The Devastation of Mobbing


Have you ever been mobbed? Have you felt targeted by a group of people at work, at school, on social media, or even in your church who spread lies about you, harassed you, or tried to oust you from the community? That’s “mobbing,” a term that has emerged to define the way individuals can develop a group mentality to relentlessly pick on one person. If you have been the target of mobbing, it can have devastating psychological consequences.

What Exactly is Mobbing?

Mobbing is actually a primitive animal group instinct. For instance, birds will surround and attack a potential predator or other threat in order to drive it away. Well, humans do this too, although not with beaks! Whether it’s at a business office, in school, in your neighborhood—or even in the military, group members will insidiously start to (non-violently) attack a particular person to push them out of the group or organization.

Mobbing can be initiated for any number of reasons. Perhaps the targeted person is seen as “different” or is perceived to be a threat to the status quo—or even because the person is envied.

The process of mobbing can include overt and/or covert psychological harassment, non-violent hostility, gossiping, undermining, making false accusations about the person—and related hurtful behavior. It’s a systematic effort by a group of people to diminish the value, contributions, or credibility of someone with the primary objective of driving that person away.

Mobbing is like getting kicked off the team, even though you know you never did anything to let the team down. Not surprisingly, those who are targeted can be left feeling defeated, isolated, and confused about what they did to deserve such treatment. It can feel devastating.

People targeted by mobbing can feel defeated, isolated, and confused about what they did to deserve such treatment. It can feel devastating. Share on X

How Dr. Daniel Amen Got Mobbed

Unfortunately, I have personal experience with the concept of mobbing. I spoke about it recently when I interviewed my friend, Dr. Loree Sutton, who is a retired Army Brigadier General and is now running for Mayor of NYC. She’d brought up the topic during our talk, and it struck a chord with me.

Mobbing is very similar to what happened to me in the early 1990s. At that time, I had begun talking with fellow psychiatrists about our work with brain SPECT imaging and the importance of looking at the brain to understand the underlying causes of patients’ symptoms. But instead of this work being received enthusiastically, many of my psychiatry colleagues belittled, criticized, isolated, and diminished me. It was a very painful time in my career.

Fortunately, our brain imaging work at Amen Clinics has already helped tens of thousands of patients. And, I have heard from many more people who have read my books or seen my public television specials who’ve said that their lives are better thanks to adopting the brain health principles I share. I remained buoyed by the support of all those we have been able to help over the decades, and that encouragement has kept me focused and charging ahead with brain imaging and my mission to end mental illness by starting a brain health revolution.

The Negative Impact of Mobbing

Although I was not deterred by what happened to me early on in my career, I know there are many people who are adversely affected by the mental and physical health consequences of mobbing. While most published research on this behavior is focused on work environments (or bird battles), mobbing can happen anywhere and to anyone.

In 2019, a study on the psychological trauma caused by mobbing was published in the Archives of Neuropsychiatry. The researchers found that of those who had been subjected to workplace mobbing, 71% developed symptoms of PTSD and 78% had major depression. Not surprisingly, people with a history of trauma were more vulnerable to a worsening of symptoms after being targeted in this way.

Mobbing can also lead to—or worsen—anxiety and sleep problems as well as somatoform disorders (physical problems without an identifiable cause). As you can imagine, it is a very stressful situation to be in and can impact physical health as well. A study published in the Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology last year found that those who were subjected to mobbing at work had a 28-57% increased risk of having cardiovascular disease!

In addition, many people also must face social challenges, such as leaving a job (because the mobbers made work so miserable), concerns about feeling welcomed at a school or church again, being able to feel emotionally safe in joining new organizations in their community—or even posting on social media.

If you’ve ever been the target of mobbing—or know someone who has—it’s really worthwhile to seek the support of a trained mental health professional who can help you process the experience and help you make sense of it, so you can go forward with greater confidence and belief in yourself.

Regardless of the cause, PTSD, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues can’t wait. During these uncertain times, your mental well-being is more important than ever and waiting until life gets back to “normal” is likely to make your symptoms worsen over time.

At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, remote clinical evaluations, and video therapy for adults, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834 or visit our contact page here.


  1. My sweet family is being mobbed for nine years or longer and my 27 year old sp dial needs son and 23 year old special needs son has almost lost their lives. Please help my precious Christian family to survive and heal. I feel I was lead to Dr Amen to save my family. Please contact us and help us Thanks God bless

    Comment by Marcie Schreck — March 18, 2021 @ 8:01 PM

  2. This topic of mobbing is indigenous to the animal kingdom (see Pinker, Angels of our Better Nature). It is a paradox on the fragility and the resilience of the human brain. Your work is a testament to the paradox. Full disclosure: my daughter is currently benefiting from your work. Thank you for your resilience and vision in the 90s.

    Comment by Dennis Alimena — March 19, 2021 @ 3:23 AM

  3. Mobbing seems to follow me , no matter where I work. I do my best at work and excel in everything I undertake, but I hear comments from people telling me that someone whom I trust is working towards getting me fired !

    Comment by Aasia Al swiess — March 19, 2021 @ 4:12 AM

  4. Great article. This happened to me at my office and it made it very difficult to stay there. Management was well aware of the situation but did nothing to stop it. When I spoke about this with my outside friends they would criticized me and tell me I was too sensitive. After thirteen years of this nonsense I decided to give up and call it quits. My only regret was that I did not do it sooner. There is no question that it took a toll on my health. No one can really understand or believe this behavior really does exist if they have not experienced it.
    Thank you for confirming that this is a real problem.

    Comment by Yvonne — March 19, 2021 @ 4:45 AM

  5. Great article and very timely. Mobbing is somewhat like bullying. My brother was bullied at a young age and unfortunately the effects of that carried with him to his young adult life where he eventually took his life., which led to my mothers depression and other chronic diseases. Our actions have consequences, I’m sorry Dr. Amen was treated with so much disrespect but thankfully for us he continued on and is helping so many in so many ways.

    Comment by Barbara Vest — March 19, 2021 @ 5:22 AM

  6. You are speaking of a mob which is more than one person, but I am dealing with a church bully and it is devastating. This is a mob of one I guess. The Pastor keeps preaching from the pulpit that everybody needs to get along and he wants no one at odds, ever. He was in law enforcement for 22 years before going into the ministry so I think that is where the “sit there and get along mentality comes from.” I was married to an abusive alcoholic in the past and I want to run from bullies. We have only been at this church for 8 months . At first it seemed great. She is someone I thought I knew but was really only an friend form a distance. I never knew this side of her, although she did seem to be critical of many of my friends if I invited to things in the community. I passed it off as she is a lonely person with a good heart. Now I am not so sure. Her attacks are subtle and personal. She belittled me in a meeting with the pastor about a Bible study I am starting trying to look concerned about my ability and dedication. It was if she needed to remind me on front of him about my duties. I did get a little defensive because it is building up. After the meeting she calls the pastor and wants to know what he thought about my attacking her. When I asked her what he said she told me that was between him and her. The problem is I previously asked her to to help me with this Bible Study and now I am miserable working with her. I want to quit but I do not believe that is necessarily the right thing. I have a good group of ladies that are excited about this study. How do I manage this situation with the least confrontation?

    Comment by Jan Simerly — March 19, 2021 @ 7:01 AM

  7. Thank you SO MUCH for this. I, too, have been mobbed in several different circumstances. To just validate that this is a THING helps. It explains why I hesitate when I say something that doesn’t follow accepted practice. My whole life has been walking on eggshells to ‘keep the peace’ when I know things could be different/better – just so I’m not ostracized . . . again.

    Comment by Jan Clark — March 19, 2021 @ 7:05 AM

  8. Yes, yes and yes! I’ve been mobbed multiple times. I took a break from social media for other reasons and I expect it to happen again once I put myself out there again. Fortunately I do have people who support what I do and see tremendous value in my work, but I’ve experienced professional jealousy and the wrath of those who feel (just guessing?) that somehow I am a threat to them professionally. It’s sad but what can you do. Trust no one. (Just kidding. Ok only half kidding:)

    Comment by April De Angelis — March 19, 2021 @ 7:09 AM

  9. When I was a chaplain resident we called the behavior of the group “scapegoat” behavior. Ethel Louise Robbins was murdered on campus at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. My dorm was the only female dorm. We received a death threat. The President exempted women from preaching courses. Instead of standing with us and protecting us, the entire student body of men and administrators stood with the threat. Pastors make the most money. Women don’t preach. Silence women. The message came across. 1981, the case is cold and unsolved.

    Comment by Charlotte Fairchild — March 19, 2021 @ 8:21 AM

  10. Thank you Dr. Amen for discussing this topic. I have seen very little discussed on mobbing which is amazing because it is a huge problem nowadays. I see it online a lot but you see in on the news with rioters, Antifa, etc and it is traumatic just to see it play out. This needs to be addressed more often and thank you for really brining this to the forefront. (I also had BrainSpect done in your Bellevue office and am a supporter of your work).


    Peter Hansen

    Comment by PETER HANSEN — March 19, 2021 @ 8:47 AM

  11. Many words have opposites: light/dark, hot/cold. At this moment, I can’t think of a positive antonym for “mob” as it is used here. Would that Christians or Muslims would “mob” a hurting soul with kindness and compassion, or that atheists or “the woke” would “mob” those they disagree with through understanding and helping hands. While groups often do band together for a specific cause or hashtag, what I have experienced is that it is more often a collection of individuals working together toward a temporary goal rather than a cohesive congregation with a long-term commitment.
    I sympathize with you, Dr. Amen, and I am glad that you continue to serve and help others with what some still see as “alternative medicine” but should be a norm. In this season of history, the scourge of purging and unforgiving mobbing will continue to hurt and harm others rather than help and heal our communities.

    Comment by Michael — March 19, 2021 @ 8:50 AM

  12. I was treated this way 2 times. The first one was in court the judge wanted me to prove I was hearing impaired in front of everyone in the courtroom by testing my hearing. She stated that I was trying to stall the trial by asking for accommodations. She was going to be the deciding factor. That caused me to have PTSD

    I was also covertly treated this way in a coaching program. Much like what you describe in your video. It had a great impact on my career. Yes, my brain was affected greatly. I’ve second-guessed it – until today when I read this newsletter. I now know it isn’t just me. I also found it calming to read what Dr. Duffy says: ” Contrary to common wisdom, targets of bullying aren’t “weak” or somehow deficient. In fact, bullies often single out the best and brightest within your organization because of their perceived “threat.” Thank you for this!! Love your work and have been following it for a decade.

    Comment by Lisa Hawkins — March 19, 2021 @ 9:08 AM

  13. Ive DEFINITELY Been Mobbed, have Too MANY Dragons” and Would Love A Brain Imaging’ Experience””….But Have Been Through So MUCH…Very Stressed Financially” And Don’t Know What To Do, To Afford it Financial Wise!? My Question IS… What Do You Suggest??? I’ve Been/Am Miserable!
    Thank You!!

    Comment by Sheila — March 19, 2021 @ 9:15 AM

  14. I’ve been an avid fan of the Amen Clinic work for years. I had attempted to bring my young daughter a few years ago, but one of the mobbers you spoke of hindered it. We did another spec scan at a facility in Colorado, that indicated she had a TBI, but never received the follow up program your institution offers, so I feel like I’ve failed my daughter in many ways. She suffers every day and doesn’t know how she can live with a lifetime of pain.
    Having recently gone through a nightmare of a divorce, with gaslighting and psychopathic emotional assaults, it’s left my daughter and I devastated and depressed. I didn’t have a term for it, but absolutely “mobbed” was exactly what we’ve gone through. This article felt as if you were speaking directly to me. My daughter already suffered from depression from a series of tragic events. Recently she was diagnosed with Dysautonomia at the Mayo Clinic in MN, where we traveled from Texas after spending 6 years looking for answers drs couldn’t provide. Shortly thereafter, our family support system was taken away and she was made to feel abandoned by a step father and siblings whom she had spent most of her 16 years with, but her medical expenses seemed to make what should have been a trusted family, became a volatile scenario and she was ultimately blamed for an illness and expenses we couldn’t control. As a mother, it feels like I’m being mobbed every day as I myself have nightmares of this man coming to physically remove us from this earth for his financial gain.
    We’re trying to move forward, but can’t get psychological closure, therapy does help with the processing of the damage, but the emotional pain and physical pain she suffers, breaks my heart everyday, as she cries out for help that isn’t there for her and she doesn’t understand how those she loved could betray her. I also can’t fathom any reason for this and feel responsible for the actions of others, although I know logically I couldn’t control this, as a mom I couldn’t protect her. Mobbing a child who was already physically and emotionally fragile should be a crime, but these people are allowed to continue doing this to others. No matter how strong you are, some will seek to destroy you because of their own inner turmoil, the jungle of life is filled with resilient fighters, but even the strong can feel defeated when mobbed by those you love.
    Powerful article, thank you for all your work. May all of us be deemed worthy of your miraculous discoveries. I still hope to one day get my daughter to Amen, but today we are just trying to survive the mobbing and all the layers of our circumstances. Thank you so much.

    Comment by Kitten Bailey — March 19, 2021 @ 10:00 AM

  15. Hello Marcie, thank you for reaching out. We’d be happy to contact you directly with more information regarding scheduling an appointment at one of our clinics. We look forward to speaking with you soon

    Comment by Amen Clinics — March 19, 2021 @ 10:27 AM

  16. People are immature bullies. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

    Comment by O — March 19, 2021 @ 10:27 AM

  17. Hello Sheila, thanks for reaching out. Amen Clinics offers consultations and different types of evaluations based on the needs of the patient. For information regarding pricing, insurance, and financing options, please contact our Care Coordinators:

    Comment by Amen Clinics — March 19, 2021 @ 11:20 AM

  18. Dr. Daniel Amen: The first think that I want to say is that ” I LOVE you. I am the physician with 42 years of knowledge and experiences in Human Psychology, Personality Disorders and how the Family and Social factors AFFECT the life of everyone of us on this PLANET. I have a great news for you. I have been personally harassed and mobbed as you describe it for 42 years. Well, I started using it for my own GROWTH and development. The first book that I read was from Sigmund Freud who talks about repetition compulsion. How we repeat our Past TRAUMAS. We need to become AWARE of them and HEAL them, in order to live differently. We, at this point, I have HEALED my childhood traumas and I look at life with a very MATURE MIND. We do not live in a perfect world and we need to LEARN and live differently. Dr. Amen, I LOVE to talk to you and everyone who is being harassed and mobbed. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day and enjoy your life.

    Comment by Marie Blair — March 19, 2021 @ 12:39 PM

  19. Two things occur to me.
    We don’t teach kids resilience well. Helping develop healthy boundaries is important. It’s not that mobbing and bullying aren’t damaging – they are. It’s that cringing in front of a bully can quickly lead to a downward spiral as they escalate in response to your pain.
    That’s where we, as onlookers come in. We need to teach our kids to stand up for others who are victims of bullies, NOT pile on. In the book “Caste” the author suggests that elite bullies force the middles to side with the oppressors or find themselves on the receiving end of the abuse. One of the main advantages of the civilizing innovation of laws is that the majority can put rules in place that block the worst abuses. But at a smaller scale we can encourage our children to stand up for each other so that we raise adults that are sensitive to mobbing and bullying around them. It amazing how much the support and objective “those people are wrong” of even a couple other people when you’re in such a situation can make your life more bearable. Sometime it’s easy to wonder if they’re right and it really is you. Getting a “second opinion” from others who do recognize what’s happening is always helpful. If it’s the most powerful people that are the bullies, maybe you can’t do much publically without making yourself a target too, but you can let the victim know privately that you see the problem.
    Bystanders and parents – don’t ignore these incidents when you see them. And victims, many times you will find others who notice and disapprove. Let them support you, even if they’re not powerful enough to end the abuse.
    Get help and allow yourself to accept help.

    Comment by BJ Brown — March 19, 2021 @ 7:46 PM

  20. Thank you so much. For writing this. There is no such thing as a mental health expert who knows about mobbing (except you). Thanks so much.

    Comment by B — March 19, 2021 @ 10:58 PM

  21. To every innocent victim of mobbing, know that you have a gift that is being attacked. Those who can’t be you, or do what you do the way you do it, or have what you have etc. create the mob. It’s unfortunate because I’ve endured this my entire life! I remember my grandmother telling me I would be envied all of my life and boy was she right! Even by ppl I love dearly. Speaking from experience, I ask that u allow these interactions to make u assertive in your dealings, as not to carry dead weight and heavy feelings of burden from THEIR lacking. They don’t know how to deal with their inner selves so their ego projects their crap onto you, who have did not a thing to a soul. Trust, I know it all too well. Instead of bearing their weight, your assertion will deflect that negativity they tried to project on you to weigh you down! Stand! Be! Live! Let no one take your happiness, because they didn’t give it to you. It comes from within. Make sure it swells there. Protect it. Light, Love, Peace, & Blessings…coming with Better Days! So be it…

    Comment by Brittnay Henderson — March 20, 2021 @ 6:25 AM

  22. Thank you, I needed to hear I’m not alone on this. I’m being mobbed by by deceased son’s girlfriend and her family, friends and my ex husband and wife. His girlfriend was pregnant and left behind a beautiful baby boy. Whom she named after my son. I’ve done nothing bu defend my sons estate as they were never married. They had a toxic relationship for many years and she never gave him time to breath. Now I’m the bad person because I wouldn’t sign her probate request. Which was never her duty in the first place. As a family, to get a family was always my sons montra She stole that away from me, my daughter, son and grandson. She won’t let me see my new grandson, I wasn’t included in his baptism and the list goes on. I’m able to go see him on supervised visit fir the first time, next week! If my son was still with us he would in no circumstances allow this behavior towards his mother! In the end, praying before I’m also gone, I can bond with my Grandson. Oh this life sometimes really hurts and Mobbing someone should be illegal. Punishment to these kind of heartless people is In Gods hands. Thank you fir shedding light on the meaning of Mobbing since I can now relate and wishing I couldn’t.

    Comment by Vicki Wiseman — March 20, 2021 @ 6:53 AM

  23. Can this also happen in families? My sexually addicted husband diminished me to our children their whole lives. 6 years ago I finally got help and that’s when the truth came out about his addiction. My adult children turned against me. Their father told them I was mentally ill and abused them when they were young. But one of my daughters remembers him praying with her to no be like her mother. I am having flashbacks now of things he used to say to them. Like: “ you have a choice, you can act like your mother or you can choose a good attitude.” Or, “unlike your mother I just want you to do your best.” Any time there was conflict I was held responsible for any negative feelings. Somehow I said or did something wrong. No one else owned their own feelings. I was the bad guy. How does a family heal from all this emotional abuse? How do I heal from all the trauma created by this environment? How do I help my husband see how abusive he was and the trauma it has left me with. We are 5 years into recovery work and he still can’t have empathy for my trauma and deeply hurt feelings.

    Comment by Janny — March 20, 2021 @ 8:41 AM

  24. I feel great relief on your topic of mobbing having been the target of ‘mobbing’ at the domestic violence agency I worked at which was being run by very dysfunctional staff active in their addiction. I was in the most intense period of my life working 2 jobs, attending my masters program at USC, and interning for 20 hours a week. I had no empathy nor concern for me from the staff and used they used this time to lie about me, and create chaos w clients . I really believe that the sacrifices move our work forward. I since then own the company that mobbed me, took corrective action to bring the agency back on track to its true purpose – helping families remain violence and abuse free, one heart at a time. Nonetheless I had no term to explain that I wasn’t wallowing in victimhood, but that I was truly a victim of this mentality. I am not whining. I share my experiences, feelings, and sources that provided me support and encourage augmenting my resiliency. Today I feel a burden lifted – I was mobbed and survive and then I thrive….
    Thank you!

    Comment by Laura Campana — March 20, 2021 @ 12:09 PM

  25. After a five-year courtship, the man I had been with and I became engaged. We were to be married in January, 1999. However, in December, 1998, we found out he had terminal cancer. We were .married 2 days later. I had always gotten along with his family. We frequently socialized with his brother. We all continued to get along until my husband got sicker. His mother, in particular turned on me, followed by the brother, and then his adult son. They harassed me, made fun of me, suggested I was like the hired help, and spread rumors about me. I was even physically attacked. I knew I only had my husband’s best interests at heart, but all these years I have secretly wondered if I did something wrong. Today, after reading this article, I realized I was mobbed. It’s almost a relief to know the phenomenon has a name. Now maybe I can begin to heal . Thank you so much.

    Comment by Vicki — March 20, 2021 @ 2:53 PM

  26. I often observe experiences, akin to what you describe as ‘ Mobbing ‘ over a lifetime, in a significant histories of my clijic cohort. Interestingly, I find that majority of these ‘Mobbed’ souls display ‘Theory of Mind’ deficits . They display Neurocognitive attributes of extremely intelligent High Functiining Aspergers overlapping with High Functioning ADHD. The ADHD related lag of Emotional IQ further adds to the burden of either ” attracting ‘ or ” missing’ the predatorial nuances of ‘ Mobbers’. Thus, in my view one must consider and evaluate the unique neurocognitive profile and vulnerabilities of such alienated traumatised souls which repeatedly subjects them to malignant alienation over a life span. Such trauma , without clarification, often is sadly ensuring and never gets closure.

    Comment by Ashar Khan — March 20, 2021 @ 3:23 PM

  27. I would like to try to understand why people mob. The idea is to understand not forgive. mOften when I can understand why someone did or did not do, it helps me to let go. Also if we can begin to understand why then maybe we can help prevent.,


    Comment by John Styffe — March 21, 2021 @ 7:51 AM

  28. Thank you so much Dr Amen and The Amen Clinics Team for this article so brave and so brilliant. So much comes to mind when wanting to comment this has been my experience and as a result has become my subject as an Artist and Poet, and Singer/Songwriter

    One of the realisations that eventually made me strong as I experienced different levels of mobbing that occurs anonymously, as simple, odd, and as obvious as it sounds is that anonymity and the individuals that use it, do have identities!

    What I loved about the interview and article was the clear description of all against one. It is something I still see. What has frustrated and even angered me about the experience is the feeling hopeless, and isolation i felt but what often hurts the most is the violence of the unseen non violent attack, and the myriad of ways that can affect you physically and not be seen as such and most of all cannot always be legally reported as such. Highly educated abusers develop tactics which they hope will out wit everyone, once they can create maintain , and sustain a mob rule atmosphere and mentality they can literally get away with just about anything, sadly enough!

    I look forward to a time when mobbing is extinct in families when its used to silence abuses, and in communities where it can be difficult to work safely or return home safely due to the unseen violent energetic gropping antics of those who only know to use mobbing as a way to succeed!

    I felt like I wanted to hear so much more on the topic of mobbing than was mentioned here. But in the limited time i was so glad it was described the way it was. I would have loved to hear more about how mobbing can be stopped from being successful enough to make so many of us suffer the devastation that we all do go through.

    Many Thanks & Many Blessing to all who chose to receive them!
    Natural Flowism
    A Freedom of Being!
    Lavinia De Ayr

    Comment by Lavinia De Ayr — March 21, 2021 @ 10:52 AM

  29. Thank you for your article and video on this very important topic. As a former target of mobbing in some of its various forms, I am very concerned about the role that high technology is beginning to play in this phenomenon. Scary stuff.

    Comment by Anonymous — March 21, 2021 @ 11:22 AM

  30. I was mobbed by my sisters and brother. One told lies and the others believed them and thought I should be told to straighten up. Had a friend who stayed with me during this conversation was glad to see them go. Will never be the same

    Comment by Bethany — March 21, 2021 @ 2:59 PM

  31. i can relate, i felt like i was being attacked by a bunch of piranhas. it involved my whole family turning on me. i had two new daughter in laws, they turned my sons, then my husband joined them, and then my mother and her husband. one son told me he told the bunch of them he didn’t want to hear anything else about me. i think he finally gave in to pressure and fear of his wife to keep peace. so now im not allowed to see their three children, they wont speak or respond to anything. they projected evil motives on everything i said or did. that might have been part of the problem , that i dec9ided i was better off saying nothing, to just stay safe. that was also turned on me. i refused to discuss what others had said or done with anyone but that person. since they were having mom bashing sessions , they would bring up what i supposedly said or did to so and so. I was getting support from counselor and alanon but it almost did me in. i did work on core trauma issues at a week long workshop. it helped but it had really wore me down. after two years of it, i was told i had to have major surgery , my neck had basically degenerated so bad it was compressing my spinal cord and they had to take my hip bone out and rebuild it. a nine hour surgery with two weeks in a rehabilatation center. i left there in a wheel chair, barely able to walk with a cane. that was two years ago and i am still struggling to walk. i am no where near the active person i was. one son text me during surgery, and has since come around occasionally . before all this i took care of all these people, elderly parents, sick husband, addict son , and helped when my other sons twins where born for three months, Then they all turned and cut me off. I think i was saving everyone else and i needed to save myself. i grieve the loss daily, but i can’t do anything but try to take care of me now. it is brutal to go through this mobbing. i can relate to dr. amens. i ended up taking my husband to one of his clinics and they were very helpful, even if he wont follow through on someof their suggestions, it sure expained a lot to me.

    Comment by shar kay — March 22, 2021 @ 11:00 AM

  32. As a Native woman I have been attacked , mobbed several times . I’m sorry I do not want to leave my name . I find I’m reluctant to join any group because of being mobbed so much . This includes Native groups . I live my life in seclusion .

    Comment by Anonymous — March 25, 2021 @ 9:17 AM

  33. Dr Amen, I met you at NGB in 2012 just before I retired from the Army. You were one of my PBS hero’s then as you still are now. I met BG Sutton when she was the leader at the Center of Excellence and I was working across the street. We met again, years later, at Omega Institute at a women veterans seminar. Like you both, I have experienced mobbing and know how devastating it is. Thanks to resilience and a strong desire to help my fellow military and veterans I’m now working as a mental health therapist and am so, so grateful you are both out there continuing to leading the way. Thank you so much for speaking about this issue and for providing a name for it. It’s huge!!! …in our military and our country. I routinely send clients to the Amen Clinic and so excited to have Lori running for office. If there is anything I can do to help either of you. Please email me. I God Bless you both as you continue to do good work. You are both awesome Americans gems. Respectfully, Elaine

    Comment by Elaine Gullotta — March 29, 2021 @ 1:38 PM

  34. Dr. Amen and others. I am sorry to hear all of these mobbing stories.
    Groups of people simultaneously mobbed me for years. When I finally had the courage to leave an extremely hostile workplace, the tabloid press decided to do two news stories without my consent about my legal separation from that corporation. Included were 82 pages of attachments to the news story that included private federal court hearing paperwork I had filed against my employer and worst of all, my medical records (including a recent diagnosis of CPTSD) of which my past employer had acquired illegally. Then all of this information went viral! After years of research, I realized there is nothing I can ever do to fully clear my name.
    After 30 years of a successful career, my professional life was ruined and my personal life was severely damaged by almost everyone I knew. I have started my life again yet it has been hard. I live on poverty-level wages at this time as I am no longer hireable in my previous profession or even any job that decides to put my name through search engines where the tabloid articles still come up in those searches every time. The court case (which I would have certainly won with regard to civil and criminal activities against me) had to cease due to the start of the pandemic and the closing of the court system. I did not have enough money to fight for my human, civil, and personal rights while waiting for years of delays to possibly get another court date in the future.
    All of this being said, I am so glad to finally be away from the profession that I loved because the continuous mobbing incidents by multiple groups of people nearly destroyed me. I do not doubt cardiac issues becoming a serious concern as my heart actually hurt every time I walked into that work environment every day. Thanks for all that Amen Clinics has done to bring the issue of "mobbing" to the attention of the public so there is a chance of federal laws being created and enforced to stop it.

    Comment by Ellen — October 21, 2022 @ 6:34 PM

  35. This is also called community based harassment. And the people involved do have a reason to do this. It’s called control. They perceive you as a threat and will do anything to keep you under surveillance. They ar connected through social media. If you have a cell phone, they are likely tracking you up address using a tracking app. They’ll lie about you to keep it going if you travel or move to another location. It is very debilitating and causes severe depression, anxiety, fear, feelings of helplessness and anger. These groups have basically taken your rights and freedoms from you. Too bad the US constitution and Bill of Rights don’t protect a citizen from these groups. I don’t feel free here and I definitely don’t feel safe!

    Comment by Lorri — May 12, 2023 @ 8:17 AM

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