TO THE EDITOR: I agree with the statement by Bryon Adinoff, M.D., and Michael Devous, Ph.D. (1), in their Letter to the Editor published in the May 2010 issue of the Journal, that “it is likely that, within the next decade, Dr. Amen’s claims [and fervent hope] will be realized in that psychiatrists will enjoy the ability to diagnose and prescribe treatments based, in part, upon neuroimaging findings” (1, p. 598). Imaging is now being used by psychiatrists here in the United States, in Canada, and abroad to aid patients. I cannot imagine anything more damaging to the imaging field, however, than encouraging medical board investigations for those who are early adopters. The California Medical Board investigated my use of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 13 years ago, found no violation, and encouraged me to publish our findings, which I have done.
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