5 Foods That Can Make Autism Worse

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is diagnosed in 1 in 54 children, according to the CDC. The condition is associated with an array of challenges, including abnormal social skills, developmental delays, communication problems, and behavioral issues.

According to research, over 70% of children with autism spectrum disorder have at least one co-existing physical or mental health condition, and 40% have two or more of them. Among children with autism:

  • 30-61% have ADHD

  • 11-40% have anxiety disorders

  • 7% have depression

  • Over 50% have chronic sleep problems

  • 32% are overweight (2 to 5 year-olds)

  • 16% are obese (2 to 5 year-olds)

In addition, kids with autism are 8 times more likely to have gastrointestinal issues compared to those who don’t have the condition. It is not unusual for them to have food allergies or food sensitivities.

Among adults with ASD, 26% have depression and 4-35% have schizophrenia (compared to 1.1% of the general population).

All of these challenges and symptoms can range from mild to severe. And a child’s diet (or an adult’s) can have an impact on severity. So, if you’re wondering what foods to avoid with autism spectrum disorders, you’ve come to the right place!


Having seen more than 1,000 patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at Amen Clinics, one of the first lessons we learned is that the ASD condition is not caused by one specific thing in the brain; there are actually 8-10 different factors that influence abnormal brain function.

We see ASD brains through SPECT imaging that are wildly overactive – often due to an inflammatory process. For others, we see brains with dramatic under-activity, which may be due to a toxin or some type of insult or injury to the brain.

This is one of the reasons why it is so important to look at brain function when coming up with a treatment plan for ASD. Throwing medication-tipped darts in the dark can hurt people.

However, there is one thing that all people with ASD should do regardless of whether their brains are overactive or under-active…eliminate anything that can hurt their brain health. This often means making dietary changes and eliminating specific foods.


It is important to realize that the food you eat is either medicine or it is poison. It is either helping your brain, body, and mind or hurting them. In other words, eating habits impact health, so it is important to avoid foods that can worsen symptoms.

We understand that children and adults with autism spectrum disorder are often known for picky eating and have certain food aversions or food preferences. However, dietary considerations are important in helping to manage autism spectrum disorder.

Here are the top 5 foods to avoid because they can adversely affect an otherwise healthy diet and make ASD and co-occurring condition symptoms worse.


When casein (one of the proteins in milk and dairy products) mixes with stomach acid, it produces something called an exorphin.

Exorphins bind to the opioid receptor sites and can result in a variety of troubles, including brain fog, spaciness, inability to concentrate, and a numbness to pain, just to name a few. A casein-free diet can reduce symptoms such as those.

Dairy is also problematic because it is considered one of the most pro-inflammatory foods in the Standard American Diet. According to a growing body of evidence, including a 2018 study in Pharmaceuticals, research suggests that inflammation is strongly associated with autism and is also commonly linked to immune system dysfunction.

This study shows that neuro-inflammation and neuro-immune abnormalities are key factors in the development and maintenance of ASD.

Avoiding anything that promotes inflammation is critical for anyone with autism spectrum disorder.

Gastrointestinal symptoms are fairly common with this condition, and in our experience, when people with ASD avoided dairy products, they began talking more, their hyperactivity was reduced, and bowel problems were resolved.


Research shows that gluten—a mixture of proteins found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye—can increase systemic inflammation when ingested. In fact, your body can create antibodies to gluten which can fire up, or inflame, your brain.

Gluten also decreases good bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, which is associated with an increased likelihood of feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed. The gut-brain connection in autism is real, according to findings in a 2019 study.

Gluten seems to particularly negatively affect the functioning of the cerebellum. Located at the back bottom of the brain, the cerebellum is involved with motor and thought coordination and is essential for processing complex information.

Through the brain-imaging work at Amen Clinics, we have discovered that those with autism spectrum disorder already often have decreased functioning of their cerebellum. Consuming gluten can make it much worse.

Although the research is mixed, many parents with autistic children report seeing improvements in symptoms after they put them on a gluten-free diet.


In the U.S., per capita consumption of corn products has risen from 28.4 pounds per year in 2000 to a whopping 35.2 pounds per year in 2019, according to Statista.

Since 1972, corn has been the top pesticide-using crop in the nation, based on findings from the USDA. A growing body of research, including a 2013 study in the journal Entropy, suggests a potential link between exposure to the herbicide glyphosate and the risk of autism.

Additionally, corn has the most unhealthy fatty-acid profile (high in omega-6 fatty acids that promote inflammation, compared to omega-3 fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory) of any of the whole grains. Yes, you read that right, grain. Corn is not a vegetable.

Another reason corn is one of the worst foods is that it has been found to be a breeding ground for fungi. In fact, a 2015 study identified 46 fungal isolates derived from maize grains.

There is simply nothing truly beneficial and many potentially harmful things that can come from eating corn. This grain is not necessary for getting the essential nutrients you need.


Not only are sugary foods pro-inflammatory, but it also increases erratic brain cell firing, and it is very addictive.

In addition, research appearing in Frontiers in Endocrinology found that people with ASD, like those with type 2 diabetes, have impaired glucose tolerance and excessive levels of insulin (a condition known as hyperinsulinemia). Because of this, consuming sugar may magnify improper insulin signaling.

Research in Plos One also shows that children on the autism spectrum who also suffer from gastrointestinal distress have poor metabolism of sugars. In these children, scientists found deficiencies in the levels of enzymes and transporters involved in the digestion of sugars.

Avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates, including sugary snacks and cereals, and increasing consumption of lean proteins can dramatically improve concentration and judgment, and decrease impulsiveness.


2019 study suggests that the spike in autism may be connected to the preservatives found in processed foods. Other research points to a possible link between autism symptoms and artificial ingredients in our food supply.

Avoid all artificial additives, preservatives, dyes and artificial colors, artificial flavorings, and artificial sweeteners. Although these things are not really “foods”, they are found in so many food products that we wanted to list them here.

These substances can make autistic symptoms worse and are definitely unnecessary for proper nutrition.

If you or a loved one has ASD, paying close attention to the foods being consumed is particularly important.

For our patients with autism, we often recommend an elimination diet. This involves eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, soy, and other categories of potentially allergenic foods for one month.

Then add these back one at a time and be alert for reactions to them, which would indicate that your child’s nutrition plan should exclude that food.

Along with diet, other areas should also be investigated to uncover and address the challenges of ASD.

Autism and other mental health issues can’t wait. At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, clinical evaluations, and therapy for adults, teens, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834 or visit our contact page here.


  1. Where did those statistics come from on corn? Never heard such ludicrous misinformation and statements after being in agriculture for over 25 years!

    Comment by E Mahlmann — October 12, 2016 @ 12:23 PM

  2. Corn isn’t even regulated by the FDA!! They’ve genetically modified it to have so much pesticide in it that it can’t even be considered food!!!! You should know this since you’ve been in the industry so long…..

    Comment by Lyndsi Nicole — October 12, 2016 @ 12:55 PM

  3. Non GMO corn like your corn on the cob (I grow my own) is probably not going to be too bad, (but the article is referring to autism / gut health to avoid all together and I’m certainly not disputing that) but all the over-processed garbage / exploitation that is produced today (corn produce) is where the problem really starts and where it is definitely considered a grain/allergen. Corn products have been a staple in diets in Italy (polenta), Mexico and poorer nations etc for centuries, however how it has been exploited today is a different story which means we have to really exercise our rights as consumers and smarten up with our purchases. Corn products today have become a sneaky ingredient found in so many products unnecessarily. I don’t have autism (compassion to those who do) but I have had gut issues such as leaky gut so avoid most corn products now that I’m (mostly) healed. I may occasionally have a non GMO corn on the cob very rarely and in a social setting, but if my symptoms come back, I make changes and note potential allergens (what triggered it). This is a good article to offer help and awareness to those with autism, or for a carer of someone with autism. I also don’t know if this is correct, but I don’t mind so much when travelling in EU to have a little bit of corn product bcos it’s not like the super exploited grain that it has become in the US. Hopefully, with more people taking a stand on our beautiful planet that things can do a turn around with GMO foods – as in abolish them and nit over exploit. Perhaps we would then see a decrease in the world with autism and the like.

    Comment by Dee — October 12, 2016 @ 3:11 PM

  4. Careful, Mihman… your brain malfunction is showing.

    Comment by Julie — October 13, 2016 @ 9:15 AM

  5. Mihman, wake up and look at the facts!! As a parent of a child/adult affected with autism, ai am VERY CONCERNED with all of this! Years ago, before all of the GMO crap, this was NOT an issue.

    Comment by islandergirl — October 15, 2016 @ 5:16 AM

  6. Lol all corn is GMO. Real non GMO corn was “at least 7000 years ago. It was started from a wild grass called teosinte. Teosinte looked very different from our corn today. The kernels were small and were not placed close together like kernels on the husked ear of modern corn.” If that’s what you mean by non GMO, cool. If not then I’m sorry to say all “corn on the cob” is GMO. It was genetically modified by selective breeding. Scientists today is using the very same concept except faster in a laboratory instead of hand rubbing plants together or relying on bees. 🙂

    Comment by Kirstin Mae — October 18, 2016 @ 1:07 PM

  7. GMO and cross-breeding are two entirely different things.
    Cross breeding can only happen in closely linked plants and animals.
    GMO is done between unrelated species.

    Comment by MaryEllen Cox — November 16, 2016 @ 6:45 PM

  8. This sentence above, in item #4 (sugar), “Not only is sugar pro-inflammatory, it also increases erratic brain cell firing and it is very addictive. For many folks with ASD, it is likely that they had some type of insult to their brain so when they consume sugar, the damage from the insult is just magnified.”

    You used the word ‘insult’ twice. Is this really what you meant?

    Comment by Michael Kingsbury — April 13, 2017 @ 8:25 PM

  9. brainwashed do some real research and stop believing all the garbage the pesticide industry is selling their in it to make a profit they do not care about anyone’s health

    Comment by Meg Kapp — May 20, 2017 @ 2:00 AM

  10. Corn protein is a problem as it can cause an autoimmune reaction. That has nothing to do with GMO!

    Comment by Denise — May 21, 2017 @ 8:08 AM

  11. Could you please post the references to the publications that support these recommendations.

    Comment by Lorna — July 17, 2017 @ 5:43 PM

  12. After we removed gluten from my son’s diet, his emotional al

    Comment by Pat Bouwman — October 13, 2017 @ 7:25 AM

  13. As an adult with austism, all of your comments to Mihman are really embarrassing and make me worry for your children.

    Comment by Bjorn — November 5, 2017 @ 2:50 PM

  14. Corn is a seed. Just like grains. They are seeds of grasses.

    Comment by Marilyn — August 27, 2018 @ 6:54 AM

  15. Your comment was cut off.

    I am curious as to what happened when you removed gluten from son’s diet?

    Comment by John — September 13, 2018 @ 11:38 AM

  16. I would also like to know what happened when you removed gluten from his diet.
    I have a 24yr old son with Autism and I’m desperate to find a way to alleviate his symptoms. He also has ADHD
    Because of his anxieties and extreme OCD , we can’t even take him out in public.

    Comment by Vanessa — September 26, 2018 @ 1:23 AM

  17. I’m a 24 year old male in a similar situation and very tired. I cut the above things out of my diet and stopped smoking and drinking 8 days ago. I also take what I’m sure are enough vitamin supplements. My diet right now is only seasoned 80/20 ground beef loaves. I plan eating the same thing for 90ish days, then evaluating myself and getting bloodwork done, then expanding my diet.

    Eating enough is difficult with no cheese or bread. An empty belly tanks my mood and energy level, especially now, so cramming uncomfortable amounts of beef loaf in my face at least three times a day is necessary.

    Compared to the past month, EVERYTHING is a little better. I also have no acne anywhere and it looks like the bags under my eyes are gone. This article was the final proof I needed to change my diet.

    Most importantly, I look forward to putting in the work to get out of my Mom’s house before I turn 35 and have to empty out my brains in a bathtub. Good luck. Great article!

    Comment by Brisket — September 28, 2018 @ 11:44 PM

  18. Hi Vanessa,
    I have 5 years old daughter with ASD, what she eats is so important, she is dairy and gluten free, not strictly as she sneaks and eats sometimes, I believe food is medicine or poison theory. All dairy affects her she instantly she becomes very hyperactive , happy, cannot concentrate, very sensitive to certain noises, cannot sleep at night well, that is dairy. Gluten has the opposite effect on her she becomes very tired lethargy, grumpy, lashes out for no reason. I try to control these foods including sugar and processed food as much as I can. I read so much information over the years but I found this through trail and errors, may be you can try this with your son and see how it goes I know every person is unique and it can be hard to control older person, and I try to minimise carbs and offer homemade meals and fresh fruit and vegetables and supplement good fish oil. As a parent you feel guilt when you strict from your child what all the children are having and they don’t understand why but known that is their best interest keeps me going. Best of luck all of you

    Comment by Amina Mohamod — October 1, 2018 @ 6:06 AM

  19. Brisket…what you are doing I say called the carnivore diet…I’ve heard good things about it!

    Comment by anita — November 16, 2018 @ 11:17 PM

  20. Corn is used to fatten up your beef. If you want to eat something that will fatten you up and make it hard for your body to digest, eat corn.

    Comment by Ron Sprague JR — November 27, 2018 @ 9:58 AM

  21. Gluten doesn’t mean all grains are bad. You can still eat oats and rice.

    Comment by Alysha Socie — December 1, 2018 @ 4:08 PM

  22. I’m interested in Autism, I have a Godson, 11 years old, he weighs 212 lbs, since he was put on Saphis 5mg, it helps tremendously to calm him down, but it had blown him up. He has a nutritionist, I
    have avoided a lot of foods bad for him, nevertheless best too big, what do you sugest?
    I’m desperate for help!!

    Comment by Sandra Sloan — December 17, 2018 @ 5:09 AM

  23. Hello Sandra, thank you for reaching out. We’ll have a Care Coordinator reach out to you with additional information. We have psychiatrists at our clinics that do specialize in treatment of autism and other spectrum diagnoses. There is more information on our website here: https://amenclinics.com/conditions/autism-spectrum-disorders/.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — December 17, 2018 @ 4:40 PM

  24. Hello Amina;
    I am writing to you to find out if it is possible to talk to you by email. I have few questions but I do not like public conversation. if you can’t I do understand. However if you may please email me at stillmina7@gmail.com

    Thank you

    Comment by mina — January 3, 2019 @ 6:08 PM

  25. Hi!

    Good tips!

    I absolutely agreed with you, because I have to work more hours now and my son is eating anything, so his behavior has changed to be more hyperactive.
    I must change his diet immediately!

    Thanks for your recommendation!

    Comment by Niurka — January 10, 2019 @ 9:31 PM

  26. It’s easy—feed kids the food that is fit for human consumption. Having brought my 2 year old niece back form the dead and from autism with food and homeopathy I know what I saw and experienced over and over. organic diet, little meat , no grains (quinoa is good ) veges, low sugar fruits, NO SUGAR, wholefoods, not processed, nuts and seeds activated (pre-soaked), lots of love, self regulation lessons and support. keep them away from doctors, medicine, vaccines and psychs. unfortunately parents aren’t in any way responsible for their kids these days , so………..

    Comment by paul — January 22, 2019 @ 4:55 AM

  27. Gmo..Genecticaly modified like clonenning .its taken from corn and spliced untill the real corn is no more …so you eatinf fake corn.

    Comment by Ginger Smith — January 23, 2019 @ 2:24 PM

  28. Lots of ASD in my family. Everyone does better on a diverse, home cooked diet, ie. as little processed food as possible. Stews with lots of veggies (starchy & non starchy) are pretty easy to make & generally inexpensive. It also keeps well in the fridge for a few days. Best choice is a mix of fresh chopped veg with a bit of meat of some kind (start with sautéed onion to give it that delicious base before adding liquid). Another great choice for those who wince at veggies is making veg patties or loafs. Grating or finely chopping the veg disguises it. If they contain half potato that’s ok. You can sautée them thin in a bit of oil or bake thick ones in a pie dish then slice like a cake. Add salsa, ketchup, guacamole or whatever you prefer with it. Any of this stuff can be spiced or plain to adapt to particular preferences. High fiber increases good gut microbes so get that fruit & veg however you can with as little processing as possible. Best wishes.

    Comment by Jayne — January 28, 2019 @ 3:25 PM

  29. Paul please email me. I need to help my 3 year old. I don’t wanna lose him more. My email isjuliemontano21@gmail.com

    Comment by Julie Montano — February 13, 2019 @ 11:11 PM

  30. Is it OK to eat ots biscuits and ots chacolets??

    Comment by Kk — February 15, 2019 @ 2:15 AM

  31. We took gluten out of my 5 year olds diet and his skin has dramatically changed. His eczema is so much better. We have been changing his diet due to poop issues. He has always been very selective in what he eats and we still feed him a great deal of baby food or toddler food to get fruits and veggies in him. I’ve started purée-ing frozen bananas, strawberries or blue berries and half an avocado and adding ground chia, ground hemp hearts and live culture yogurt. We struggle with him putting weight on and full evacuation. One of the worst things for him that changes his disposition is High fructose Corn Syrup. It’s poison. Autistic people are known to have gut biom issues, we need to feed them to help repair that so they can properly utilize the nutrition we are giving them. Imagine how we would behave if we couldn’t get enough nutrition every day?

    Comment by Kasia — February 17, 2019 @ 6:36 AM

  32. Happy to have read this passage, it really helped of some of the staffs that are really dangerous for my child. From now on, I will stop giving him things that make autism worse. Thank u!

    Comment by Eugenia — March 4, 2019 @ 1:58 PM

  33. I agree with you!! The autoimmune issue is exactly why kids with autism can’t eat corn,along with the protein gluten,and dairy.my daughter is 7 years old and has autism,and her gut is very sensitive to many things which lead to behaviors that people who don’t understand Autism can’t deal with,so as far as our experiences with finding the right foods, anything with pesticides or chemicals or artificial additives will effect our children.that is a fact,and I am a parent that prefers to heal my child naturally and not have to take medication to control behaviors.

    Comment by Laurie — March 10, 2019 @ 10:04 AM

  34. This list strikes me as the diet that would also be part of a mold mycotoxins detoxification plan
    There needs to be better testing developed for determining extent to which exposure to mold mycotoxins through our food supply can affect our bodies and are health

    Comment by Dew — March 18, 2019 @ 3:10 AM

  35. Genetically modified organisms are completely different than cross or selective breeding. Gmos have had an additional gene from another species forced into the DNA strand. Instead of 12 – (6 pairs) they have 13. This is completely unnatural.
    This extra gene provides the plant with the resistance to roundup. This allows applications of roundup by plane over the entire crop several times throughout the life of the crop.
    Roundup is systemic meaning it is taken up and trans located throughout the plant and deposited in “sinks” within the plant. Sinks are places the plant stores sugars -fruit, flowers, roots. Even though the plant is resistant to the herbicide effects, it still up takes the roundup and trans locates it to the fruit i.e. cobs.
    Roundup was patented as an antibiotic a few years back. It is a very potent antibiotic.
    It has been discovered that the flora of microorganisms in the human gut are responsible for 100% of the immune system as well as the manufacture and regulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin. These micro organisms in the gut weigh approximately 7 pounds and collectively are known as the Microbiome which is an organ as important as the heart. It has been determined that damage to this microbiome is 100% the cause of celiac disease.
    Corn, corn syrup, and other corn products are in almost every food. 95% of all corn grown in this country is genetically modified as are most soy beans, sugar beets, cotton, alfalfa and many other crops.
    Basically crops are soaked to saturation with roundup, then harvested and fed to us. The extra gene, the antibiotic properties of roundup and the way that roundup binds to metals rendering them biologically unavailable and that roundup can substitute for an amino acid in the building of protein molecules are just some of the ways that roundup causes the damage to us that it does.
    I encourage you to watch a 35 minute talk by Dr Thierry Vierran titled the Effects on nutrition by gmos. It is on Utube. Dr Vierran spent his entire career developing gmos for industry through the university system in Canada. After 30 years he began to observe very negative effects from the gmos he created and has set out to educate and warn people of these dangers. He is very credible and the presentation will really open your eyes and make you rethink the safety of roundup and gmos. There are many very credible scientists and Drs doing work in this area.

    Comment by Lisa — March 18, 2019 @ 3:58 AM

  36. Wakeup! Corn, corn syrup is in everything, its getting fed to animals that were never meant to have GRAIN in their diet. A cow has 7 stomachs and needs grass to ruminate (chew) to produce milk. Our agri business like the pharma business is corrupt!!!

    Comment by Valerie — March 18, 2019 @ 7:37 AM

  37. Does it make a difference if the dairy is A2 as opposed to A1?

    Comment by Sherri — March 18, 2019 @ 11:30 AM

  38. The effects of corn on humans is well documented, over 40 years that I recall. Just think: Every culture that uses corn as a primary ingredient in their diet, well, depression and lack of social, economic growth is stunted. Look at central and south America, vs Europe. It will become very clear to you. Corn, every once in a while is great, but eaten in generous doses, ingredients in meals daily, well, long terms problems. Just think about it.

    Comment by Joan Rogers — March 18, 2019 @ 1:40 PM

  39. As a nurse with fifty years experience, I can tell you pediatricians have been advising parents to avoid corn for children four at least 40 years because it contributes to ear infections .

    Comment by As a nurse, with 50 years experience, I can tell you pediatricians have recognized that corn is harmful to all young children as it contributes to ear infections. — March 18, 2019 @ 3:25 PM

  40. My son is autistic all grain is impossible for him. Corn and dairy too. My son was normal until he had his shots when he was 2 . He used to be able to talk until then. Diet change helps so much to give him a better life. Dark greens are his favorite. Corn rice and oatmeal for him had to go. He could do anything. He was like he was drugged up to sleep all day on those. Trial and error we had to test and watch him dark greens and meats and fruits works for my son

    Comment by Trudy Cash — March 19, 2019 @ 10:21 PM

  41. What medicine for Autism? My brother (half) has resided with our family since age 10 , now 46. No meds for Autism. It is believed he had a milk allergy since infancy at 10 he acted like a 5 yr old. Growing up with our 3 now adults he became sociable accepted in al environments. He has Hispanic Anglo genetic disposition. Since we found out he couldn’t tolerate milk we don’t give him milk products. Due to this article I will monitor the corn intake. Recently we have had several dishes with corn. I have noticed an increase in mood and anger episodes
    He is usually controlled by persuasion verses meds. No one has ever offered him or suggested meds for his autism. He has always eaten his cereal daily without milk only water. We due avoid gluten cereals and sweeten cereal. Thank you for your time. Nick V.

    Comment by Nick — March 20, 2019 @ 12:10 AM

  42. Thank you for bringing this back to the subject……. Autism.
    I don’t know we are rehashing the corn/corn syrup argument that has been known for some 30+ yrs. I am 42 and my pediatrician had me stop eating high fructose corn syrup in 1986 to help with allergy symptoms and side effects. IT WORKED!

    Now as for getting children on spectrum to be able to regulate their brains and control their bodies. Any one have good advice???

    Comment by Thank you for bringing this back to the point Autism. I don't know we are rehashing the corn/corn syrup argument that has been known for some 30+ yrs. I am 42 and my pediatrician had me stop eating high fructose corn syrup in 1986 to help with a — March 29, 2019 @ 7:55 AM

  43. Having autism myself as well as schizophrenia. The Idiocracy in most of you people is just absolutely absurd to go against the facts you know nothing about. This is very well put I read the whole thing twice and I find this to be correct in my opinion. Not all plant-based diets are healthy especially if it’s genetically modified to fit in the liking of our taste… have you seen what sugar and corn syrup does to children, you all need to take a closer look and think..

    Comment by Corinthian solstice — April 2, 2019 @ 2:41 PM

  44. What about soy?

    Comment by Keisha — April 14, 2019 @ 12:04 PM

  45. My 27 yr. Old son has severe behavior issues when he consumes corn products, and even when he consumes gluten free flour products. They cause severe inflammation, and trigger horrible behavior. He suffers from autism. When the food is removed the behavior stops after 24 hours. I’ve seen this happen when he participates in events where i am not present to monitor his food intake. Several years after seeing the correlation we a out these foods or have to call for crisis intervention. I’d much rather avoid foods which trigger inflammation.
    It’s easy to judge when you don’t experience how food can trigger bad behavior.

    Comment by Cynthia Bolick — April 16, 2019 @ 4:47 PM

  46. I removed my so , with autism from gluten and lactose, his behavior improved by 80 percent. Gluten is hidden in whey, so read the ingredients. My son can’t tolerate any, even gluten free flour products. I removed him from sodas, pepper, eggs, and I continue to learn how sensitive he is to certain foods. No going back though, can’t try it one day and not all the others

    Comment by Cynthia Bolick — April 16, 2019 @ 4:57 PM

  47. I am also concerned for my 18 months old son with some ASD symptoms. Could you (Paul or Julie) please email me with some more instructions. My email muhit_rana@yahoo.com

    Comment by Muhit Rana — May 8, 2019 @ 11:09 AM

  48. Hi Paul,
    It is good reading your comments. I have a son who might be on the spectrum and would like to email you privately to find out how you handled the dieting. I will appreciate if you email me at alsoodeh@gmail.com

    Comment by Clemy — May 21, 2019 @ 7:12 AM

  49. Hi Paul I really think u should write a blog on how to help autistic kids. So to help parent like me

    Comment by Sashell — May 22, 2019 @ 1:27 PM

  50. As a Autistic person I can say this, foods don’t affect us or make our Autism “worse”. Before you nut-jobs go off your rails, vaccines don’t cause Autism, foods don’t affect Autism, and we’re sick and tired of you idiots treating us as if we have Ebola or that we’re broken dolls. This article is inaccurate.

    Comment by Don't believe the internet. — June 2, 2019 @ 11:13 PM

  51. Dear Amina
    I would like to Talk with you over WhatsApp or Phone
    As I have Similar Case to your Daughter…Also My Daughter As well .
    Please Contact my by number 0097466715666

    Comment by Amir — June 12, 2019 @ 2:55 PM

  52. People should come to Ftuits, Country Chickens (not broiler chicken), and fish.

    leave agriculture based wheat and grains, milk, and junk food.

    Comment by Shahid — June 15, 2019 @ 5:04 PM

  53. TRudy Cash,i saw your comment regarding with your son….my son is diagnose when he was 4… but when he had that shot when his 2 yrs old.. now.his really picky…any suggestion from you regarding with this since…thank u

    Comment by may — June 18, 2019 @ 1:20 AM

  54. Paul,
    Please email me also. I have a 3 yo granddaughter just diagnosed with autism. I am researching diet. Please email and talk about more of what you did to bring back your niece!

    Thank you


    Comment by Julie — August 20, 2019 @ 5:14 AM

  55. Paul,

    Email is julieresides@yahoo.com This is for previous comment by me. Thank you

    Comment by Julie — August 20, 2019 @ 5:17 AM

  56. Am a mum of twin boys who are 21 month old, but notices some changes in their behavior. One has few words ,the other one doesn’t. So scared cause people said is a delay in speech, but been doing a lot of research, and I noticed some symptoms of Autism which I want to rule and fight now before is a bit too late, cause all they eat is milk, oat, corn, cereal, please can someone help me out, cause need to know they are fine. Will start by changing all their food.

    Comment by oluchi — September 4, 2019 @ 12:10 AM

  57. This is a site to help each other. We are all in the same situation. Putting each other down is not nice and doesn’t help to be so negative. If your going to post. Post something helpful. Vent with your friends or psychologist please.
    Most of us are desperate first time parents especially with our child dealing with life time difficultly. And we as parents are to help them grow. Research, we all do. What to believe is another thing. Parents and caretakers don’t give up. Our children need us. Speaking as a parent. God gave me a child I received sole custody of my great nephew at 4 days old now 6. Starting school is a different situation and now teachers want him on meds. I want what is best for him. Medication is not in my plan. Last resort. Continue to educate ourselves and foods our children can and can’t eat. Is that I want. This is for the rest of their lives. With or without us . Pray we get right sooner than later.

    Comment by Janie Garcia — September 25, 2019 @ 5:20 AM

  58. I have a 5 year daughter and food affects her behavior and mood. I was curious about Pepper. Does black pepper affect children.

    Comment by Patricia Gonzalez — October 2, 2019 @ 10:44 AM

  59. My Daughter is 11 and now any dairy products cause really extreme behaviors. When she isn’t eating these foods she is happy and kind. When we forget to look and give her something with dairy she becomes an angry bird. Even some vegan products don’t agree with her I would love to put her on a liquid diet but she loves food too much.

    Comment by Chantell — November 1, 2019 @ 12:52 PM

  60. Paul can you email me as well? Lizalawrence82@gmail.com

    Comment by Liza — November 30, 2019 @ 5:18 PM

  61. Yes please. Very interested in the references. Not just for this article, it would be nice to see them attached to the text of all the blog posts. There is so much miss information out there that having citations makes a real difference.

    Comment by Ross — December 1, 2019 @ 3:16 PM

  62. Paul please elaborate on the homeopathy, feel free to email sanmiguel_patricia@yahoo.com

    Comment by Patricia Gonzalez — January 15, 2020 @ 11:30 AM

  63. My 10yrs old son has autism. Please I need your tips. Email me at Chinyereezekwesiri@yahoo.com. I will really appreciate it.

    Comment by chinyere achife — February 3, 2020 @ 2:48 PM

  64. I know this is an old post but its really sad to see such unconsciously racist comments made about corn.

    Corn has been consumed for 10-20,000 and is an incredible source of nutrition when processed traditionally (nixtamal) and not modified from GMO after being grown with toxic agricultural practices. The U.S. is responsible for most of that, and for exporting those practices to other places in the world.

    The statement in this article:
    “There is simply nothing truly beneficial and many potentially harmful things that can come from eating corn.”
    is patently incorrect, misleading, and revealing of an Anglo-centric and dogmatic view on nutrition.
    Some of those fungi are super beneficial and delicious. Nixtamalized corn is an important source of vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates, which provide us with glycogen (the preferred sugar of the brain and muscles) and satiation for long periods of time.

    As for ignorant comments like Joan Rogers’—your take omits the context of 500 years of colonization, exploitation and military invasion of Latin America (by the way, corn is most prominently traditionally consumed in mesoamerica. That would be north and central, not South America) BY Europe and the United States, which are sitting on a crapload of colonial wealth extracted from other countries.
    Therefore attributing the cause of an (highly problematic) assessment of inferior status to Europe, to the grain of choice, is both ignorant and super offensive.

    Comment by Carmen Llanes — February 7, 2020 @ 11:15 AM

  65. Excellent contribution Lisa. Thank you!

    Comment by Maria-Jose Bravo — February 9, 2020 @ 5:20 AM

  66. The most updated research on dairy shows that it is not pro-inflammatory, unless in individuals with lactose intolerance or allergy.

    Comment by Kelly — February 13, 2020 @ 8:33 AM

  67. I do not disagree with you, Valerie. Just wanted to clarify that cows do not have 7 stomachs, they have 4.

    Comment by Jennifer — March 10, 2020 @ 8:04 AM

  68. Carmen,
    This has absolutely nothing to do with race. Corn has no race. There is really no point in adding race to this discussion. People are not divided over the issue of whether corn is healthy or not over race. Ridiculous.

    Comment by Jennifer — March 10, 2020 @ 8:07 AM

  69. Please Paul I need ur help I am a mother of two year old autistic son and am very much frustrated… dekaibrahim2@gmail.com…please reply me via my email

    Comment by Deka Ibrahim — March 20, 2020 @ 7:48 AM

  70. Women who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to have autistic children. Low vitamin D linked to autism behaviours.

    Vitamin D is associated with levels of both serotonin, important for the mode regulation, and melatonin, which regulate our sleep.

    Also vitamin C deficiency is one of the main causes of autism. Vitamin C is needed.

    Comment by Jamal Salem, Aden — April 15, 2020 @ 7:02 AM

  71. I can give you the statistics, I see how my child behaves when he eats corn.

    Comment by Jo — June 7, 2020 @ 5:18 AM

  72. I have awoken…but what am I awakening to? It is unclear from your posting what it is about corn that is detrimental. But I do agree that corn is in a lot of stuff, so if you are aware of an issue, it could benefit all on this site to know precisely what that issue is.

    Comment by Zak — June 21, 2020 @ 10:01 PM

  73. If I am understanding you correctly you are suggesting that there is a causal relationship between corn consumption and social and cultural development, your premise being that Europeans reached what you imply to be a higher level of technological, economic, and social development compared to the indigenous peoples of the Americas? How did you control for other variables, such as climate, proximity to other cultures (in particular as it relates to competition for resources), etc. when assessing the influence of corn consumption? And how were you able to accurately identify the specific diets, over thousands of years, of people with no written history? And what criteria did you use to identify depression, and perhaps more to the point, how did you get your hands on the mental health records of indigenous people who lived hundreds even thousands of years ago? Or Europeans for that matter? And lastly, even assuming that a causal relationship between corn consumption and social, economic, and technological development does exist, by what mechanism do you suggest corn is exerting its detrimental effects?

    Comment by Zak — June 21, 2020 @ 10:20 PM

  74. Hello everyone, is there any suggestion for sugar as it affects my son’s behaviour a lot. Thanks

    Comment by Sam — January 6, 2022 @ 2:23 PM

  75. Hello Sam, thank you for reaching out. We have many great articles related to sugar – what to avoid, what better choices to make, etc: https://amenclinics.com/?s=sugar.

    Comment by Amen Clinics — January 11, 2022 @ 2:08 PM

  76. Hi Paul,I am a desperate mom of 2yr old. Please email me the diet at mildred.mulama1@gmail.com

    Comment by Mildred — January 20, 2022 @ 2:46 PM

  77. Please I need help on the proper diet for my 3 year old. Thanks

    Comment by Please l need help on the proper diet for my 3 year old. Thanks — March 9, 2022 @ 3:44 AM

  78. Wow. You guys certainly run the gamut, don’t you? So many armchair experts on autistic people, yet there seems to be about three ( four including me) actually autistic people on the thread. How do any of you account for the fact that many autistic kids simply refuse to eat anything that doesn’t have mass appeal, such as sugar and carbohydrates. It’s almost like you have never had to routinely sit down with an autistic child and commence the war games of food. And it’s still a battle even with stuff they like! Do you think an autistic child who is sensory averse is going to eat tabbouleh and drink wheatgrass shots? It doesn’t work that way. Can you make some small modifications? Sure. But the members here are simply not getting how much you AREN’T accounting for how resistant many of these kids will be.

    Comment by Leslie Wilson — March 12, 2022 @ 6:30 PM

  79. I am an adult with ASD I have been on a quest for what helps and what hurts… and have found a sweetener that doesn’t seem to react in me, wondering if it helps w kids, it’s pure palm sugar (like at asian markets)- anyone have any thoughts on that? I have been experimenting w diet for 20yrs and the sugar, artificial stuff and dairy are really key!! Corn and gluten helped too, but not as dramatic of an improvement.

    Comment by Mike or Aspen — March 13, 2022 @ 8:18 PM

  80. Our son lives with autism. When he was in 4th grade we removed the gluten and dairy from his diet. The change was profound. He left the special education classroom behind and never looked back. He now has a college degree and is able to live independently. Because he is aware of how diet effects him he is extremely conscientious about his food intake.

    Comment by Joan — April 15, 2022 @ 6:24 AM

  81. My almost-4-year-old grandson has feeding issues. He will eat only 5 foods. Teddy Grahams, corn tortilla chips, a specific brand of breaded chicken tenders, a specific brand of breaded fish sticks, and very diluted apple juice. If we follow the above list of problematic foods, he would be consuming only the diluted apple juice. How could we proceed with eliminating basically everything he eats?

    Comment by Linda — April 15, 2022 @ 10:04 AM

  82. I have extremely picky eaters (toddlers) and one with a sensory processing disorder, but there’s foods I’ve just never offered them. My kids don’t know what a chicken nugget is. If they did, I’m sure they would demand it all the time. There are foods that were borderline unhealthy that I stopped buying because it’s all they wanted to eat. If only healthy options exist in the house, then that’s what they will eat.

    Comment by Shawna — April 26, 2022 @ 9:02 AM

  83. This article is creative and informative. I actually look such website for our company.

    Comment by Autism Products — May 6, 2022 @ 9:10 PM

  84. Since 1996 it has been a law in the US that all grains have to be fortified unless they are organic.
    This fortification is with synthetic vitamins.
    Folate is one that is concerning.
    Between 40-60% of the population have trouble with methylation. Due to the MTHRF gene.
    Folate must be turned into methylfolate for detoxification, but in these individuals the process is slow and impaired.
    Synthetic folate competes with methylfolate for receptor sites. So many people who have trouble with grains is due to this gene and the ubiquitous consumption of fortified grains.
    It is causing many health issues.

    Comment by Carri — May 12, 2022 @ 1:02 AM

  85. I’d like feedback on giving them organic einkorn wheat that is glyphosphate checked. Homemade bread with no storebought yeast being used.

    Comment by Krystina — May 30, 2022 @ 5:58 PM

  86. ,Well this just knocks the limited range of foods I eat into an even smaller group.
    I’m sure you’d want to limit peanut butter and potatoes while you are at it! Useless

    Comment by Sarah — July 1, 2022 @ 12:31 PM

  87. My grandson started preschool…they tried for weeks to get him to try foods. Nope he won't. And they ordered us to buy an air fryer and bring in what he does eat. His autisim has a lot to do with textures . Never had dairy. He is intolerant. I don't agree they will eat what's in home. No not him. Truly autistic! What's your bright ideas about this?

    Comment by Daun Patston — October 24, 2022 @ 5:19 PM


    Comment by sara clevenger — October 31, 2022 @ 9:59 AM

  89. I wish Amen Clinic's would help more than they do. They could easily accept insurance and my daughter could receive their care, however they require payment of everything up front. That is so unfortunate as we are just trying to help our children. I thought they were too.. but it just comes to the bottom line $$ sad.

    Comment by April — October 31, 2022 @ 10:02 PM

  90. My 2 year old has moderate autism ,he’s very hyper active and sometimes it’s difficult to handle he behaviour .He struggles with speech a lot

    Comment by Minky — November 6, 2022 @ 7:23 AM

  91. People with autism already are more likely to develop eating disorders than others. So cutting foods like this and dubbing them bad for your autistic child will only make this worse. Maybe um instead of acting your autistic child is a plague that you must deprive of any enjoyment and also putting them at risk for deadly Diseases because you idiots think autism is worse then TB; you change your habits and learn to Accommodate your child so they can be their happiest and healthiest. Because these dietary restrictions are not helping!

    Comment by No thanks — August 25, 2023 @ 8:48 PM

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    Comment by rehber — December 4, 2023 @ 4:37 PM

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    Comment by Val Billingham — August 3, 2024 @ 2:59 AM

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