Why You Should Care About Having a Healthy Brain


If you want to keep your brain and body healthy for as long as possible you must answer this question. It’s actually the most important question I ask my patients:


Furthermore, why do you want to be healthy? Why do you want a stronger mind and a more powerful brain?

If you don’t know the answer to this question, no amount of great information will keep you on the right track, especially with constant exposure to unhealthy choices.

Determine Your Brain Health Now

The single most important factor in determining your health is the quality of the decisions that you make every day. You can take the time to start the necessary steps to improve your health today by beginning with the following:

• Know about the health of your brain – get a base line brain health assessment.
• Know your health numbers – you need to optimize your important health numbers, not just normalize them.
• Avoid anything that hurts your brain and may cause brain injuries – engage in regular brain healthy habits.

It is important to remember that Alzheimer’s disease starts decades before you have any symptoms and untreated Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addictions all increase your risk for it.

One of the most important ways to decrease your risk for Alzheimer’s disease is to decrease all of the risk factors for it.

The Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s disease

The risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease include:

• Diabetes
• Hypertension
• Obesity
• Heart Disease
• Smoking
• Alcohol Abuse
• Low Thyroid and Testosterone Levels
• Sleep Apnea
• Insomnia
• Chronic Stress
• Untreated ADD or Depression
• Lack of Exercise
• No New Learning
• Intestinal Inflammation

You can do something about it, but you literally have no time to waste if you want to keep your brain healthy for the rest of your life. The older you get, the harder you have to work at staying healthy. As we age we have less room for error. We have to be constantly vigilant in our health.

When you take the steps to learn about the condition of your brain, then you can begin to maximize its potential and avoid the cognitive decline that comes in our later years.

If you or a loved one could benefit from a brain health assessment, please contact Amen Clinics to schedule a visit, or call our Call Center today at (888) 288-9834.

1 Comment »

  1. I have a question for the physicians @ the Amen Clinic. My sister was stationed @ the Pentagon during the 9/11 events. The plane that hit the Pentagon, did so @ the exact location of my sister’s office. Fortunately my sister had left the building approx. 20 minutes before the plane hit, but many of her friends and coworkers perished on that fateful day. Ever since that day, my sister has developed (was diagnosed) with PTSD. She eventually retired as a Captain from the Navy, but has done VERY LITTLE to seek help for herself. Now she tells me that she is “counseling” other PTSD sufferers “on the phone on a hotline” (I’m assuming that these people are Military), but has absolutely NO medical or psychiatric background. My concern is the following: Is it ethical or even legal for her to be “counseling” these people without any medical or psychiatric knowledge/training? I the meantime, HER OWN PTSD has gotten significantly worse, with sudden outbursts, difficulty sleeping and destructive behavior, including while driving. I have tried and tried MANY TIMES to not only tell her about your clinics, sent her Dr. Amen’s book, sent her MANY of the e-mails from your site, and even went so far as to tell her where your clinics are. I understand that “you can’t help someone that doesn’t want the help, but I AM VERY CONCERNED about her “playing therapist” with other patients who are suffering!

    Comment by Suzanne — February 13, 2017 @ 7:16 PM

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