10 Ways to Help Your Brain Heal After Head Trauma

This post has been updated since its original publish date.

If you sliced your finger while chopping carrots, sprained your ankle while hiking, or broke your wrist after falling on a slippery floor, you’d probably race into action to:

  • Assess the damage: such as a visit to the ER, an X-ray, or MRI
  • Minimize the injury: such as getting stitches, bandages, or a cast
  • Kickstart the healing process: such as taking anti-inflammatory medication, restricting activities, or using heat or ice

But what if you injured your brain from a car accident, a fall off your bike, or a hard hit during a sporting event? Since you can’t see your brain, would you even know it’s been injured? Would you follow the same steps? Or would you just hope it’s OK and return to your daily life?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to crack your skull or lose consciousness to damage your brain. A concussion or other mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) may also result from a sports injury, a blow to the head from a seemingly innocuous fall, or an explosive blast.

Brain injuries can also occur from the sudden, jarring movement of the head and neck (like whiplash from a car accident).

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to crack your skull or lose consciousness to damage your brain.
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Over 2 million head injuries are diagnosed each year in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s not counting the hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of unreported incidents of head trauma, including undiagnosed concussions.

Why are there so many brain injuries? There are several reasons, including:

  • Many people think the brain is rubbery and fixed within the skull, but it isn’t. In reality, your brain is soft, about the consistency of soft butter, tofu, or custard—somewhere between egg whites and gelatin. It “floats” in cerebrospinal fluid and is housed in a very hard skull that has many sharp bony ridges. As such, it is easily damaged.
  • Blows to the head can cause the brain to slosh around, slamming into the hard ridges in the skull. This can cause bruising, broken blood vessels and bleeding, increased pressure, lack of oxygen, damage to nerve cell connections, ripping open of brain cells that spill out proteins that cause inflammatory reactions.
  • On top of that, your pituitary gland (which regulates hormones) sits in a vulnerable part of your skull, and it’s often hurt in head injuries, causing major hormonal imbalances.
  • Often, brain injuries that don’t result in a loss of consciousness go undetected and are never treated.
  • Sadly, most people don’t think about their brain or actively care for it. They are careless and engage in behaviors and activities that put their brain at risk of damage.


Brain injuries are commonly associated with physical issues, such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, visual disturbances, trouble sleeping, sensitivity to light and sound, and poor balance. But the impact goes much deeper.

Research shows that brain injuries are also a major cause of mental health disorders, such as:

However, few people (including psychiatrists) know this, because psychiatry remains the only medical specialty that almost never looks at the organ it treats.


Head injuries, including mild ones, can lead to a host of cognitive and psychosocial symptoms, such as:

  • Cognitive problems – poor concentration, brain fog, learning issues, poor judgment and impulsivity, and difficulty putting thoughts into words.
  • Psychosocial problems – depression, anger outbursts, irritability, personality changes, and anxiety.

These symptoms can last for hours, days, weeks, months, years, or even decades. At Amen Clinics, the SPECT scans of 40% of all patients who undergo brain imaging have signs of underlying brain injury.

Surprisingly, many of them either don’t remember getting injured or think the incident was so mild that it didn’t warrant attention. They’re usually stunned to discover that a past head injury may be contributing to their mental health problems and cognitive issues.


If you seek medical treatment for a head injury, you may undergo certain types of brain imaging, such as MRI or CT. These neuroimaging technologies show the structure of the brain, but they don’t provide information on how it is functioning.

For this reason, an MRI scan or CT scan can show “normal” results even if you’re struggling with symptoms.

Brain SPECT imaging, on the other hand, shows how the brain functions. It measures blood flow and activity in the brain and shows 3 things:

  • Areas of the brain with healthy activity
  • Areas with too much activity
  • Areas with too little activity

This can be more valuable in cases where cognitive dysfunction, psychological issues, or behavioral problems are present.


To help keep your brain safe and prevent brain injuries:

  • Wear a seat belt every time you drive or ride in a motor vehicle.
  • Always buckle your child into a child safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt (according to the child’s height, weight, and age) in the car.
  • Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications that can impair the ability to drive.
  • Avoid high-risk sports and activities where you can hit your head (no tackle football, hitting soccer balls with your head, or boxing).
  • Always wear a helmet and make sure your children wear helmets while playing contact sports, bike riding, horseback riding, skateboarding, snowmobiling, skiing, or snowboarding.
  • Do not dive in water less than 12 feet deep or in above-ground pools. Check the depth and check for debris in the water before diving.
  • Always hold handrails when going down stairs.


Many people have a first-aid kit for life’s mishaps. It’s just as important to have a concussion first-aid kit that can minimize damage and accelerate the healing process.

In addition, you should protect yourself from hurting your brain again as repeat injuries increase the risk of serious long-term problems. Other self-care techniques you can use to help your brain heal include:

  • Get plenty of sleep at night, and rest during the day.
  • Increase your activity slowly.
  • Write down the things that may be harder than usual for you to remember.
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine.
  • Eat brain-healthy foods.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Ask your doctor when it’s OK for you to drive a car, ride a bike, or operate machinery.
  • Avoid activities that are physically demanding (sports, and housework, for example).
  • Avoid activities that require a lot of thinking or concentration (like playing video games or balancing a checkbook).
  • Be patient because healing takes time.

Concussions and the cognitive and mental health issues associated with them can’t wait. At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, clinical evaluations, and therapy for adults, teens, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834 or visit our contact page here.


  1. Great post. Thank you!

    Comment by John Dolan — January 18, 2017 @ 6:03 PM

  2. You’re welcome! Glad you found it helpful.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — January 18, 2017 @ 8:57 PM

  3. Thanking you so much, Dr Amen what you have done for me. I had a physical strike to my brain by a parent and I had no idea this could be as traumatic as it has shown to be. Later in life, I had problems with memory especially in my 50s. I the ‘brain smart’ supplements I have regained much of my memory loss. Very helpful with work and with the kids. Blessings to you.

    Comment by Mitchell Ferguson — January 19, 2017 @ 12:19 AM

  4. The ABC’s of a healthy brain. Thank you for the simplicity of the most complicated part of our bodies.

    Comment by Tracey Mullen — January 19, 2017 @ 9:48 AM

  5. So do you have any charitable programs that can help diagnose and treat patients that have had multiple brain injuries and are chronically affected? I’ve had six since 2005. Two TBIs, three whiplash concussions, and one aquired during a second brain surgery to “remove” a secondary arachnoid cyst caused by a TBI. The surgeon nicked a vein causing hemorrhage and resulted in encephalomacia.

    Comment by Mary Beth Underwood — July 7, 2017 @ 9:26 PM

  6. My son in law suffered a brain aneurysm and a stroke. Part of his brain that gave him empathy was removed. He never received any rehabilitation . This happened because of drug use. He is now extremely aggressive and hostile, dresses up in women’s clothes, is verbally and physically abusivevto my daughter who is his caregiver and suffers from Parkinson’s. Had been hospitalized twice, but released within two days. Nobody wants to deal with him. Now and again my daughter suffers the consequences. What can be done? We are at the end of our rope

    Comment by Yolanda — July 20, 2018 @ 5:02 AM

  7. Thanks, Dr. Daniel Amen of Amen Clinic! Care for your brain

    Comment by Ita John — July 21, 2018 @ 2:08 AM

  8. My husband had a tree accident that knocked him unconscious and gave him a neck Injury, concussion, several small skull fractures. He was in a neck brace for two months. He has healed but seems to have delayed responses and difficulty with following directions. Any suggestions for help7

    Comment by Virginia White — August 17, 2018 @ 10:02 PM

  9. I am 39 and Recently diagnosed with spontaneous subdural hematoma. The first sign was a really sharp headache that lasted off and on for days until I couldn’t take it and went to the er.

    I am now off pain meds and and have frequent episodes of headache and ringing in ear. They last for about 4 min.

    I am not experiencing any other symptom and have another cat scan scheduled in a few days to see if there is further bleeding.

    My question is does this eventually heal? Please send all the prayers you can my way. I have 3 daughters and not ready to leave them.

    Comment by Myrlaine — October 11, 2018 @ 9:13 AM

  10. I am 29 years old. I feel weakness in my whole right hand and i also feel very anxious about my future like marriage etc

    Comment by Hema Kanojia — October 21, 2018 @ 10:29 AM

  11. Hi, you could try hyperbariatric oxygen therapy, it increases oxygen to brain and could heal your son in law.

    Comment by Dalvir Bachra — October 29, 2018 @ 5:07 PM

  12. a glassy door fall on my head resulting to a cut nearthe side of my fore head after sometimes since then have been having troubles with the above listed problems what can I do I hardly remembers my dream now and now am now that Kind of dull person which I don’t really like

    Comment by kolly — November 16, 2018 @ 12:13 AM

  13. Sir my uncle brain totaly damge he is talking alone we are famiily ofset ..
    Doctr told him brain not recover please tell what i do

    Comment by Muhammad Asghar — February 17, 2019 @ 8:50 AM

  14. Dr Amen,
    IS it possible to have a personal conversation with you? I am in serious trouble mentally and I feel I have no where to turn. I have tried all kinds of help and it has not worked. I have insurance but I dont think it will work out of my state. I am on limited money right now. Thanks I sure hope that you can reply.

    Comment by Cheryl Simmons — March 17, 2019 @ 5:22 PM

  15. Hello Cheryl, we will have a Care Coordinator reach out to you. Thank you.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — March 20, 2019 @ 7:24 AM

  16. What a very interesting site I am in New Jersey I have done tremendous research on my meningioma surgery which went wrong at Johns Hopkins I had encephalomalacia and my primary insisted that’s just nothing the bleeding drops thru the nose lasted for about a month and a half I was kept in the hospital a month. 2013.
    Two weeks ago I had the 2nd tumor removal that was left which I was told was removed and “he got it out”.
    I am resilient and strong.
    70 yrs old and intend to continue my law studies.
    My search has to do with regaining my brain power

    What strategy is available? Thank you.

    Comment by Marta Fernandez — March 22, 2019 @ 3:21 AM

  17. Hi Amen Clinics,
    I really hope you can help. I am desperately needing advice as I have had brain trauma after totally blacking out and falling and hitting my head hard on tiles 1.5 years ago and ever since had short term memory loss, cognitive ability is not like it used to be, vertigo onset, ringing in the ears, have become anxious and extremely stressed about thing and everyone. And then 2 days ago I have just slipped on tiles and landed on my tailbone which has left me in a lot of pain and headaches and dizzy feeling back again. This is affecting my ability to work, function in life, prevented me from travelling or doing anything productive and I really feel like I’ve come to the end of the road and don’t know where to turn. Please help.

    Comment by Lisa — March 28, 2019 @ 6:17 PM

  18. I am an National Institute for Learning Development (NILD educational therapist and totally apply what you teach. Not only have I worked with children to see drastic results but am now working with a stroke victim in his late 70’s. Thank you for your articles that inform the public.

    Comment by Fae Dunn — April 5, 2019 @ 6:08 AM

  19. I had a brain tumor removed made still having seizure activity, how long before brain takes t heal I’m in my 60 s if that makes a difference?

    Comment by Andrea Simmer — April 5, 2019 @ 9:53 AM

  20. Dear Dr Amen? I had a sub Dural brain hemmorhage in April 2018 followed br brain surgery. Previously had years of depression and anxiety, Now no
    Depression etc. Only side effect is weakness of left

    Comment by Kathy Coldbeck — April 6, 2019 @ 3:00 AM

  21. My husband suffered a DAI/TBI Sept 29,2017. He is currently at a recovery facility in Fl. The reality is most facilities fall short with post care regarding TBI. We are from the Atlanta area and are making the arrangements to move back. I want to have the Spect imaging done on my husband. Is there a clinic here in Florida that does this, we are in Sarasota. I also plan to bring my husband to the Amen clinic in Atlanta once we are back. Hoping for Aug/Sept time frame.
    Dr’s continue to tell me his abilities are there, he’s wide open to healing. His gut health is great, he’s on only one medication, which is amazing considering the severity of his injury. He walks, he feeds himself. Hes had no seizures. His injury is to both sides of his frontal lobes. One of the biggest hurdles is his agitation. I know he’s there, I just don’t know how to reach him. We are trialing Autophagy with him, he is intermittent fasting throughout the week, with sauna/pool therapy 2days to increase this Autophagy. Any information would be helpful

    Comment by Tracy Perez — April 6, 2019 @ 3:18 AM

  22. Two yrs and 10 months ago i got whiplash from going over two two unmarked speed bumps at night on a trip in California. Ever since, when I lie down to go to sleep, I have spasms mostly in my cranium but often other muscles all over my body twitch. Nothing has really helped. One of the five neurologists said it would take three to five years to recover from this. At 72, I’m very depressed about this because any activity…even dusting furniture…makes my nightly spasms much worse. I cannot sleep with my had pounding and twitches. Yes, I have outbursts of anger…I even scream at top of my lungs occasionally. It’s just awful. Then, because I didn’t sleep all night, 16 wks after the brain injury I missed a step going to our garage and suffered an L-4 compression fracture. So now I have neck, lower back, hip and left foot pain. My foot got hurt in the fall as it “wrapped” around the step as I twisted as I fell.

    I’m a depressed mess! Any ideas you have would be appreciated.


    Comment by Carolyn thornton — April 6, 2019 @ 5:29 AM

  23. What is the brain smart supplement as spoken above?

    Comment by Lucy — April 6, 2019 @ 7:11 AM

  24. Dear Fae Dunn,

    Thank you for posting a reply. I learned about Dr. Amen in February in my search to learn how to help her with her dementia and to improve my own memory in order to be a better care giver, even though she was in assisted living. My mother (94 yrs old) suffered a stroke March 18th this year and I was wondering what specifically you are applying for therapy. She is presently in rehab and will be moved to long term care soon.

    While the facility may already be putting into practice some of the Amen Clinic protocols, I was wondering if you could let me know what you are doing so that I may respectfully discuss my mother’s progress with them.

    Thank you.

    Comment by Barbara Smith — April 6, 2019 @ 10:43 AM

  25. thank you dr. Amen and best wishes to you and your teem. Very useful for me and my family in almost all situations of life

    Comment by Irina — April 6, 2019 @ 11:55 AM

  26. Hello Lucy, Dr. Amen’s line of brain health supplements can be found here: https://www.brainmdhealth.com/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — April 9, 2019 @ 7:15 AM

  27. Greetings all,

    I had a head injury on a road. I hardly remember how it happened but I hear that I moved across the road and ended down in the river or something like that. I woke up in hospital and moved back to my wife and kids. I lost my education ( i had a master’s in agricultural economics. I heard that I’ll be fine a year from now. My brain would build itself and my lost memories would come back. I feel otherwise, it’s like I’m doomed forever.

    Comment by Wilson — April 9, 2019 @ 10:48 PM

  28. I’ve had a lot of stress throughout my school year. I’m scared that my brain will never get better. BTW my age currently is 15. Please tell me how to help improve my condition.

    Comment by Rossi Hall — May 26, 2019 @ 12:17 PM

  29. Hello Rossi, thank you for reaching out. We’d be happy to contact you via email to discuss your symptoms further. We look forward to speaking with you.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — May 29, 2019 @ 7:21 AM

  30. Fell from a running vehicle last year June hit my head on the road.. Went for CT scan nothing everything is normal but I do get headaches sometimes and I want to go back to school

    Comment by Soni — June 5, 2019 @ 10:54 AM

  31. Can you help me? I breathed in CO from a cracked furnace at home for almost a year. I was very sick with multiple symptoms I won’t go into here. I had MRI’s saw multiple doctors, but none could figure out what happened until my AC broke down and technician also checked furnace and shut it down. Residual effects from CO poisoning are trouble with propioception – fluorescents and very bright lights form blue end of spectrum, strong wifi signals, striped visual patterns, strobe lights, very noisy environment, situations with a lot of commotion, going up over a bridge (not so much on way down) to name a few cause varying degrees of imbalance which then makes me panic. Was getting better, but lately much more debilitating and I don’t know why.. Any suggestions – this is limiting my life. Thank you.

    Comment by Elle — July 2, 2019 @ 11:38 PM

  32. Hi,how are you first,I suffered by memory lost and I didn’t remember what I tought after a few minute I need a special advice from you…
    Would you give me,please?

    Comment by Amare — July 8, 2019 @ 11:33 PM

  33. Thanks for this but does marijuana add to brain injury?

    Comment by Andrew — July 14, 2019 @ 3:27 AM

  34. I was rear-ended while sitting at a traffic light by a teenager going 50 mph. I has been 10 months and I still have the concussion symptoms. Which nutrients/do you recommend l take to help speed my recovery? My life has changed. Unable to work, focus, concentrate etc.

    Comment by Kim — July 23, 2019 @ 8:17 PM

  35. I’m not depressed, at one time I was, but I sleep, 4-8hrs I take one I take trazdone I have for over 15 years off and on, I was on more, but I didn’t like the effects of them, I’m not saying I don’t get depressed but that goes away if I challenge my mind I like to do the same thing on days I can. I forget alot but not as much as I used to and I go to brain injury meeting when I can and learn things that help to but I will say the biggest help I have had in the Bible the right side of my body is affected and I feel more pain. I have been in a car wreck more than once, pistolwhipped, assaulted I take pain meds right now and other thing to help my body. I thank God for helping me and Doctors, and anyone that has helped me. My stomach has problems and my eyes and my teeth but that does not stop me from living for Christ. My biggest problem is the way people treat me. I’m not saying they don’t have a right to do so. But forgive and move on. I will live forever because of my Faith in Jesus Christ. Everybody makes mistakes it learning from them is how I grew. I’m not saying just like when I was in school I failed but I still had a chance and got my GED before the brain injury. I didn’t know much after I woke up I learn to talk again I learned to walk again, Please treat people with brain injury with love and they we grow in this life or the next

    Comment by Jason Hallmark — August 19, 2019 @ 11:18 AM

  36. Have used Oxygen Therapy for almost 30 years for CFIDS, head, neck, shoulder, and back injurys and substance abuse. Works every time after I flood my body with Oxygen and eat for my blood type. 3 weeks of intensive Ozone in body bag and tub soaking and Stabilized 02 in fluids usually does the trick! Sometimes longer. Lymph System is a huge swamp that has to be saturated! Be patient!!!!!!! But NEVER seen it not fail after all these years.
    Heated by wood for past 50 years…last 22 after missing l4 and l5 in back!!! Also Multiple concussions. one from going thru a windshield in ’70! Was amongst best tennis players in World at the time.!
    Dr. Amens Protocol with Oxygen is the Way out. …..Jesus helps too!!!! …..Love Yah…

    Comment by Bob Carlisle — August 22, 2019 @ 7:55 AM

  37. God Bless You Brother!

    Comment by Bob Carlisle — August 22, 2019 @ 8:16 AM

  38. I forget things easily, please help me out!!! And it’s really affecting my academics

    Comment by OLUWADARE — August 23, 2019 @ 6:54 PM

  39. I’ve had a lot of stress lately and I tell myself that my brain will never heal and I need some help, my age is 12 and I want my brain to heal and want to get stress free,

    Comment by ben dickinson — September 8, 2019 @ 1:00 PM

  40. I was strongly punched on my back head one or two times at the left side. After that i can’t concentrate in my study, can’t remember properly what I read, going outside again again, madness etc. Today is 5th day from my injury. Swelling has gone. What can I do?

    Comment by AmitkumarBasak — September 9, 2019 @ 6:27 AM

  41. After what time I will be healed completely? There will be any long term symptoms?

    Comment by AmitkumarBasak — September 9, 2019 @ 6:28 AM

  42. Hello Ben, thank you for reaching out and sharing with us. We’d be happy to have a Care Coordinator reach out to you via email to talk with you further.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — September 10, 2019 @ 7:40 AM

  43. Hi, my father recently having issues with putting words, forgets little chores like his password, his own salaray.
    I lost my mother two years ago and after that my father took all of those incidents in. But for few months maybe 5 or 6 to be exact he started having this issue. The doctors said his brain is damaged completely . But his physical health is completely fine.
    Is this temporary or permanent?
    Please help.

    Comment by Ashif mahamud — September 12, 2019 @ 7:18 AM

  44. I am a 35 year old woman and have had encephalitis since 2006. I am also very athletic, but now feel like I have nothing and that my life has fallen apart. Any help will be extremely appreciated. I am just so sick of always being confused and missing out on things. I have no idea how to help myself or do things the right way.

    Comment by Keir Stanford — September 14, 2019 @ 10:25 AM

  45. I gave my brain a big bad bonk as slammed into a truck with my motorcycle! I have lost the ability to find my balance! Some year I’m hoping to be able to walk again BUT I’ve been on my butt in a wheelchair for around 10 years now and I’m feeling like I’m missing out on my life! I’ve gained tons of respect and admiration for the people who are in a chair for life! Actually I’ve gained appreciation for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who is doing whatever they are involved with for the benefit of others!

    Comment by Kelsey Brenton — October 1, 2019 @ 9:15 PM

  46. Hi I’ve had a severe brain injury and I keep having these reacurring thoughts that keep repeating in my head over and over about the things I’m scared I won’t be able to do again can you please tell me if people recover from this

    Comment by Matthew sharp — October 20, 2019 @ 1:05 PM

  47. Hello Matthew, thank you for reaching out. We certainly have seen success with many patients that suffer from symptoms of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other forms of head trauma. We’d be happy to reach out to you directly to discuss further.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — October 22, 2019 @ 7:04 AM

  48. Hi …
    My son is currently 31 months old and is currently not walking nor crawling or speaking..,

    Just before his 18 month vaccination he could crawl ,sit on his own, he also started to stand up against furniture..

    He lost all of that two weeks after that vaccination…
    We have been from doctor to doctor and nobody had any answers for us about our sons condition.

    We ended up with another doc. And he said that mey son has brain damage,just by looking at him ,didnt even do a sing routine check on him…..

    he just left us without giving any recommendations to help make my sons life easier…

    As a desperate mom im reaching out to you for help…

    Comment by Louwnya — October 26, 2019 @ 12:46 PM

  49. Hello, i just assumed it would be ok if i shared. I M 35 years old. Approximately 5’11” 207pounds. 12/26/2018 i was in a head on collision and suffered a severe brain injury. I haven’t been able to walk and have many issues with my left arm. It pretty much effected my left side. My balance is completely out. I’m here because I wanted to know if there was anything extra I could do to help my brain. I’ve gotten alot better. Just not all the way yet. Thank you for the post. P.s. I’ve started drinking acup of coffee every morning. And it helps give me energy. Before the accident i drank a cup every morning. Just something to wake me up. Doesn’t seem to negatively effect me.

    Comment by Joshua — November 15, 2019 @ 4:30 AM

  50. Firstly thank you so much for this information, however I have a question please respond,my mother (69) has been having memory problems then we finally got the cause that it is syphilis and now she is being treated for it so my main concern is she ever going recover from the brain demage or are there ways to improve her brain (memory) as she does not remember anything and does not recognize us(family)

    Comment by Nomandla — November 22, 2019 @ 2:50 PM

  51. Ive had two concussions this year and then two prior to this. It has really been difficult in dealing with all this and having underlying anxiety, PMDD, panic attacks and migraines. I just hope it doesnt get worse, its alot too handle. I hate the brain fog and sometimes not knowing where I am.

    Comment by Noor — November 27, 2019 @ 9:58 AM

  52. im coming out of a 2 year personal hell where there is not enough space to comment on all. but in a nut shell there are over 31 emotional hits ranging from all sorts of abuse to bullying, losing my job, friends, my business and money due to inability to function which is well over $120k, and my home and lots more. i guess the crux of it is ive had 2 mental breakdowns as a result of my body going into shock and getting stuck in fight flight mode for about 6 months each time and im going on a roller coaster dealing with intense lows, feelings of disassociation and sometimes just not able to function. i no longer feel like a fraction of myself. i am a proactive person and i try and help myself by looking for new friendships and reading/researching on emotional trauma etc.. i am trying to sleep more and try and eat healthy but if there is anything that you can offer for some mental stability and for these disassociation episodes to stop would be helpful

    Comment by Bee — November 27, 2019 @ 8:04 PM

  53. Hii
    I have been sniffing petrol for last 6 months and I have damaged my brain badly , and I need someone to get me out of this. I had stopped sniffing but can someone please tell me how do recover from my brain damage. It took me 30mins to write this message. Pls help me recover myself.

    Comment by Rebel sanan — December 6, 2019 @ 6:26 PM

  54. Pls help me Dr.Amen

    Comment by Rebel sanan — December 6, 2019 @ 6:29 PM

  55. I’ve been strenuously trying to determine “Self-help” methods of helping my brain regain 100% rehabilitation like foods/beverages to consume. This article is fantastic and well-developed answering many of my unknown wonders these passed 8 years. Great work and thank you guys for your research.

    Comment by Chris Geagley — December 26, 2019 @ 9:59 PM

  56. Hi! My daughter sustained a frontal lobe brain injury when she was 6 yrs old. At the time we were told she would “bounce back” and she only had millimeters of damage! Fast forward —she is now 22 yrs old and we have seen her struggling for the last 10 yrs. She has been to neurologists who have said “some people are just not that smart” and counselors etc for anxiety , depression and cognitive issues almost like she has a learning delay undiagnosed. She is currently not in school or working and has low self esteem and motivation. We don’t know how to help her — can you tell us where to start over? Just want her to be happy and productive person.

    Comment by Michelle — January 3, 2020 @ 11:09 AM

  57. Hi Amen Clinic,
    Thank you so very much for your article. I find it greatly helpful, thanks alot. Please I will require further communication and advise from you. Suffered anxiety and doing much better now.
    What do you advise further to support my great recovery.
    Thank you.

    Comment by George — January 11, 2020 @ 2:40 AM

  58. My son of 25years has brain toch from childbirth go different places even UCH no answer, now, he talked till daybreak which medicine can he use, to regain his memory, he used Chinese medicine and many other

    Comment by Adepoju Paul — January 11, 2020 @ 5:25 PM

  59. Pls I need your advice on my situation I am having a constant headache and I never experience such in life since 6years till now I once hit my head against a plank I never take it serious from the peak of this issues a mere headache I thought because I didn’t feel this at beginning until I started have vision of light am affected at my forehead most pls help

    Comment by Adebowale — February 11, 2020 @ 11:38 AM

  60. I’m 53 and my recall is terrible, I can’t focus on anything for more than 1 minute and I’m living if in fear that I’ll lose my job.

    How can I begin to heal?

    Comment by Maria — February 16, 2020 @ 4:07 PM

  61. Hi thanks for the research, I’m johnson 27, well my problem started when my family departed due to domestic violence, changing of schools was the first problem, then at a point I had to live with a couples who’s not a family, the experience was unbearable for me, I lived and worked with them as a maid at 13years old, they beat me too much, I go to bed late, I barely sleep for four hours every nights then still get late to school, I couldn’t concentrate on my studies anymore, I explained to my school principal, so he gave me the chance to rest In school, most times when classmates are receiving lecture I’ll be sleeping (They allowed me) because once I close from school I don’t have a rest time anymore, fear was built in me because I get flogged often, now I’m 27 and still battling with fear, I lost concentration on studying even at learning anything at all, some years ago I gained admission into a federal university to study law but due to inability to concentrate in classes, I dropped out, right now I don’t even know what step to take in life, I’m 27 and sometimes I think suicide is the best option.. I hope I get a favorable response from you that’ll help me get myself a life I still wish to study but my mind is always far away, I lack concentration in everything I do…Thank you!!!

    Comment by Johnson — February 18, 2020 @ 8:45 AM

  62. I’m certainly no expert, Maria, but I would go to UltaLabTests.com and 1. check to see if they have a location near you (if not try MyMedLab.com or DirectLabs.com). 2. Order labs for B12 levels (Serum B12, Serum Folate, Homocysteine, and a CBC- a complete blood count isn’t enough to give an accurate picture by itself) 3. Take your results to your informed doctor (naturopaths are well often well equipped in this area). I have no investment in anything to do with any of the above- I’m just concerned that you are so young and having these issues. Of course, going to the Amen Clinic is a good idea as well 🙂

    Comment by Kim — February 21, 2020 @ 10:16 AM

  63. Hi, I just happened to scroll upon this,,doing what I,do most,nights,before bed looking for answers 5 months short of 10 years ago, I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke that,followed. Stayed in hosp. from Aug to Nov, Did,outpatient therapy for about 1 year. All through that time to this point today I have been suffering with pain in foot on my affected left side. I have seen numerous doctors about this pain. The podiatrist I saw til over 5years ago diagnosed me with,plantar,fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, arthritis and again I was sent to therapy.,and again to this day I’m struggling with pain but I feel my pain progressing and affecting other parts of my foot and my,left leg., my left hip hurts now. I’m assuming that because I’m not walking properly trying,to compensate for my foot that IMY way of walking now is,ruining other parts of my body and no Doctors are figuring what to do for,me other than sending me to therapy that,not having any,positive affect for me., Due to my pain in foot,along with other effects from. Stroke and aneurysmsitting. or walking I,ended,up having to take a early retirement at age 53 because I wasn’t ready to retire and need to,keep myself active for the duration of my life I chose to volunteer for,meals on wheels where aim a runner ai,have someone drive me to the, clients house and ai walk the,food to their door but this pain don’t help me to greet people with a smile always. I had a couple of nerve test EMG I think that’s what it was called and nothing found on both,so,don’t,know why or what’s,going on but YES!!my foot really hurts,bad, It have cost me my job, ability to drive and chance,of,being,happy with grandbabies. Any suggestions other,than therapy, I have many orthodics in my shoes.

    Comment by Tonya Mercer — March 16, 2020 @ 10:19 PM

  64. sir I had a stroke on the right side of my body,I’m 67 and had a stroke 5 months ago,now in my right side of my body my hand,leg my face feels like pins and needles and it is stiff and sore how long does it still gonna take b4 im in healing prosses pls im getting tired of this feelings,thank u,Jannie

    Comment by Jannie — March 31, 2020 @ 4:48 AM

  65. This was very informative. Easy to understand and simple ways to take care the brain.

    Comment by Very informative. Thank you! — April 21, 2020 @ 7:21 AM

  66. My son is currently incarcerated for dtug/alcohol related issues. Also, we suspect he may have had a brain injury a few minths back follieing a motorcycle accident. Now that he has been un jail for several months and has completely abstained, he is very concerned about his memory and concentration. What euggestions can you provide to help him heal his brain. I orinted sn article for him explaining how dopamine production works relative to recovering addicts in particular. What other suggestions can you make? He wants yo study for his LCDC but his confidence is liw because he cannot retain information. Sny suggestions will be appreciated, and you have my gratitude. Btw…..books with lengthy reading are of little help right now because he cant retain….excercises perhaps??

    Comment by Debra S Hiesler — May 13, 2020 @ 7:46 AM

  67. I have ptsd I’m trying too get over it with I want to live my life in happiness again I got shot breaking up a fight and my life haven’t been the same I just want to let it go and move on with my life in happiness can you please help me And show me a better way too be happy again cause I pushing my love one away and she’s really good too me I’m just going through this and it’s making me not what too be around nobody and that’s not me please help me

    Comment by Tremaine Hawkins — May 17, 2020 @ 3:05 AM

  68. I mistakenly hit my head with hard things in my childhood…and now am feeling all the symptoms what you wrote here..for a injured brain…and I want to get out of it…

    Comment by Monu kumar — July 8, 2020 @ 8:05 PM

  69. I feel i had a bad memory for a long time. But working from home since March 26 20202 under lockdown, I thought I was doing fine. I was Working lo ger hours but i enjoyed being uptodate and ahead….and then i remember snapping badly at a colleague i felt she was putting me under pressure to train someone while i had month end deadlines…i snapped badly i felt she broke something in me i just never could get that drive or passion back and also i suddenly felt a strain on my brain and realised i cant focus i cant concentrate…my work is now behind and i cant do a quick task instead of minutes im taking hours….i can’t do what i did before and its not that i am doing this on purpose…i love my work…i may not be smart person but i do what i must. I cant sleep had been awake till early houts in morning tossing and turning…before i would go to sleep and only wake up next morning to start the day….and now when i wake up i feel so horrible like i want to throw up but never do. I live in south africa im 47. Any suggestions plz. I need my brains to work as i still need to work and earn a living please.

    Comment by Razia Sylvester — July 19, 2020 @ 8:58 AM

  70. Hi, I’ve had years of chronic stress and the worst being the past five years. Things have improved but my health and brain have suffered. I deal with chronic fatigue during the day but wake with insomnia at night, weight gain & blood sugar issues, immune weakness. I know those things can heal in time but I’ve also noticed that my short term memory has gotten concerning as well as focus. I did some research today on cortisol and realized that the stress has caused an imbalance in that and it said that it can cause brain injury. I’m wondering if that injury can heal or if this could cause me to go into early onset dementia.
    Thanks, Deb

    Comment by Deb McKnight — August 2, 2020 @ 2:12 PM

  71. My 80 year old father had a TBI 4 weeks ago and has had severe headache in particular spot and sight difficulties. CT scan showes bruising bit now after 4 weeks the headache has become genralised. What should he do?

    Comment by Fiona Mills — November 6, 2021 @ 1:59 PM

  72. Hello Fiona, thank you for reaching out. Our brain SPECT scans differ from a CT scan, here is more information: https://amenclinics.com/blog/how-does-spect-differ-from-other-brain-scans/. We have a Concussion Rescue program (developed with our specialists at Amen Clinics, and a book written by one of our doctors: https://brainmd.com/concussion-rescue-book) that you learn about here: https://amenclinics.com/services/concussion-rescue-program/. For more information about our scans or services, please contact our Care Coordinators: https://amenclinics.com/schedule-visit/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — November 10, 2021 @ 7:55 PM

  73. I’m a brain injury survivor and I’m looking for a route back to walking! I lost 100 percent of my balance! I’m wide open to any techniques that will help me find my balance again! I realize how much work is required to regain your brain again ! My new purpose in life is first to walk but I’m hoping to be an inspiration for other brain injured people to show them how you’re able to live a happy healthy life !

    Comment by Kelsey Brenton — February 7, 2022 @ 9:42 PM

  74. My name is Kelsey and I’m in the pr,ocess of healing m y brain! I’m learning how complex our brains really are! I have been living under much needed care so far, THANKS for all of the help nurses! Some year I’ll be back and I’m hoping to treat you all for lunch! I figure that every nurse is awesome! I may not be able to walk YET someday I’ll be asking some of uou to Waltz with me!

    Comment by Kelsey Brenton — March 3, 2022 @ 10:44 PM

  75. Thanks Dr. Amen,
    Wow, I watched your TedX talk after I watched a Joe Rogan podcast. I’m 48 years and have been struggling with just about every symptom described above. From blurred vision to depression and everything in-between. I have been in and out of clinics and on pharmaceuticals and suicide 3 times. When I watch your talk it was like a revalation. My first TBI was at the age of 4 when two large dogs lurched at me and knocked me to the concrete pavement. I think I was in a daze for days, obviously I was taken in to a hospital for stitches etc. However I have had 4 other head injuries, sports accidents, motor car accidents without seat belts, and recently a “Johnny Depp” situation where I was assaulted at the head for hours. I’m back to wanting to end it all. What can I do? It’s a big mess upstairs.

    Comment by David A R — May 2, 2022 @ 4:27 PM

  76. Hey ma. Please can you help me with tips for rehabilitation. I had a migraine for 1½ years with little to no treatment (can't afford the bills). Such trauma hitted me at age 16. It's too early because I've not completed high school then.

    Now, I don't understand things the way I does before. Thanks to the lord that healed me of my wounds. The only niggle now is how I can help myself with meds to inhibit being oblivious.
    I'm also believing God for a second miracle, and I know he'll do it.

    Thanks for compiling the post, it's invaluable to me.

    Comment by Genius Daniel — July 3, 2022 @ 3:19 PM

  77. Great read!!! Thanks for sharing such a great blog.

    Comment by Mark Hamlin — November 16, 2022 @ 6:00 AM

  78. How would someone heal a potential tbi from 35 years ago? I know someone that was involved in an accident and was in a coma for 2 weeks. Being the 80s, they didn't do much for him when he came out…. now I see signs. I'm curious how this would be handled so many years later? Can the brain still be repaired after so long?

    Comment by Michelle — January 3, 2023 @ 6:44 AM

  79. Hello Michelle, thank you for reaching out. We have several resources regarding Traumatic Brain Injury: https://www.amenclinics.com/conditions/concussions-and-traumatic-brain-injury/; https://www.amenclinics.com/services/concussion-rescue-program/; and a great resource is this book written by one of our skilled physicians: https://brainmd.com/concussion-rescue-book. If you'd like more information about SPECT scans and our services, please contact our Care Coordinators: https://www.amenclinics.com/schedule-visit/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — January 9, 2023 @ 9:13 AM

  80. 3 year old TBI. Horrible short term memory. Very frustrating. Loss of balance. Weekly basis. High anxiety. Currently taking mood stabilizer. Any kind of medication that can help with concentration and overall cognitive function? Appreciate any information.

    Comment by Eric Arroyo — January 29, 2023 @ 3:51 AM

  81. Hello,
    I am 38 years old and was in a head on collision when I was 15. I didn’t even know what a TBI was until this year. I now understand that I’ve had one for over 20 years and didn’t know. I want to understand what I can heal and what my limitations are. Ive suffered from most of the symptoms above. Im currently on medical leave from my job, as i was having trouble keeping up and being consistent in my work. Im extremely motivated to learn how to heal and also spread awareness about this topic. Thanks for your work. Im getting an MRI next week but sounds like it may not show everything going on. What a frustrating medical system. I feel through the cracks.

    Comment by Megan — January 31, 2023 @ 9:19 PM

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    Comment by toy poodle — December 1, 2023 @ 2:32 PM

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    Comment by Premium Likit — December 9, 2023 @ 5:58 PM

  84. I'm grateful for these suggestions. This is similar to what we are trying, so the extra knowledge should help!

    Comment by Jacob Jose — January 22, 2024 @ 4:29 AM

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