We know that giving blood is an act of life-saving benevolence. Rolling up your sleeve for 45 minutes can rescue the lives of as many of three patients. But did you know that it can provide benefits for you too? It turns out, a regular blood donor may reap many perks.
Here are four health benefits that may pay you back for your contribution.
Studies suggest that many of us consume more iron than we need to maintain good health. Lower the iron levels in your body every time you give blood, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
High blood iron levels have the potential to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease because iron accelerates the oxidation process of cholesterol in the body, which damages arteries. Iron stimulates cells to churn out free radicals, molecules that may contribute to cancer and other diseases of aging. Studies show that high iron levels in your blood are also associated with premature aging.
Women tend to outlive men and are generally better at postponing the onset of age-related diseases, and one theory involves iron loss due to menstruation.
Do you have high iron levels? Get your levels checked to find out. Ferritin measures iron stores in the blood. Levels between 50 and 100 ng/mL are ideal. Levels below 50 ng/mL can cause problems, such as anxiety, fatigue, restless legs, and ADHD. High levels, over 250 ng/mL are associated with iron overload and increase the risk of inflammation, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
Causes of high iron levels: Causes of too much iron include regular alcohol consumption, cooking in iron pans, foods fortified with iron, well water high in iron, or vitamin or mineral supplements with extra iron. Some people are genetically predisposed to absorb too much iron from food.
High iron levels can also contribute to the development and growth of tumors. A 2014 study in Cancer Research found that high iron levels in the blood were associated with a 25% increased risk of all cancers and a 39% increase in the risk of dying from cancer. And consuming large amounts of dietary iron is linked with increased risk of colorectal cancer.
Consistent blood donation is associated with lowered risks for cancers, including liver, lung, colon, stomach, and throat cancers. Risk levels dropped in correlation with how often participants donated blood. As a rule, you can safely donate blood every 56 days.
High levels of iron in the blood have been cited as a risk factor for heart attack. Regular blood donors can mitigate that risk. Research shows that men who donate regularly over many years have an 88% lower risk of heart attacks and a 33% lower risk of any severe cardiovascular event, such as a stroke.
When you donate blood, your body replaces the blood volume within 48 hours of donation, and all of the red blood cells you lose during donation are completely replaced within four to eight weeks. This process of replenishment can help your body stay healthy and work more efficiently and productively.
Donating blood can also improve your emotional health. According to the Mental Health Foundation, doing good for others is also good for your psyche. Among the many emotional benefits are:
- Reducing stress
- Enhancing emotional well-being
- Minimizing negative thoughts and feelings
- Providing a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of social isolation
Every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, with a total of 44,000 blood donations needed every day. By donating blood, you can help people who are fighting cancer, as well as those suffering from a bleeding disorder, chronic anemia, and other blood abnormalities. Not only does it help you save lives, but it also helps you stay physically and mentally healthy in the process.
Be aware that age and weight restrictions regarding blood donations may vary from state to state. Be sure to check if you’re eligible to donate.
At Amen Clinics we believe the health of your body and your brain comes first. If you or someone you know is struggling and needs help, call us today at 888-288-9834 or schedule a visit.
The first step for the act of kindness: At this time, mostly peoples are very busy in the life and they ignore surrounding peoples. We need to admire them for communicating. After this, you can discuss with the community about kindness.
Comment by Josefin Björnberg — July 16, 2016 @ 2:24 AM
I have been told years ago that anyone under 110 lbs could not give blood. Is this still true? Was on iron as a child for anemia and would imagine I still have some of that in me considering I hang onto the heavy metals rather strongly. It might help all my health problems but my weight hasn’t been over 110 as an adult except when pregnant.
Comment by Rita Gerber — September 18, 2017 @ 5:31 AM
I was listening to a medical podcast that said that your ferritin or iron levels should be between 20 and 50. Cardiologist say that when your iron levels exceed 100, then they want you to start blood donations to get it down to below 50 again to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. I thought I would have my ferritin levels tested, so I went to requestatest.com to order the test at a local grocery store that had a quest diagnostics location within it. The test said that my ferritin levels were at 318. Eight blood donations later I have it down to 67. It looks like I should continue donating blood every 60 days for the rest of my life. Taking vitamin C increases the iron absorption rate. It is best to test. The test was only $29.
Comment by Hans Kasper — January 10, 2018 @ 4:39 AM
If you have herpes can you donate blood?
Comment by Deirdre — January 10, 2018 @ 11:08 AM
Donating blood is A small, easy sacrifice that reaps a huge reward for the recipient.
I donate every 2 months and have done so for years. I’m 63 years old, take daily supplements and are on no prescribed medications. I exercise daily and have a healthy diet.
Knowing that donating is also good for my body just reinforces my commitment to continue donating.
Comment by Joan — January 10, 2018 @ 4:28 PM
If you have been told your blood is not acceptable because of X, Y, or Z etc. How can you get the personal benefits. Are we back to bloodletting?
Comment by Eve — January 14, 2018 @ 11:17 PM
I donate platelets a couple of times a month and whole blood as often as it’s allowed. I do this to honor my mother, who was a regular donor.
Comment by Peter — February 13, 2020 @ 1:20 AM
I firmly believe that donating blood has health benefits. I’m a regular donor and I always feel better after every donation. I’ll continue doing so for as long as I can.
Comment by John — June 21, 2020 @ 6:42 AM
For the person asking about the weight requirement of 110 lbs., the requirement still stands. I generally weigh about 106 but when I go to donate I put on plenty of clothes and state my weight as 112. Nobody has ever questioned my response. I have been donating regularly for decades now with no ill effect; while I have on occasion witnessed full-sized donors (often men) looking faint and needing to stay reclined afterwards to recover. Go figure! I think it may be because I tend to have lots of iron in my blood. The staff has come to know me and are always glad to see me because they say my blood flows quickly! Just think of all the lives that would not have been saved over the years if I had blindly followed the 110 lbs. rule. If you have any doubts, be sure to eat a healthy meal (maybe include some spinach) ahead of time and drink water right before donating, especially if the weather is warm. If you tend to be low in iron, an iron tablet the night before will help, and you could bring an extra one with you to take just in case you feel weak/dizzy after the donation.
Comment by Patricia — May 30, 2023 @ 8:53 PM
Blood donors live longer. A Scandinavian study has confirmed regular blood donors do live longer lives., in the same manner that women live longer than males: because they replenish their blood after menstruation. Imagine going through life with the same tired five litres of blood!
Comment by Mark — November 14, 2023 @ 4:51 PM