Looking for Insights and Inspiration? Here are 30 Mentors for You

Master Mentors

One of the best ways we can grow and achieve greater success in our lives is with mentors. I’ve been blessed to have several mentors in my life who helped me push myself to become the best version of myself. I’m so grateful to them for the insights I’ve learned from them. Because I have benefited so much from having mentors in my life, I love it when I can return the favor and provide mentorship to others.

That’s why I was absolutely thrilled when I was invited to be included in a new book called Master Mentors: 30 Transformative Insights from Our Greatest Minds. What an honor!

The book by Scott Miller, the executive vice president of thought leadership at FranklinCovey, is based on interviews he has done his podcast, On Leadership with Scott Miller. I spoke with Scott about protecting your brain, and in his new book (the release date is Sept. 7, 2021) he brilliantly summarizes our discussion to give readers a greater understanding of the brain and why you need to love and care for it.

He shares how my findings on the importance of brain health are based on over 180,000 brain SPECT scans on tens of thousands of patients from over 150 countries. These people come to Amen Clinics to see our psychiatrists and integrative medicine physicians for issues with anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, mild traumatic brain injuries, and more. Many top-flight athletes, entertainers, and CEOs also visit our clinics for brain optimization to enhance peak performance. If you want a better career, stronger relationships, and more fulfilling life, it all starts with a better brain.

I’m so excited to be in this remarkable book alongside 29 other mentors, such as Brendan Burchard (prolific quality output), Susan David (emotional agility), Dave Hollis (vulnerability), and Trent Shelton (the power of perspective).

There is so much advice and inspiration packed into this book. And with short, easily digestible chapters on each mentor, it’s like having a quick coffee (or preferably a green tea for your brain health) with each luminary.

I think you’ll enjoy it. You can pick up a copy or download it here.

To your brain health,

Daniel G. Amen, MD

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