Coping with ADD/ADHD can be tough, and it might be tempting to pathologize yourself and make your condition a large part of your identity. Rather than use negative coping skills, focus on what’s great about having ADD/ADHD. Check out the following 11 qualities commonly found in people with this brain-based condition and lean into these traits to make the most of life with ADD/ADHD.
There are many positive qualities commonly found in people with ADD/ADHD. Lean into these traits to make the most of life with this brain-based condition.
11 ADHD Strengths
1. Creativity.
Research shows that people with ADHD are less inhibited and more likely to problem-solve using creative skills. Activities such as brainstorming and stream-of-consciousness-type writing fall within divergent thinking, for which people with ADD/ADHD have a larger capacity. Conceptual expansion, or coming up with novel ideas, is another common trait of those with this condition, which affects over 9% of children and 4.4% of adults in the U.S. People with ADD/ADHD are also adept at overcoming knowledge constraints and are not limited by preexisting ideas of what they already know.
2. Resilience.
Those with ADD/ADHD are often faced with criticism, depression, malaise, and academic and social difficulties. While no one wants to experience adversity and obstacles such as these, they do help to build resilience. In a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, social support systems can help mitigate this, but ultimately resilience is found as an outcome regardless of the support received. Social belonging is just one area where people with ADD/ADHD have difficulties; other symptoms also require adaptation and resilience to live a more fulfilling life.
3. Energy abounds.
A common characteristic among people with ADD/ADHD is to have seemingly boundless energy. You might notice they have an endless amount of information to share, and stories to tell, and might be the person who can outrun and outswim their peers. Many people with ADD/ADHD have demanding jobs such as ER physicians and trauma nurses, which require high energy.
4. Hyperfocus.
Research published in the journal ADHD-Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders suggests that people with ADD/ADHD are likely to experience hyperfocus, which is when someone becomes entirely absorbed in a task. Being able to completely tune into a creative endeavor is an upside to ADD/ADHD and can produce great works of art, highly successful businesses, and other task-oriented pursuits.
5. Extroversion.
It is common for people with ADD/ADHD to be the life of the party then go home and feel the need to recharge, as they feel more introverted at their core. There are others who are genuinely social butterflies and love to be immersed in social events. Being a social butterfly has its benefits and can help with the potential isolative feelings that can come with ADD/ADHD.
6. Spontaneity.
People with ADD/ADHD are likely to be impulsive, which has its perks when it comes to doing things spur of the moment. Last-minute weekend trips, impromptu visits to friends, and spontaneous dinner parties make fun. Allowing for the freedom to shift gears and change course can be a great way to experience new things and feel fulfilled.
7. Conversational skills.
Brain imaging at Amen Clinics shows there are 7 types of ADD/ADHD and some of them feature talkativeness as one of their symptoms. Overtalking is not necessarily the same as having great conversational skills, but there can be overlap which makes spending time with someone who has the condition a lot of fun, vibrant, full of banter, and interesting discourse.
8. Risk-taking.
Taking chances is a massive part of what makes life interesting. Healthy risks and bold choices can change the course of your life in a positive, meaningful way. Of course, risk-taking that involves dangerous activities isn’t advisable, but more along the lines of deciding to move to a new country for a great job, discovering an athletic endeavor like windsurfing or mountain climbing, or even something not adrenaline-filled like going to a silent meditation retreat for a week.
9. Sense of humor.
You might be in a terrible mood and having a lousy day and in walks someone with ADD/ADHD. Within minutes you’re laughing so hard your face hurts. Laughter is medicinal and has positive effects on brain functioning, stress, and a variety of ADD/ADHD symptoms. A 2020 literature study found that laughter decreases anxiety, which is a common symptom of ADD/ADHD.
10. Romantic.
Being vulnerable can be frightening. Fear of rejection is real and keeps people from diving into life and love. Those more willing to take risks could be more inclined to tell a special person in their life that they love them and want to take their relationship to the next level. Gestures such as spontaneous vacations or excursions, professing love from a mountaintop, and having your name written in the sky could happen when you’re romantically involved with someone with ADD/ADHD.
11. Multitasking.
Hyperfocus has its upside, as does multitasking. The stereotype of someone with ADD/ADHD not being able to hold their attention and therefore shifting focus mid-sentence is an unfair assessment. There is value in being able to multitask even if you are distractable. Countless types of lifestyles require one person to be able to do a million things at the same time, and people with ADD/ADHD are often well adept at getting it all done.
These amazing traits are incredibly valuable and valid. Don’t overlook them; they are what makes ADD/ADHD a really special and interesting way to live. At the same time, if you have struggles related to ADD/ADHD, it is imperative to seek professional help to fully optimize your strengths. Getting a brain SPECT scan to find out which type of ADD/ADHD you have can be very helpful as treatments are most effective when they are targeted to your type.
ADD/ADHD and other mental health issues can’t wait. At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, clinical evaluations, and therapy for adults, teens, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834 or visit our contact page here.
Great article. Will use this info with clients.
Comment by JANET OUTLAW — June 19, 2023 @ 3:09 AM
Thank you for some uplifting news about this difficult condition! I have not been able to afford the brain imaging and find your articles very helpful.
Comment by Susi Heddy — June 19, 2023 @ 3:46 AM
I am glad to have ADHD as it has given me the most incredible life. Always an optimist and never a pessimist
Comment by ANDRE — June 19, 2023 @ 3:47 AM
Can I have ADHD if I can’t multitask and always physically tired but all the other strengths been shared I actually have.
Comment by Krisztina Toth — June 19, 2023 @ 4:03 AM
I was diagnosed with ADHD many years ago and have been on Ritalin , Wellbutrin and Most recently added was Zoloft. I read all of the common characteristics of people with this condition and 7 of the ones listed are total opposite of me and my strengths/ issues. Maybe I need an 2nd opinion.
I’m forever tired, socially awkward, definitely not a multi tasker and not very spontaneous. I am creative as I’m a musician/singer, I’m artistic and am a true romantic. Any thoughts?
Comment by Rich — June 19, 2023 @ 10:04 AM
Thank you for the positive article about ADHD/ADD! It was nice to read something in a positive light on this disease.
Comment by Amber hurych — June 19, 2023 @ 10:07 AM
WOW! I now understand myself better! I always think I'm getting on the nerves of the people around me, and that could be true. I just always thought I had more energy and things to say! I will be ordering your new book!
Comment by Billie Knittig — June 19, 2023 @ 11:17 AM
As someone who has a suffered from ADHD, all his life, this was right on point….
Comment by frank santos — June 20, 2023 @ 6:48 AM
So important to see adhd as just another body issue and not a life sentence to trouble and prison.
Comment by Judy Cunningham — June 20, 2023 @ 11:19 AM