Dental Health Linked to Dementia Risk

Blog-Dental Health Linked to Dementia Risk

Do you floss regularly? Brush your teeth after every meal? If you do, you might be preventing more than just cavities and gum disease.

A study found that people who keep their teeth and gums healthy with regular brushing may have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life.

What Research Says

Researchers at University of California that followed nearly 5,500 elderly people over an 18-year-period found that those who reported brushing their teeth less than once a day were up to 65 percent more likely to develop dementia than those who brushed daily.


Inflammation stoked by gum disease-related bacteria is implicated in a host of conditions including heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Some studies have also found that people with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, have more gum disease-related bacteria in their brains than a person without Alzheimer’s. It’s thought that gum disease bacteria might get into the brain, causing inflammation and brain damage.

The Results

All were free of dementia at the outset, when they answered questions about their dental health habits, the condition of their teeth and whether they wore dentures. When the researchers followed up 18 years later, they used interviews, medical records and in some cases death certificates to determine that 1,145 of the original group had been diagnosed with dementia.

Of 78 women who said they brushed their teeth less than once a day in 1992, 21 had dementia by 2010, or about one case per 3.7 women.

In comparison, among those who brushed at least once a day, closer to one in every 4.5 women developed dementia which translates to a 65-percent greater chance of dementia among those who brushed less than daily.

Men vs. Women

Among the men, the effect was less pronounced with about one in six irregular brushers developing the disease, making them 22 percent more likely to have dementia than those who brushed daily. Statistically, however, the effect was so small it could have been due to chance, the researchers said.

Can Other Factors Contribute?

Head injury and malnutrition are also important causes of tooth loss in adults, and either of those might increase the dementia risk, said Amber Watts, who studies dementia at the University of Kansas and wasn’t part of the study.

It’s probably a bit of a stretch to say that by brushing your teeth you will not develop Alzheimer’s Disease, but certainly keeping a good dental hygiene regimen is never a bad idea.

We Can Help

Did you know that despite the natural aging process, you have a choice in how fast your brain ages? Your behavior and habits can speed up or slow down the rate at which your brain declines with age. Being mentally and physically active, eating nutritious foods and avoiding unhealthy habits can help you maintain optimal brain health and ward off dementia.

The best way to sharpen recall, reduce brain atrophy, and eliminate all the risk factors that steal the mind is with a BRIGHT MINDS approach, which addresses memory problems, aging and Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn more about Amen Clinics Memory Program based on Dr. Amen’s BRIGHT MINDS approach, check it out HERE, or call 888-288-9834.


  1. “Silver” (which are mercury) fillings are extremely dangerous and can contribute to health issues and brain dysfunction. If you have mercury fillings have them safely removed.

    Comment by Maryalice — April 6, 2018 @ 10:39 AM

  2. Not true! The dentist in Colorado that started the crusade to promote the removal of amalgam fillings many years ago, had his license revoked in 1996! The New England Journal of Medicine, public health agencies, including the FDA, the U.S. Public Health Service, and the World Health Organization, have concluded that “current evidence shows no connection between mercury-containing dental fillings and Alzheimer’s or other neurological diseases (or other health issues)”. They also endorse the continued use of amalgam as a safe, strong, inexpensive material for dental restorations. According to these experts, except in rare cases of an allergic reaction to amalgam fillings , there are no data supporting any recommendations to remove these types of fillings.

    Comment by Fact-Checker — April 6, 2018 @ 2:34 PM

  3. Mercury is a skin contact toxin.

    Comment by Daniel Rex Hamilton — April 7, 2018 @ 1:28 AM

  4. Check your facts “Fact-checker” European studies and especially in Sweden proved significant improvement in health when the “silver” fillings were removed. My mother being one of them. Many “mystery” ailments and symptoms were also either significantly removed or all went away once the patients had their “silver” fillings safely removed. In a “safe” way is very important. Also, we are different people and as such we react differently. Some of us are more sensitive than others to those “silver” fillings.

    Comment by Louise Kandle — April 7, 2018 @ 4:28 AM

  5. It has been found that when you remove amalgam restorations the debris goes into your system and can cause all kinds of health issues. Also when you place the composite restorations they are not really a great alternative due to causing more decay around the prep site or causing the tooth to fracture ultimately leading to the lose of the tooth. I am a surgical dental assistant and have been in the field of dentistry for 40 years and have seen this first hand. My advice to anyone is that you should leave the existing amalgam restorations as they are unless you have a problem with them.

    Comment by Cheryl Miller — April 7, 2018 @ 5:30 AM

  6. Oh sure, go one believing the FDA and other conventional “medical bodies” who have no interest in public safety, but rather an interest in the profit margins of their organizations, government affiliations, and such with the onset of causal disease that “requires” more medical intervention and pharmaceutical therapies. Most definitely are heavy metals linked to debilitating diseases, especially those which reside in the mouth and are continually bathed in various levels of acidic salivary compounds from foods, beverages, pharmaceutical chemicals and bacterial activities in the mouth region. Drainage into lymph nodes, absorption into blood stream, carried throughout the body. Of course the conventional dental industry would be backed by the FDA, US Public Heath Service and others dipping into the pool of cash and thus be of the school of thought that these are safe fillings. Don’t trust the fraudulent studies paid for by these corporate crooks. And again, don’t trust any dentist to remove these toxic mercury fillings. Find a biological dentist and have these fillings safely removed. Your health is what matters. Well said, Maryalice!

    Comment by chickennumberfour — April 7, 2018 @ 5:43 AM

  7. Actually, the removal of your amalgam filling’s is potentially more harmful to the dentist and assistant from the aerosolization of heavy metals and subsequent breathing of contaminon on a daily basis over their careers. For everyone’s protection, the removal should be done in what actually is a HAZ-MAT setting in the dental operatory.

    Comment by Robert Hamilton — April 7, 2018 @ 6:28 AM

  8. Mary Alice is correct! And of course the anonymous “Fact Checker” who most likely supports the ADA , CDC, WHO, and FDA would use criteria like “he had his license revoked in 1996!” as their reasoning to scare everyone into following the herd mentality of believing in the very slanted and impure statistics produced by the WHO, FDA, and US Public Health Services. Why? They have a serious financial stake in the the public’s continued use of 50% Mercury Amalgam, so naturally they would “Conclude” their is no public health risk whatsoever. The US has a large investment in stockpiles of Mercury Amalgam to use as their go to treatment for the Military and their families. They also use Mercury Amalgam in low-cost dental situations such as Medicaid and similar.

    In a January 18, 2016 article by Dr. Mercola reported that an FDA proposal warning against Mercury Fillings was blocked by US health officials. The FDA has a long history of siding with industry supporting Mercury Amalgam, including the deceptive marketing of Mercury Amalgams as “Silver Fillings.” However in 2011 in response to multiple citizen petitions plus an FDA advisory panel continuing to express concern of Mercury Amalgam risks and the FDA’s reluctance to protect vulnerable groups, the FDA drafted a “Safety Communication” on Mercury Amalgam Fillings that urged dentists to avoid using Mercury Amalgam whenever possible, but especially among the most vulnerable groups. The groups included pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 6, and people with Mercury Allergies, Kidney Diseases, or Neurological Problems.

    Unfortunately, the proposal was largely kept secret and finally rejected by–of course–the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). They claimed the “alleged” slightly increased cost of non-mercury fillings could put an unfair burden on low-income Americans, who might then neglect to have dental treatment.

    Dr. McClatchy DC pointed out that “Over the years, the ADA has:
    –Argued against FDA safety warnings about mercury fillings for pregnant woman and small children.
    –Imposed a gag rule barring member dentists, including those specializing in the safe removal of Mercury Fillings, from telling patients these compounds could harm their teeth.
    –Cut a deal in the final days of George W. Bush’s presidency that put off the issuance of regulations requiring dentists to install mercury “separators” so they can properly dispose of their mercury debris, in favor of a voluntary approach.

    Why does ADA love Mercury Fillings? Could it be the Money?
    –The Ada owns patents on Mercury Amalgam (patent # 2,018,600 & patent # 4,078,921).
    –The ADA’s revenue stream is built on a system of kickbacks; its Seal of Acceptance” is a pay-to-play endorsement scheme similar to one abandoned 20 years ago by the AMA (American Medical Association) on the ground of ethics.
    –The ADA was created as an amalgam-using organization in the mid-19th century, whereby the amalgam-using “dentists” defeated the anti-mercury “physicians of the mouth” who used gold.
    –Dentists make more money from each tooth, because amalgam destroys good tooth matter and can lead to expensive mouth clean-up work later. However, during the removal and restoration of old leaky fillings is when high amounts of toxic Mercury vapor is released an breathed into the patients and dental workers lungs. In my personal experience, that’s when red flags appeared because during and after each of those visits I became increasingly ill with extremes of dizziness, disorientation (getting lost on the drive home, having to be found on at least two occasions), kidney irritations and problems, general malaise.

    To hold its power and to continue to force innocent Americans to “accept” amalgams, the ADA has a threefold modus operandi: maintain monopoly control over the profession, strong-arm dentists to keep using amalgam, and conceal the mercury from America’s consumers.

    (For further information on this article, please Google Mercola, 2016 Jan 18 Dental Amalgams)

    And please refer to this National Institute of Health bulletin regarding NIH Mercury Hazard Reduction Campaign for pertinent information:

    Comment by Judy — April 7, 2018 @ 5:36 PM

  9. Cheryl Miller – True, when Mercury is released in such large amounts without proper “SMART” dental protocol as recommended by the IAOMT (for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal), it is dangerously redistributed throughout the body, and even to the brain unfortunately. Anyone with Mercury Amalgam fillings has most likely gone through the agonizing process of having them cleaned out and refilled. Why? Because they notoriously begin to loosen from tooth walls that it originally filled for many reasons–patient’s teeth change with age, amalgam is a malleable metal that can expand and contract which can cause invisible cracks in the tooth causing leaks for bacteria to enter causing decay. Also the upper edges of the Amalgam fillings usually become ragged due to “wear and tear” from normal mastication–this also allow bacteria to enter and proliferate in anaerobic conditions causing decay and possible systemic chronic illnesses of “unknown etiology”.

    So it’s practically impossible over a person’s lifetime with Mercury Amalgams to avoid disturbing them to restore. That also leads to more problematic Root Canals which are known for their toxicity due to deep cavitations harboring anaerobic bacteria at the critical periodontal root.

    Currently I’m dealing with all the bad effects of having at least 10 amalgams and a root canal as a senior with seriously compromised health with most symptoms aligning with Mercury Toxicity. I’m in this terrible predicament because of serious gas-lighting by my former dentists who simply did not believe my terrible symptoms after each dental visit for restorations. I had to discontinue all conventional dental care in 1999. Now, I may be too compromised to withstand what has to take place, even with the IAOMT dentist that I’ll have to travel 2 hours each way for appointments. Thank God for the guidance available though Chris Shade’s protocols online and practitioners helping thousands like me to safely work through this arduous removal process.

    Comment by Judy — April 7, 2018 @ 6:11 PM

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    Comment by kontrapedia — November 28, 2023 @ 7:46 PM

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