Is there a way to increase brain function after 700?

    Comment by Graciela Gerber — October 13, 2018 @ 6:46 AM

  10. While brain development is so important and so different developmentally , what is the best advice you can give teachers who teach children that are 3-5 years of age? Solid advice that they can use in a preschool classroom. Unfortunately we do not have control over the food they eat. But what can you say about brain development?

    Comment by Maria Maiorano — October 16, 2018 @ 3:24 PM

  11. Hello Maria, thank you for reaching out. We do have materials geared towards children that promote brain health in a simpler and visual way.
    Classroom Posters:
    Children’s Books:

    Comment by Amen Clinics — October 16, 2018 @ 3:51 PM

  12. How do we keep the cells in your body from dying? How do you keep your brain and cells alive and flowing

    Comment by Sherrie — November 8, 2018 @ 8:17 AM

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