Benefits for Clinicians

At Amen Clinics we pride ourselves on partnering in patient care with health and legal professionals of all disciplines to provide the most advanced diagnostic and treatment options for our mutual patients.

Why Partner with Amen Clinics for Mutual Patient Care?

Many doctors, therapists, and coaches nationwide entrust Amen Clinics to help them get to the root cause of their patient’s symptoms. That’s because Amen Clinics has the most comprehensive tools to diagnose and treat patients who are treatment-resistant or who have comorbidity.

You spend countless hours supporting your clients and patients and you want the best for them. You want to make sure they’re in the best hands when other care is needed. Your recommendation is your word, your bond, your reputation. We get it.

Our diagnostic expertise, including deep clinical assessments and brain SPECT imaging, uncovers the root cause of many issues that are unresolved in patients before coming to Amen Clinics. Often, providers find that new information derived from our detailed evaluations uncover information about their patients that have completely changed the course of their treatment, including prescription medications, lifestyle recommendations, and therapies. In our published outcome study, we found that 79% of patients who came to ACI left with a different diagnosis and treatment plan than when they came in.

A brain- based, scientific, and objective approach to someone’s brain health can help you and your patient client through the “stucks” and help you guide you them to the solution. When your clients are placed on the right treatment protocol, their outcomes will be significantly improved.

Want to learn more about the benefits of referring?

If you are interested in speaking to one of our representatives to learn more about the benefits of referring, click to the button to the right.


“With A Better Brain Comes A Better Life”

– Daniel G. Amen, M.D.


Partnership Testimonials with Amen Clinics

Why Looking at Brain Function is Crucial for a Chiropractor

In this video, Dr. Rausch describes how she came to partner with Amen Clinics in order to treat her clients with an integrative, whole-person approach, and why it has made all the difference in her outcomes.

How a Brain-focused Approach helps a Naturopath and Holistic Health Practitioner

Anna discusses how she came to form her partnership with Amen Clinics, what she’s learned along the way, and why a brain-focused approach is crucial to problem-solving and helping others.

How a Life Coach is Using Brain Health to Help Recovering Addicts

Dr. Amen’s work changed to way Life Coach/Chaplain Andy Kerr helps treat recovering addicts. Andy has learned one of Dr. Amen’s most important lessons and brought it to his own work: You can’t fix the software (the mind) until you fix the hardware (the brain).

If you’re frustrated with what seems to be treatment resistance, we know how you feel.

  • For years we’ve felt the same way…
  • We’ve always believed in using the most effective, least toxic treatments to get help our patients get well.
  • We want the best for our patients, just like you do.
  • We believe it takes a team, communication, and collaboration.
  • If you feel the same, we want to partner with you.
  • We want you as part of our team.

Why partner with Amen Clinics?​

  • Our mental health and certified specialists can provide further insight into treatment-resistant cases
  • Our extensive diagnostic tools and experience will uncover root issues not yet discovered​
  • Our extended service offerings can be an extension of your practice offerings​

Ready to learn more? Contact a care coordinator today!

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A Brain SPECT Imaging Scan Can Show:

  • Areas of the brain implicated in specific problems, such as the prefrontal cortex (executive function) and the medial temporal lobes (long term memory storage).
  • Unexpected findings that may be contributing to the presenting problem(s), such as toxicity, potential areas of seizure activity, or past brain trauma.
  • Potential seizure activity, in many cases more accurately seen by SPECT than standard EEG, especially in the areas of the medial temporal lobe.
  • Targeted areas for treatment, such as overactive basal ganglia or anterior cingulate gyrus (seen on anxiety and OCD spectrum disorders), or an underactive temporal lobe (seen in seizure disorders and trauma).
  • Specific effects of medication on the brain to help guide us in adjusting dosages or augmenting treatment. Often patients report that SSRIs are helpful but also cause decreased motivation or memory problems, seen as decreased prefrontal or temporal lobe activity on SPECT.
  • Changes in brain function with treatment, improved or worsened. A SPECT scan captures the brain at the time of injection and outside the imaging camera, which gives SPECT several significant advantages over fMRI. Most notably, we are able to sedate people after they have been injected so that they can lie still for the scan, which is often difficult for hyperactive or autistic children or demented adults (motion artifact ruins the scan in all clinical imaging techniques).
  • Provide explanations for refractory symptoms and help clinicians ask better and more targeted questions (e.g.: about toxic exposure, brain injuries, anoxia, inflammation, or infections that patients may have denied or forgotten).
  • Help us to avoid prescribing treatments that make the problem worse, such as unnecessarily stimulating an already overactive brain or calming an underactive one.
  • Help to evaluate risk for dementia – the brain starts to change long before people show symptoms. There is usually a loss of 30% of hippocampal tissue before symptoms occur. Using autopsy data in 54 patients Bonte4 reported that brain SPECT had a positive predictive value for Alzheimer’s disease of 92%.
  • Help to differentiate between types of dementia. Early in the disease, Alzheimer’s disease, frontal temporal lobe dementia, Lewy body dementia and multi-infarct dementia each have their own patterns.
  • Show patients how treatments have impacted (improved or worsened) brain function.
  • Help clinicians understand the rationale for using certain medications (such as anticonvulsants to stabilize temporal lobe function or calm areas of marked hyperactivity, or stimulants to enhance decreased prefrontal perfusion, or SSRIs to calm basal ganglia and anterior cingulate hyperactivity).
  • Identify specific areas of the brain affected by trauma, better target treatment, and help deal with insurance, legal and rehabilitation issues.
  • Identify factors contributing to relapse in those recovering from substance abuse, eating disorders, or sexual addiction.
  • Useful in determining if further adjustment of medication is needed. Scans of patients on medication will reveal areas of the brain still overactive or underactive. Pictures are powerful…
  • Allow patients to see a physical representation of their problems that is accurate and reliable and helps to increase compliance. It can influence a patient’s willingness and ability to accept and adhere to the treatment program.
  • Help to develop a deeper understanding of the problem, resulting in less shame, guilt, stigma, and self-loathing. This can promote self-forgiveness, often the first step in healing. Patients can see that their problems are, at least in part, medical and physical.
  • Help families understand when things such as permanent brain damage from an injury will not get better, so that they can better accept the condition and plan accordingly.
  • Show substance abusers the damage they have done to their brains, thus helping their denial, provide them with motivation in treatment, and support perseverance in their sobriety.
  • Help motivate abusive spouses to follow medication protocols by showing that there are physical abnormalities contributing to their problems.
  • Is useful for cancer patients suffering with a “chemotherapy toxic brain.” It gives them insight into their cognitive struggles and also helps their doctors see the neurophysiologic and emotional effects of having cancer and its treatment.
  • Help take modern psychopharmacology from mystery and unknown consequences to reality and more predictable outcomes.
  • Allows patients to understand why specific treatments are indicated, which medication are likely to be most helpful, and what other interventions may be indicated.

Ready To Refer A Patient?

If you are a healthcare or legal professional and would like to refer a patient, client, friend, or family member to Amen Clinics, please click the button to the right.

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Our podcast is back! Keep your brain healthy by listening to Change Your Brain Every Day, hosted by Daniel Amen, MD & Tana Amen!  Tune In