YouTube superstar, Logan Paul is no stranger to controversy. Logan Paul has claimed he lacks empathy and feels motivated by his fans to only increase risk taking behavior.
Logan Paul made headlines last year for posting on his channel a dead body found in Japan’s sacred suicide forest. He has also insulted the LBGTQ community by offering to “go gay” for a month, and he is constantly pulling stunts and making bad choices that are filmed for his millions of fans.
But why does he constantly opt for the wrong options? Why was he considered the most hated celebrity of 2018?
To help find answers, Logan Paul visited Amen Clinics, which is among the world leaders in applying brain imaging science to help people who struggle with emotional issues, behavioral challenges, cognitive problems and learning challenges such as ADD.
SPECT Imaging Reveals Brain Damage
Logan Paul went to visit double board certified psychiatrist Daniel G. Amen, MD to find out why he acts inappropriately and seemingly without empathy. Dr. Amen scanned Logan’s brain with a study called single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which maps blood flow in the brain. They discovered he has low blood flow and abnormal activity in key areas of his prefrontal cortex that rule the “human” part of being human. Dr. Amen knows that Logan’s history of repetitive head trauma from football combined with a trampoline accident where he fractured his skull is the main reason behind his bad decisions. Logan’s very significant injury shows trouble with empathy among other problems.
Dr. Amen explained to Logan the long-term problems he faces if he does not follow treatment for healing this brain injury.
“You hurt [the prefrontal cortex], which means you’re gonna have trouble with focus and forethought, and follow through, and organization, planning, and empathy, so for relationships, and learning from the mistakes you’ve made… If we don’t fix this, no matter how successful you are, you’re not going to make the decisions you need to move your life in the direction you want… Living the rest of your life with this brain is not going to be a lot of fun, for you for the people who love you. Because you’re gonna have trouble connecting. ”
Logan Paul’s Treatment for Prefrontal Cortex Brain Damage
But, luckily for Logan, his brain can be helped with the treatment plan laid out. Dr. Amen determined his treatment should include targeted supplements for supporting brain health and 80 1-hour sessions in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
Logan Paul and Dr. Amen just might be the reason young men and women will start seeking help for their difficult behaviors that damage their work, relationships, and overall happiness.
Watch here:
For more information on how SPECT imaging can help provide a customized treatment plan to help heal your brain, call us today at 888-288-9834 or visit us online to schedule a visit.
I work with indigent women struggling with Drug and Alcohol addiction. I know most would benefit from understanding what is going on in their brain that contributes to their compulsion to use substances. If we as a nation plan to truly address the problem of addiction then we must include this type of science in the solution. We must also realize by its nature, addiction most often ends in being indigent, which makes this type of treatment impossible for many. I look forward to the day when grants offered, to address addiction, will cover this type of treatment. Until then most people addicted, will continue to attribute their struggle with a moral failure and remain discouraged about their future. We encourage a spiritual approach to recovery but understand the benefits of science too. Praying that one day all people have access to these tests and answers.
Comment by Mitchell — February 27, 2019 @ 4:32 AM
I have Anxietyy and depression and I do believe I have ADHD. I have been making bad decisions wirhout thinking of the consequences and I dont know how to nake decision for the life of me.
All meds make worse
What do think is my problem
Comment by Darlene E Bourque — February 27, 2019 @ 5:16 AM
Where is Dr. Amen located Are there any such doctors in Atlanta GA.?
Comment by Jackie — February 27, 2019 @ 6:24 AM
Hello Jackie, we have 8 locations nationwide and we do have a clinic in Atlanta: https://amenclinics.com/locations/atlanta/.
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 27, 2019 @ 8:17 AM
Do you have insomnia?
Comment by Ramona Grimsley — February 27, 2019 @ 10:23 AM
I totally agree with you Mitchell. I would like to see more research and grant money used to help this crisis in addiction. I have a daughter who suffers from addiction. Lisa was brought up in a good home with loving parents. She went to all girls private school. She has a degree in Human Resources. She was diagnosed with ADD, anxiety, and depression. She was put on Adderall and antidepressants. She got caught up in drinking in college. She had a DUI, many jail times, several rehabs, alcohol poisoning that had almost killed her many times. This has been going on for 10+years. She does well then relapses…I have been too many funerals of addicts. So many of them are crying for help but it’s not there so they overdose.. not enough help. The stigma of addiction in our society hurts from the help they need so many are dying. I would like to see this type of science applied to help this epidemic in our country.
Comment by Doris — February 27, 2019 @ 10:54 AM
Just wondering how people who are on disability, having both medicare and medicaid, can afford SPECT imaging and a full workup and recommendations, plus afford the natural things that are recommended. Insurance will pay for pharmaceuticals but not more natural/herbal formulations. It’s very frustrating! It’s as if only the people with financial means, influence, or power can receive the help they need.
Comment by Susan — February 27, 2019 @ 12:32 PM
How much are the Brain Tests and Where are they done? Also will Medicare Help on any of this Cost ?
Thank you
Comment by Katie Hall — February 27, 2019 @ 2:39 PM
Hello Katie, thank you for reaching out. We will contact your directly.
Comment by Amen Clinics — February 27, 2019 @ 2:55 PM
On disability and Medicare. If I could afford this, I could possibly go back to teaching and get custody back of my two children from their narcissistic father. Talk abt bad decisions
Comment by Kristin — February 27, 2019 @ 3:00 PM
We just took our daughter to the Amen Clinic in Atlanta, GA in December, 2018. $500 reserves you an appointment and then on a military discount we paid $3055.00 upon arriving – for 3 days of appts. 2 brain scans and consultation. $191.00 for the supplements monthly for 6 months. That will give you an approximate cost. Just know that as demand goes up for people seeking brain scans that the price will be raised so they won’t be overrun by people.
Comment by Rose Gustafson — February 27, 2019 @ 4:10 PM
There were so many great comments here but it saddens me to see you only address the ones that lead to business with you… What would be important is to come from a place of helping people in general.. As you can see from peoples comments they’re hurting and they’re looking for solutions… Go out to billionaires Like Bill Gates foundation etc. to find using your program to help these people!
Comment by Jo — February 27, 2019 @ 5:19 PM
I don’t know why, but somethings you can do. Get sunshine, drink filtered water,avoid alcohol, take vitamin D, eat yogurt everyday, exercise daily minimum wAlking 2 miles a day. Walking to start start short walks working your way up to longer walk. Yogurt eating one everyday for 3 months has been shown to light up a part of the brain that may help with depression. What in your life do you not like? Make changes to correct. Good luck.
Comment by Gina — February 27, 2019 @ 5:20 PM
Good idea Jo!
Comment by Pat — February 28, 2019 @ 7:53 AM
If Dr Amen truly wants to help others why does he charges so much ? Who can afford to go to him?
The ministry of Jesus was to help others but Dr Amen is Rich and he doesn’t give a discount for the less fortunate, many people out there committing suicide with no one to help out
Comment by Ana — February 28, 2019 @ 10:11 AM
Completely agree.
I am one of the professionals who perform hese Nuclear Medicine procedures. I am blessed to be a participant in this endeavor.
A possible solution I can think of is utilizing this medium (social media/platforms) and start a Go fund me campaign geared specifically and only for this purpose.
I commend you.
Be well,
Comment by Rolando, — February 28, 2019 @ 11:34 PM
I agree. It’s all about the money. You have to be rich to have a mental illness. Many people recognize anxiety and depression as a real problem,but the solutions are all overpriced. Psychologists/Councelors cost hundreds of $ an hour and these brain scans go in the thousands. How are we supposed to get help? Want to bring suicide rates down? Then these prices have to change. At least if the true purpose is to help people.
Comment by Gabriela V — March 1, 2019 @ 4:14 PM
is there anyway to get this done for people in canada
I have severe speech problems and some other issues would be curious to see what my results would be like
Comment by Michael — March 1, 2019 @ 8:00 PM
Rich people have a lot better chance of improving because they probably have family support, stable housing, jobs, and food. Better business model since the rest of the psychiatrists are just sheep who blindly feed the pills.
Comment by Yase — March 4, 2019 @ 4:52 PM
Because the technology that goes into the designing and production of the machines, the expertise of the doctors and technicians who administer the spect and all the testing and research involved, I’m surprised they can offer the program at the cost advertised.
A basic MRI and all the other more commonly based items are far, far more. However that doesn’t help those of us who would benefit greatly from it and then cannot afford it. Trying to be logical here so check out the website, call them and see what they can offer. I understand the costs must be paid up front and they will give you the necessary info to file with your insurance carrier.
Since Dr Amen is on PBS a lot and is obviously successful with a history of great results, perhaps a foundation can be started which would help those in need. Let’s not go for government funding however or we will wait in line for years to get it. There should be enough funding in the private sector to start this type of help for many who need it.
I have those in my family who would gladly apply for a SPECT and treatment, but they cant afford it.
Thank you!
Comment by Deanie Marshburn — April 29, 2019 @ 8:08 AM
Thank you Jo for addressing what I noticed also. There are so many people on this forum who are interested and just want their questions answered. There are 6 clinics throughout the US and not once have I’ve heard anything about a sliding scale or even scholarships for even 1 person. There are those who need the services and just cant afford paying $3500-4k for the valuable services. Like everything else the best services available are for those who can afford it. In the meantime, Dr. Amen has videos on YouTube, that’s a start.
Comment by Linda — April 29, 2019 @ 8:53 PM
My 26 year old son was diagnosed with ADD 12 years ago. Meds screwed up his heartbeat so no more of those. Addiction problems for last 10 years, rehabs, meetings. Don’t know how to help him anymore, we know his ADD is at the root of this. We would LOVE to come to Dr. Amen’s clinic, having seen him on Public Television. Unfortunately, his ridiculously expensive fees are preventing my son for getting the help he needs. I mean cmon, the first visit is over $1,000?? Who can afford this? Where can he go for help where he won’t have to go into debt??
Comment by KAF — April 30, 2019 @ 7:22 AM
I agree why is this clinic soooo amazing yet no sliding scales or ways to help low income people!! I can’t even finance this scan at all i have no income. my daughter desperately need help .
I suffer from chronic pain I’m 45 yo women and I have a beautiful 18 yo daughter who suffers from depression, anxiety and who knows what else because of what she’s been through in her young life! I can’t work due to my back issues …I have no way to finance this help !!!!!! I know my brain has changed from pain which has made my daughter suffer & she changes as well! I just don’t want to continue to lose myself or my daughter to suicide 🙁
Comment by Madelyn — May 1, 2019 @ 5:24 AM
I am wondering if these services are offered in Australia
Comment by Elisa M — May 3, 2019 @ 2:17 PM
Hello Elisa, at this time we only have clinic locations in the U.S.: https://amenclinics.com/locations/. Our Care Coordinators are able to provide referrals in other areas, you can reach them at 949-266-3715. Thank you.
Comment by Amen Clinics — May 6, 2019 @ 11:14 AM