Where Can You Find Help When You Need to Talk It Out?

Blog-Where Can You Find Help When You Need to Talk It Out_Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

As a leader in the field of mental health, Amen Clinics has treated an array of psychiatric conditions over the past 30 years and has amassed the world’s largest database of brain scans at 200,000 and growing. Though many people have come to know about us due to the remarkable results we’ve seen with brain SPECT imaging, we also offer a wide range of therapy options at the nationwide Amen Clinics locations. One of the brain health and wellness services we are excited to recommend is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most widely used practice for improving mental health. CBT is an evidence-based, action-oriented psychological treatment that focuses on the way people think (cognitive) and act (behavioral). CBT can help individuals cope with personal challenges by breaking them down into smaller areas to concentrate on. CBT addresses five fundamental areas:

• Actions
• Emotions
• Physical feelings
• Situations
• Thoughts

CBT focuses on correcting negative thinking patterns and developing accurate, more positive thinking skills, which in turn can change your behavior and help boost your mood, motivation and determination. In head-to-head studies, taking fish oil, exercising, and CBT has been found to be as effective as medication.

How Does It Work?

CBT sessions can occur one-on-one or in groups. During the first session, a therapist will make sure the patient is comfortable and then ask a few questions pertaining to the patient’s background and current situation. Future sessions may focus on various aspects of what the patient is struggling with, breaking down the problem into manageable parts and implementing practical solutions or strategies (which may include homework) to address those concerns and improve the patient’s situation.

Who Does It Treat?

CBT can benefit a wide range of psychiatric and mental health conditions, including: ADD/ADHD, anxiety, anger, autism spectrum disorders, bipolar, depression, eating/weight issues, OCD/ODD, pain management, PTSD, sleep dysregulation, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and toxic exposure.

What Are the Benefits?

CBT can help you:

• Learn how to slow down and relax
• Change your beliefs about yourself
• Control anxious or negative thoughts
• Prevent addiction relapse
• Manage your anger
• Cope with grief and loss
• Deal with chronic pain
• Resolve relationship challenges

CBT and Insomnia

Research has shown that CBT can help to relieve the effects of insomnia. CBT-I therapy seeks to undo the notion that sleep requires effort or that it needs to be fixed. CBT-I teaches patients to:

• Establish a regular wake-up time and stick to it
• Get out of bed during waking periods
• Avoid eating, reading, watching TV or similar activities in bed
• Refrain from taking daytime naps


CBT helps people identify, challenge, and modify automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) and abnormal mental scenarios. People learn how to identify cognitive distortions, find evidences for and against thoughts, create alternatives, and finally reappraise their beliefs about themselves and the trauma by creating a new narrative of the traumatic event. CBT not only helps to reduce symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD, but also reverses the underlying biology of the disorder within the brain. If you experience reoccurring stress from traumatic memories, CBT combined with a psychotherapeutic treatment technique called EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) may help.

How Many Sessions Are Recommended?

The number of sessions will be determined by the therapist. Sessions typically last either 30 or 60 minutes. For medication management, a 90-minute consult may be recommended.

Is it Safe?

CBT is non-invasive, has no side effects and is safe for people of all ages.

Not all services are offered at each Amen Clinics location. Call us today at 888-288-9834 for availability at a clinic near you, or tell us more online for additional guidance.


  1. So, you mean someone finally understand that actually resolving real life issues affects depression? Example, in the past, abused women were trained to endure abuse by using cbt instead of stopping the abuse thru safe confrontation or terminating abusive relationships. Talk about crazy!

    This is the first time Ive seen an issue based solution using cbt. Depression in women always gets better when they confront and terminate abusive relationships.

    Comment by Katherine Adelaide — May 21, 2018 @ 1:54 AM

  2. Thanks Dr. Amen

    I have been a CBT therapist using methods taught by Dr. David Burns. Sometimes I am amazed at the progress people can make on depression and anxiety, most of the without medicine. Unfortunately, it requires work on their part. Too many people just want to take a pill and hope for the best. David’s podcasts on youtube and itunes are free and explain how CBT works.

    Comment by Ron Ahlberg — May 25, 2018 @ 3:33 AM

  3. I am from Rocky Hill. CT. How I wish you the Amen Clinic would come to the Hartford, CT, area. You would have a lot of clients here, if you had a facility in our area, a quality area for a highly educated population who would utilize your services. What do you think?

    Comment by Joan Craco — May 25, 2018 @ 4:51 AM

  4. When you say, “Confront and terminate abusive relationships” I am cuncerned about someone confronting someone who is abusive. This is a potentially dangerous time in a relationship. Yes, I know it is true. It was for me. Getting out alive is tricky but the peace one ultimately feels is worth the effort.

    Comment by Alice Worcester — May 26, 2018 @ 5:20 AM

  5. I have attended and led Recovery, International meetings for many years. They are a powerfully effective cognitive behavioral approach to help people with nervous and emotional problems. Meetings are free of charge and are offered throughout the world.

    Comment by Christy Ray — May 26, 2018 @ 8:00 PM

  6. If I could find a safe, affordable place where I could cook nutritious meals, and do my “homework”, I would enroll my son and me with Dr. Amen’s clinic in Costa Mesa, CA.
    When my son had his brain scanned 3 years ago, the motel was nice, but I couldn’t cook, nor could we find restaurants that served nutritious meals that were affordable.
    Has that problem been addressed yet?

    Comment by Rae Davies — June 13, 2018 @ 5:51 PM

  7. I’m not opposed to CBT but what is the “evidence” you refer to when calling it “evidence-based”? I see all the references online to this supposedly being the case but what exactly are you referring to that supports that assertion? I have been paying attention to this stuff my entire life (I’m 67) and am finding that wishful thinking seems the primary pillar in many schools of thought….. CBT may be helpful to some people (and insurance cos love it) but what are the studies that show that? Seriously. Thank you.

    Comment by Kelly Smith — July 5, 2018 @ 10:13 AM

  8. Where are your clinics located in Washington or are there any?

    Comment by Susan Crater — August 3, 2018 @ 4:15 PM

  9. My son has been dealing with symptoms from a couple concussions he has received 3years ago…such as Dizziness and that spaced out sensation.
    It has gotten somewhat better with time and a lot of different types of treatments but he is still far from being symptom free.
    He is only 22 years old and is doing so many things right….not drinking alcohol, regular excerise and eating well.
    Have you dealt with concussion patients? Do you think your program can help him?

    Rosanne Sirois

    Comment by Rosanne sirois — August 4, 2018 @ 6:22 AM

  10. Hello Susan, yes we have a clinic in Bellevue, WA. Here is a link to our locations – https://amenclinics.com/locations/. And here is more information about our Bellevue Clinic – https://amenclinics.com/locations/seattle-metro-area/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — August 6, 2018 @ 7:25 AM

  11. Is there a clinic in Long Island Nassau county New York please advise

    Comment by Bashir Shirzay — December 21, 2018 @ 4:23 AM

  12. Pretty marketing and advertising pieces, but they are merely words. My experience is that they are a money-making machine that is looking to help only the wealthy who can afford their over-priced services and medication; they’re arrogant and self-serving with very poor follow-up skills and they don’t really care about the patient’s well-being.

    Comment by Wade W — December 21, 2018 @ 10:08 AM

  13. Hello Bashir, thank you for reaching out. We do have a clinic in New York: https://amenclinics.com/locations/new-york/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — December 21, 2018 @ 11:19 AM

  14. Hi Christy
    I saw your note on being a part of Recovery International and the meetings being free.
    I am interested in helping my daughter. This is has been lifelong for her and we are feeling desperate for GOOD help. Would you have information as to where we may go in the Southern California area. Pasadena, Glendale, or Los Angeles area?
    Thank you so much
    Rebecca Calderas

    Comment by rebecca calderas — December 22, 2018 @ 7:58 AM

  15. Are you looking for CBT Psychologist in Kellyville Ridge? CBT is a well-established and researched therapeutic technique that treated you in a better way. CBT focuses on current problems, rather than looking at issues from the past.

    Comment by Sam Smith — January 8, 2019 @ 9:28 PM

  16. Do you have any clinics in Pennsylvania?

    Comment by Lois J McFadden — November 22, 2019 @ 9:11 AM

  17. Do you have a clinic in Houston, TX?

    Comment by Sherri Siado — January 17, 2022 @ 7:37 AM

  18. Hello Sherri, thank you for reaching out. We do not have a clinic in Houston as of now. However, we do have 9 clinics across the US, including one in the Dallas Metro area: https://amenclinics.com/locations/dallas-metro-area/

    Comment by Amen Clinics — January 17, 2022 @ 9:13 AM

  19. Are there any clinics in Fayetteville Georgia

    Comment by Olive — February 4, 2022 @ 6:12 AM

  20. Hello Olive, thank you for reaching out. We currently have 10 locations nationwide, and one is in Atlanta, GA: https://amenclinics.com/locations/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — February 5, 2022 @ 6:32 PM

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