Having a poor memory is one of the first warning signs your brain may be in trouble, especially if it’s worse than it was 10 years ago. Many people think that having memory problems in their 50’s and 60’s is normal. But, it’s not. It is a sign your brain is struggling.
Do you have a family member who has Alzheimer’s?
Have you been diagnosed with ADD?
Have you been diagnosed with depression?
Have you ever suffered a head injury?
Have you ever suffered a stroke?
Do you have a personal history of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer?
Do you exercise less than twice a week?
Do you NOT engage in regular learning?
If you answered yes to any combination of these, you may be at risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
The statistics on Alzheimer’s are truly alarming:
• There are 5.4 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease.
• One in eight older Americans has Alzheimer’s disease.
• Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States and the only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States that cannot be prevented or cured.
Do you want to live until you are 85 or beyond?
Did you know that 50% of people 85 years old will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease … and with the Baby Boomers aging, Alzheimer’s is expected to triple in the coming decade? And there is no cure for it on the horizon.
Researchers believe that Alzheimer’s disease actually starts in the brain 30-50 YEARS before people display any symptoms. Can you see the problem here? You have NO symptoms at all, but your brain is already starting to deteriorate, decades before you have any signs of trouble.
For the person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at age 59, he or she likely started to have trouble in the brain by the age of 30. The person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in his early 70s, likely already had brain changes in his 40s.
Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Prevented?
Yes, more than half of the cases of Alzheimer’s disease, and the other causes of dementia, CAN be prevented.
Steps to Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease:
• With current prevention strategies you can delay onset of Alzheimer’s by 6 years or more.
• Know and reduce your risk.
• Keep your body and brain active.
• Take antioxidants and increase them in your diet.
• Decrease beta amyloid.
Beta amyloid is thought to be one of the major mechanisms for causing Alzheimer’s. Think of beta amyloid as a sticky, gooey gum-like substance that gets dropped into electric nerve cells fields, causing short circuits. Too many short circuits and you will have serious problems thinking and remembering.
How We Can Help
Keeping your brain healthy with age requires forethought, a well-researched scientific plan, and a good prefrontal cortex so that you will follow through on the plan.
If you or a loved one is suffering from any of the symptoms of memory problems, dementia, or Alzheimer’s, The Amen Clinics Method of integrative psychiatric care can help. Using innovative and personalized care, our outcomes consistently demonstrate improvement for patients – including many who have tried and failed prior treatment.
Our Memory Rescue Program includes an analysis of your biological/psychological/social/spiritual history, coupled with two brain SPECT imaging scans (at rest and at concentration), cognitive testing, and clinical assessment is designed to address your unique needs and offer targeted treatment options. Amen Clinics has locations nationally to serve you. We invite you to call today, (888) 288-9834 or visit us online.
Do you have any clinics in the Chicagoland area? Do You accept insurance for your brain care program or is it not something that is not covered? What is the cost? Thanks Roberta
Comment by Roberta — February 17, 2018 @ 10:03 PM
Hello Roberta, we do have a clinic located in Bannockburn, IL. You can read more about this clinic here – https://amenclinics.com/locations/chicago/. To inquire about cost, financing options, and insurance, please call our Care Coordinators at 888-288-9834. Thank you!
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 20, 2018 @ 10:11 AM