Healing ADD Without Medication: 5 Options

Treating ADD Without Medication: 5 options

Content updated from previous publish date.

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also called attention deficit disorder (ADDD) is a national health crisis that continues to grow. Even though it is now being diagnosed more frequently than ever, it remains one of the most misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and incorrectly treated illnesses of our day. Prescription medication is the traditional default treatment for ADD/ADHD, but it is NOT the only treatment. There are many ways to manage this condition without medication. Here are 5 natural solutions for ADD/ADHD you need to know.

Prescription medication is the traditional default treatment for ADD/ADHD, but it is NOT the only treatment. There are many ways to manage this condition without medication.
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Medication is one of the most common treatment methods for people with ADD/ADHD. About 62% of kids ages 2-17 with ADD/ADHD take medication for the condition, according to statistics in a 2018 study. Among adults with ADHD, the rate of those taking medication hovers around 33%. Kids and adults are often put on powerful stimulant medications in short office visits without any biological information. While medication may help some people with the condition, it doesn’t help everyone, and it can make some people worse.

Taking medication for a mental health issue such as ADD/ADHD should never be the first or only thing you do. Healing ADD/ADHD requires a more comprehensive approach that includes a host of natural solutions.


Here are 5 effective interventions that can help ADD symptoms without using medication:

1. Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is a specialized treatment that uses advanced computer technology to help balance and optimize the brain. During each session, you (or your child) play a video game using just your brain. It’s a fun, interactive, and engaging treatment that helps strengthen and retrain the brain to achieve a healthier, more focused state.

Using real-time displays of brain activity, neurofeedback for ADD/ADHD helps you learn how to regulate your own brain function.

2. Nutrition

A nutritional intervention can be especially helpful for those with ADD/ADHD. A higher-protein, lower-carbohydrate diet that is relatively high in healthy fats can be beneficial in reducing symptoms. This diet has a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels and helps with both energy levels and concentration.

Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is filled with some of the worst foods for ADD/ADHD. Many popular food items, including high-glycemic snacks and treats lower dopamine levels in the brain and make it harder to concentrate. Dopamine is typically low in people with ADD/ADHD and eating foods that decrease it further can have a negative impact on symptoms.

3. Ask Yourself, “Then What?”

For anyone with ADD/ADHD, the two most important words in the English language are: “Then what?” In other words, “If I do this, then what will happen?” and “If I say this, then what will happen?”

For example, “When I eat 3 chocolate doughnuts, skip the gym, get really drunk on the weekends, or call my husband a jerk, then what will happen? Do any of these behaviors help me achieve what I want for my life or help me with my goals?” Clearly, they do not!

According to research in the book The Longevity Project, the people who live longest and achieve great success are the most conscientious. They know what they want and then they act in consistent ways over time to get it. This can be a unique challenge for those with ADD/ADHD because they often struggle with impulse control. Put up these two words where you can see them every day: Then what? and practice using them.

4. Exercise

Physical activity increases blood flow to all parts of the body, including the prefrontal cortex in the brain, which is particularly beneficial to those with ADD/ADHD. In people without ADD/ADHD, concentration typically increases blood flow and activity in the prefrontal cortex. However, the brain SPECT imaging work at Amen Clinics shows that when people with this condition try to concentrate, activity in this area of the brain decreases, making it harder to stay focused.

Exercise also increases the availability of serotonin in the brain, which has a tendency to calm hyperactivity. At Amen Clinics, the psychiatrists have seen a direct relationship between the level of exercise a person gets and the severity of their ADD/ADHD symptoms.

In general, aerobic exercises that get the heart pumping and cause you to break a sweat are best for people with ADD/ADHD. Play a recreational sport like table tennis, basketball, or pickleball. Swim, ride a bike (always wear a helmet to protect your brain), or simply walk at a fast pace for 30 to 45 minutes 4-7 days a week.

5. Meditation

Decades of research have shown that meditation can calm stress, enhance brain function, and benefit those with ADD/ADHD. Learning to meditate is easy—even kids can do it.

Whether at home or at work, find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably, then gently close your eyes and focus on your breathing. When your thoughts drift away (which they will), simply draw your attention back to your breathing. Start with just a few minutes and work up to 10, 15, or 20 minutes if you can. Make a meditation practice part of your life and watch your brain function improve.


Did you know that ADD/ADHD is not just a single and simple disorder? The brain-imaging work at Amen Clinics—more than 225,000 brain scans—has helped identify 7 types of ADD/ADHD. Each type has unique symptoms and requires a targeted treatment plan. Giving everybody with ADD/ADHD the same treatments invites failure and frustration. Knowing your type (or your child’s type) is critical to finding the natural solutions that work most effectively for you.

ADD/ADHD and other mental health issues can’t wait. At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, clinical evaluations, and therapy for adults, teens, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834 or visit our contact page here.


  1. These sound wonderfully simple. Thanks for the info. Very relevant to both family and friends. Just out of curiosity though, do you think the general medical and pharmaceutical community would agree with these findings?

    Comment by Brad Hobbs — February 24, 2016 @ 4:01 AM

  2. I had the exact same thought Brad, on reading this – is this evidence based practice supported by the medical & pharmaceutical community? I am in South Africa, so would also be interested to know if it is internationally accepted?

    Comment by Kerryn Liebenberg — February 24, 2016 @ 4:30 AM

  3. Why would the med and big pharma support anything natural when it would cut into their drug running profits?

    Comment by kikkie — February 24, 2016 @ 7:12 AM

  4. We think most medical professionals would agree, that whether or not someone with ADD/ADHD requires medication, behavior modification is also necessary for a variety of problems including gaining control of impulsivity, improving the ability to sustain focus or calming a mind that is prone to distraction, etc. You can find published research on these topics on pubmed if you want to read empirical studies.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — February 24, 2016 @ 8:34 AM

  5. Hi Kerryn – please see the response above.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — February 24, 2016 @ 8:35 AM

  6. ADD in kids is fine tuned. Years ago, kids were allowed to run and play outside. Half the time, parents didn’t even know where they were at. They played hard and wore off the energy outside.. Winter or Summer. Now, teachers want them to sit inside for hours and ‘pay attention.’ Parents want the same – stand still, be quiet, etc. This stuff is what worked with mine. I refused to do the medication thing. The food we eat, the lifestyles we choose are not kid-friendly. Of course, the medication and medical community doesn’t agree. It isn’t what they are taught and it isn’t a quick fix – it is work to teach, coach, and educate children how to manage and self-regulate. Then hand them a Mountain Dew and feed them sugared cereal for breakfast and wonder why they do what they do.

    Comment by JReese — February 24, 2016 @ 9:41 AM

  7. Agreed. I had a hyper active son, they called it that way back when and it is the same thing as today. The parents do not take the time to monitor the kids diets. I found cutting out all artificial colors and flavors made a big difference. Even pickles can set off a kid and parent have to become aware of what sets their kids off. Sugar, yellow dye #5, pickles, and most of the prepared foods out there. One must take the time to really shop and read labels and care.

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — February 24, 2016 @ 10:56 AM

  8. Big Pharma wants everyone on meds so they can become even more filthy rich.

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — February 24, 2016 @ 10:58 AM

  9. I had my son on the Finegold diet back in the 70s and 80s and it worked great. I refused to drug my kid. The studies that came out many years after they started giving the kids the drugs were not good. They said that many of the kids never learned to cope with life and became drug addicts and drunks to compensate for the feel good feeling of the drug they took half their lives. Thank God I listened to my inner self when the Dr suggested the drugs. My reply was, are their any long term studies done with this method and he replied no. The long term studies came out in the mid 80s. I said right there and then, in the 70s, no way. I did the diet and he came out fine and he had it bad. I always tell parents

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — February 24, 2016 @ 11:08 AM

  10. My former doctor’s office actually “prescribed” Mountain Dew to kids, the thought being the loads of caffeine would soothe the hyperactivity.

    Comment by Thomas — February 24, 2016 @ 12:09 PM

  11. One wonders who cares whether the pharma community agrees with findings from research that don’t support their vested interests. The same could be said of the insurance cartels. Pharma has opposed almost every intervention that doesn’t involve something they manufacture. The general medical community is ignorant of complementary and alternative practices because the formal curriculum in medical schools and internships devote little to no time to those interventions. And this isn’t about a dearth of research – there are mountains of data to support the use of complementary and alternative interventions PRIOR to the introduction of medications, many of which have very little efficacy in addressing the clinical symptoms for which they were prescribed and which produce a range of side effects that are often worse than the underlying condition. When solid research is put forth, pharma’s shills come out of the woodwork to “debunk” the science, often claiming that complementary approaches (neurofeedback for example) aren’t tested using double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled studies. What they neglect to say is that many drugs have reached the market without double-blinded RCTs. This is not to say that traditional medical interventions should not be used, but I am saying that medications – particularly the powerful stimulant medications – should be the last, not first, line of treating children and adolescents with AD/HD (and depression, anxiety, OCD, ODD, eieio…).

    Comment by Wes — February 25, 2016 @ 7:29 AM

  12. I spent a lifetime… Until 33 with undiagnosed add… I naturally learned about some of the aids… Like low carb, exercise etc… But what really saved my life were meds. I was old enough to know what life was like without… Earlier knowledge and help would possibly have changed my direction, I don’t know… But meds (although I have had to do some trial and correction on what and how much) made daily contentment possible. The battle I fought everyday when I had to do some life task is so lessened. i am often still late, still a little scattered , but nothing like the see-saw of before. Now, my 9 year old son is struggling in class… Although meds helped me, I am not sure about him. Meds can dampen creativity and I hesitate to do that to a nine year old who loves that about himself. many + and – to consider… And the school doesn’t want to provide the extra learning help he needs… Just accommodations… Trying for an iep, but feeling unsure of an affordable solution.

    Comment by Susanne VetteMoseley — February 25, 2016 @ 8:03 AM

  13. written exactly like someone who doesn’t have a clue what ADHD is, JReese

    Comment by DB — February 29, 2016 @ 7:18 AM

  14. Could you share with me the studies about children never learning to cope with life, becoming addicts, from taking the ADD meds? Or how could I find those studies? Dr. Amen, do you know about these studies?

    Comment by Paula_W — March 16, 2016 @ 7:31 AM

  15. The inference of the purported research – that the medication causes these problems – is like saying those who need glasses should just try harder.

    Comment by Dr. Daniel Amen — March 16, 2016 @ 8:54 AM

  16. Thank you Dr. Amen.

    Comment by Paula_W — March 16, 2016 @ 11:27 AM

  17. Is that because all you know about is chemical meds?

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — March 17, 2016 @ 10:42 AM

  18. I’m so sorry, the studies came out roughly 25 years ago and I could not even begin to remember. They may have buried them for all I know because the pharmaceutical companies had other plans. I still say to feed you child natural foods without all the dyes and sugars and I believe the problem with decrease dramatically. It is time consuming at first but worth it in the long run.

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — March 17, 2016 @ 10:45 AM

  19. I don’t know if they become addicts because of the med but it sure suspicious and why give them it when it can be controlled with diet?

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — March 17, 2016 @ 10:49 AM

  20. That is ridiculous. So you think when a child has the drug in him that he is effectually learning to deal with the everyday stresses we as humans have? And if they do not learn this very important step in life, dealing with life, then when they come off the drug they can just deal without problems?

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — March 17, 2016 @ 10:53 AM

  21. We start with the least toxic, most effective treatment option for each of our patients. For some children, but by NO means all of them, medication is the best option, but regardless of whether they are on medication or not, there are several other lifestyle changes that are recommended. These include dietary modifications – especially getting sugar, unhealthy fats and artificial chemicals out of their diet,behavioral modifications, increasing exercise and spending less time in front of the TV or their electronic gadgets, learning better self-regulation, and helping them gain insight into the consequences of their own choices.

    Comment by Dr. Daniel Amen — March 17, 2016 @ 11:28 AM

  22. See above

    Comment by Dr. Daniel Amen — March 17, 2016 @ 11:28 AM

  23. I’ve been to the Amen Clinic and had my brain scanned in their Northern California clinic, because one of my daughters had hers scanned due to her physical disability caused by early birth. We wanted to make sure nothing else was going on with her brain as an adult. I went as a comparison and out of curiosity. I didn’t see Dr. Amen, but I did see another good psychiatrist after the scans. For my daughter and myself he recommended a pharmaceutical which only had one function in order to test its effect in hopes that they could switch over to natural medication after they were sure of the effect. If you read Dr. Amen’s book about ADD you’ll see many natural suggestions.

    Comment by DHealthy — May 21, 2016 @ 10:22 PM

  24. I’ve also worked for a nonprofit organization which worked with families with children who had various disabilities. I saw the Feingold diet you mentioned work very well for some families, sometimes in combination with natural supplements. It was very gratifying. It does take more effort. Sadly, sometimes parents didn’t want to bother with these possible solutions, because of the extra effort or they couldn’t do it, because the other parent would not agree, especially if they were divorced. Again, Dr. Amen’s book does talk about supplementation and dietary changes, especially protein for ADD. By the way, the same combination of dietary changes and supplementation does not work for every child.

    Comment by DHealthy — May 21, 2016 @ 10:30 PM

  25. Understood. There are many children it may not work on but don’t you find that the real problem is the kids are quickly diagnosed with this conditions without exploring other possibilities or dealing with the problem a different way ? Schools don’t want to put up with children who won’t stop fidgeting or talking out of turn or any of the normal behavior coming form kids, especially boys. I have seen schools tell parents they need to put their kids on meds when it’s not what they really need. They sometimes need a strong teacher who has been teaching for years who know how to get them in tune with the class. I found that the more the teacher comes down on a child the worse they get. Not all but some. I have also seen schools take parents to court to force them to put their kids on drugs. I am very adamant about parents rights and their decision not to medicate their child. Of course if that child is being that horrible in school perhaps it’s a parenting problem instead of a medical one. That does have to be determined before the school takes drastic measures. I have seen them take parents to court without totally checking out the child’s home life. As you can tell I have spoken to many parents with kids that display hyperactive traits and they are looking for answers and the Doctors just want to give the drug instead of counselling them on other methods. As a peds nurse I have talked to many parents who are beside themselves and have no avenue to go down and they finally give in and get the drug and feel terrible about it. I see the schools are still doing the pressure thing to the parents today and not much has changed or progressed in 40 years. With our backwards world today I see stupids things like the new bathroom rule and if the president spend have the money and time on something like training people to counsel parents on subject such as this one then maybe with education people would be able their kids more and the kids would suffer less. Thank You for your information, I do appreciate well thought out and knowledgeable answers.

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — May 22, 2016 @ 11:23 AM

  26. I do agree with most of what you’ve said and I greatly appreciate what you’ve done for the parents and children. Of course, I am aware that even a good teacher’s attempts are not always enough and sometimes different parenting isn’t enough and natural solutions are not enough. Sometimes it helps to start a child on medication for just a while in order for the child to gain control of himself or herself with the help of behavior modification, counseling, parent education, and dietary changes with the goal of weaning the child off of the medication if possible. Of course, each situation is different. I know someone with a young adult son who is schizophrenic and will probably need medication the rest of his life. But the way, you’re talking to someone who is a strong believer in natural medicine, so that’s always my first choice unless something is acute or about to become acute. I also still like what I’ve seen of Dr. Amen’s ideas in his books and on his PBS programs.

    Comment by DHealthy — May 22, 2016 @ 5:21 PM

  27. And, yes, I strongly agree with you about the bathroom nonsense which diverts attention from more important issues. I’d say more, but I don’t want want to interfere with why people are looking at what is said here.

    Comment by DHealthy — May 22, 2016 @ 5:24 PM

  28. We’re glad to hear that you found Amen Clinics helpful!

    Comment by Amen Clinics — May 23, 2016 @ 6:15 AM

  29. I agree, if a child is that far gone then give the med until a natural solution is found that works well. My first thoughts however are to try every solution before the medication is dispensed. Yes I am a great believer of natural medicine. And yes, every situation is different and must be treated per child’s situation and that is what my major complaint has been as far as the schools go. One size fits all.

    Comment by 1NJNurse1 — May 23, 2016 @ 8:33 AM

  30. I was diagnosed with ADD at 40. I had returned to university and was again having trouble focusing despite a healthy diet, regular exercise and good sleep. Medication felt like someone turned a light on in my brain and I was able to focus while reading textbooks, researching and writing papers and writing exams. My son also tried medication and it helped him in his studies. The right dose of medication sometimes takes patience to find but once we had the right dose and type, we felt normal. There were benefits beyond school work, too. As Dr. Amen says, work with your doctor to find the right treatment for your kind of ADD, and medication was part of that treatment for me.

    Comment by Shar — June 1, 2016 @ 7:43 AM

  31. Did you read Dr. Amen’s reply before making this unnecessary comment? Have you read any of his work, listened to his lectures, followed his research/findings? He has always promoted trying natural remedies first. He is well informed about both the natural and the chemical

    Comment by Pisaunt — July 10, 2016 @ 1:00 AM

  32. what about microdosing?

    Comment by Sawyer Rice — November 27, 2016 @ 5:36 PM

  33. Hello from Germany everyone!
    The more I read about it the more it feels like I am not only highly sensitive but also an add type 7(?) and my son (11) seems to run into a similar direction, also having bad oral marks because he just doesn’t speak up at all while he is loud and lively at home and with his friends. Still having fears to go into new groups or buying a roll at the bakery on his own.
    My question is: Where can we go for getting a real and trustworthy diagnosis?

    Comment by Nicole Schmitt — June 16, 2018 @ 11:02 PM

  34. Hi I’m the parent of a 12 yo adopted boy (we got him at day 2), he was born to a mom maybe on drugs but def. alcohol.
    He is in process of eval and pretty clearly seems ADD (Amens “#1” classic). Lots typical symptoms. Has fantastic supportive (Waldorf) school, same angel of a teacher (stern+lotsa love n music)) since 1st grade. He gets accommodations & handles himself pretty good at school, let’s loose once home.
    Have you been to Amens clinics?
    We are a super healthy household and family. Very restricted screen time. Lots play n exercise. My boy would rather choose screens—lots sneaking to get it!
    My boy hates homework to point of starting it brings on flight or fight—very difficult to get him to hit reset. Yesterday it was a 5-hour-plus marathon of anger, defiance, nastiness.
    My Q what type ADD does your child have, what has helped?
    Thank you

    Comment by gretchen vos — September 18, 2019 @ 5:02 AM

  35. My son was prescribed ADHD medication through your clinic. Now I have questions.

    Comment by Cynthia Alaniz — September 18, 2023 @ 7:12 AM

  36. As a person who has the Inattentive Disorganized ADD type, (and never knew I) I always had so much trouble focusing unless the space was 100% quiet. Otherwise my mind became distracted. And despite my best intentions I was regularly late. Time just seemed so unpredictable! And everything had to be in front of me in order for me to remember to address it. But I didn’t know that it wasn’t my fault. I felt ashamed bc of it. That’s the main reason I LOVE Dr Amen and his work. Because he has been talking about the brain and its effect on our behavior for decades. And when we UNDERSTAND why we have these problems it becomes less shameful and that alone provides hope. And his healthy approach to addressing the problem, also does NO harm.

    . What I personally found was that his simple (but not easy) solutions are effective. I was a total sugarholic. I was grown on the womb of a sugarholic who didn’t know it was bad and I also became a sugarholic And when I was able to address that, it helped my brain. But not only did it help my brain, it changed my sleep. Both of those things in turn had a positive effect everything else. Now I’m not saying I’m 100% on track. I’m saying this took a while for me to address and implement and this free advice makes a significant difference.

    What Dr Amen writes in these blogs is a gift for us. Blogs take time and energy and thought. They don’t put money in his pocket. But this information gives people their brain function and their lives back. And he spends so much time and energy and money trying to help us help ourselves.

    I can see that this article was written 7 years ago by the comments, and it’s still 100% true and he is still trying to help the world fight this battle! This man ought to receive the Nobel prize for his research and his ongoing commitment to mental and physical health. Thank you once again Dr Amen.

    Comment by Laura Temin — September 18, 2023 @ 7:36 AM

  37. As a former teacher of gifted and talented, special , and regular children AND the wife and parent of people with ADHD, I am incredibly grateful to “big pharma,” doctors, nutritionists, therapists, Amen Clinic, etc There is no one strategy to deal with everything!

    Comment by Debra — September 18, 2023 @ 9:44 AM

  38. Just a side note that might be helpful to come parents…. My 10 year old son was becoming quite agitated/hyper when he got home from school and on weekends. I met two people coincidentally that told me similar stories about their kids, who ended up being diagnosed with food sensitivities. So, I had my son evaluated for allergies and/or sensitivities. It turned out that he had a food sensitivity to corn, corn syrup, popcorn, etc and sensitivity to dust mites. I eliminated all corn products from our lives and founds lots of foods without them. It made all the difference in his behavior. (It probably helped my younger kids, too.) The interesting thing is that I could buy candy made in Europe for him on the holidays or his birthday and it didn't trigger him. And that's because they use sugar in their products, not corn syrup!!! Hallelujah!

    Comment by Holly Matisis — September 18, 2023 @ 3:34 PM

  39. How about limiting video games and all screen time? More quiet time, less noise and more structure?

    Comment by susan n butler — September 19, 2023 @ 7:54 AM

  40. Hi there, I found your site by way of Google while searching for a related subject, your site came up, it appears to be like great. I've bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.

    Comment by zoritoler imol — November 14, 2023 @ 5:00 PM

  41. Comment by 1NJNurse1 — May 22, 2016 @ 11:23 AM
    "Understood. There are many children it may not work on but don’t you find that the real problem is the kids are quickly diagnosed with this conditions without exploring other possibilities or dealing with the problem a different way ?"

    I think that the kids might have less problems with adaptation if their lifestyle was better adjusted to them. In other words, kids with ADD are much better suited (feel more natural) for playing in the mud in the countryside than sitting at a luxurious restaurant with parents on a formal occasion in the busiest city. So I'm talking about adaptation.
    I guess what you mean is the question whether there are better alternatives than meds for adaptation (more natural not only for the focus but wholistically for the being). Starting from smaller things obviously, like keeping tidyness or having one day totally off work, or diet, exercise, not taking drugs recreationally etc., there are ways to keep that inner light by quietening the storm. On a bigger scale, adults with ADD could try to take on more appropriate jobs, like having podcasts, being journalists, bloggers, freelancers etc., but how manageable is that? Not everyone can predict what job one will get or if one is even good at it. I, for example, am a 4th year med student, and medicine really is my thing, but I am dying inside from stress and "mental impotence", which is a tough life situation. I feel like my options now are to either take meds or find something else.
    So there is external change possible, but also we can work on the internal lifestyle. Meditation, learning to focus, reading books, letting go of the inner monologue, learning to just be, all make a huge difference and help partially heal and partially COMPENSATE for having ADD.
    There is however one more thing I would like to touch upon, because it felt like your question leaned somewhat on the emotional side. In my personal opinion, it is probable that the ADD might be considered a problem by the individual, when the feelings of inadequacy cause major discomfort. From a human being perspective, being different is totally okay until the person starts to hate it. And I'm not saying ADD itself isn't problematic, just that it doesn't have to hurt. So going way back to childhood, a kid who is not soothed properly by parents, doesn't get enough tenderness and help or is even punished for its shortcomings, will probably have additional problems to just distractability, like buildup of tension and feelings of inferiority around that. These kids will have a bigger risk of addiction for sure.
    Okay I gotta finish because I've been writing this for half an hour lol
    So considering all of the above, the choice of treatment is really tricky. Whether or not stimulant medication is appropriate for the child or adult depends on many things, but most importantly, the medication should not have major side effects in the person, other less invasive modifications like diet, supplements or sleep should be tried first, then even major changes like changing jobs, going to therapy, moving out should at least be mentioned as options; although, using meds as a short-term support in crisis, before making those changes is also very much acceptable.

    Comment by Leon — November 20, 2023 @ 2:19 AM

  42. F*ckin' tremendous issues here. I'm very satisfied to see your article. Thank you so much and i'm looking forward to contact you. Will you please drop me a mail?

    Comment by vorbelutrioperbir — November 26, 2023 @ 9:05 AM

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