It’s a proven fact that people who exercise regularly benefit from a positive boost in mood and have lower rates of depression. In the past, most common treatments for depression were psychotherapy or medication. However, psychologists are quickly figuring out that exercise is and can be a successful alternative.
Why Is Exercise So Important?
Exercise is a magic drug for many people experiencing depression and anxiety disorders and is becoming more and more prescribed by mental health providers. Studies have shown that individuals who exercise report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and lower levels of stress and anger.
Exercise appears to affect, like an antidepressant, particular neurotransmitter systems in the brain, and it helps patients with depression re-establish positive behavior. Exercise helps keep your psyche fit. It’s an effective, cost-efficient treatment for depression and my help in the treatment of many other mood disorders.
Natural Ways to Combat Depression:
1. Exercise is a great alternative for treating depression.
2. It wards off anxiety and feelings of depression.
3. Boosts self-esteem.
4. Improves sleep, which can often be a problem when you’re depressed.
5. When exercising your body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins trigger positive feelings in the body, which can be accompanied by positive feelings and thoughts.
6. Provides a distraction from your worries.
7. Helps you get rid of built up stress.
Any form of moderate exercise can help with depression. Higher intensity exercises, like running or biking, will help release feel-good hormones, while lower intensity exercises like yoga or gardening, can help you relax and connect with your body.
Below are some great exercises to choose from:
• Walking
• Swimming
• Playing tennis
• Golf (walking the course instead of using the cart)
• Gardening
• Dancing
• Biking
• Yoga
• Running
Improve Your Brain Health Today
At Amen Clinics, we have spent decades helping people just like you improve their brain, and thus mental health, and can help you too. Call us today at 888-288-9834 or schedule a visit.
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Comment by Sohail — December 27, 2017 @ 10:09 AM
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Comment by Terry Arnold — March 23, 2018 @ 4:33 AM
Hello Terry, for information regarding insurance, reimbursement and financing options please call our Care Coordinators at 888-288-9834 or you can submit this form online and someone will reach out to you – https://amenclinics.com/schedule-visit/. Thank you!
Comment by Amen Clinics — March 23, 2018 @ 9:05 AM
wonderful advice!
Comment by Doug Morris — December 6, 2023 @ 8:25 PM