3 Ways to Improve Your Memory with New Learning

Ways to Improve Your Memory with New Learning

Have you ever misplaced your keys or completely forgotten a recent conversation? Have you ever gotten lost while driving a familiar route? We’ve all experienced these moments. And asked ourselves, “Was it a ‘senior moment’ or something more?”

Be warned: Seeing your local doctor about these situations may be fruitless and frustrating. With all the latest medical advances and discoveries, traditional medical practices aren’t up-to-date in dealing with early warning signs of memory loss. A traditional physician may ask you a few questions and do some elementary memory tests, then he or she will most likely say, “Everyone has memory problems as they age. It’s normal.” But is it?

Despite what many healthcare practitioners would have you believe, losing your memory or developing brain fog in your forties, fifties, sixties, or even seventies is not normal—it’s a sign of trouble. But memory loss is not inevitable. If you’re experiencing symptoms of memory problems, early intervention is key to getting results. Now is always the best time to get serious about brain health.

To outsmart your genes, put the brakes on aging and start rescuing your memory, try these three practical strategies:

1. Become a Lifelong Learner

In the BRIGHT MINDS mnemonic, R is for Retirement and Aging. One of the keys to aging well is to continually engage in new learning. Like a muscle—the more you use your brain, the stronger it gets. Whenever you learn something, new neural connections are created. Regardless of your age, mental exercise has an overall positive effect on your brain. On the other hand, when you stop learning, your brain starts dying. Cognitive performance starts to suffer as the internal connections in your brain begin to break apart.

2. Avoid Repetitious Activities

Even if your routine tasks are fairly complicated, such as teaching a college course or fixing a crashed computer network, they won’t help your brain as much as learning something new. Whenever the brain does something over and over, it learns how to do it using less and less energy. Just doing crossword puzzles or Sudoku won’t give you the maximum benefits the brain needs from practicing new learning.

3. Dedicate 15 Minutes a Day

One of the most popular excuses for not taking care of your health is “I don’t have time.” Well, if you don’t have 15-minutes to spare, you may not have a life. Research shows that with just 15 minutes a day, you can significantly improve your brain health. Try a new hobby like painting or playing a musical instrument. Try a new activity like yoga or dancing. Or try learning a new subject matter or language. 15-minutes a day may just change your life.

The best way to sharpen recall, reduce brain atrophy, and address Alzheimer’s disease is to eliminate all of the risk factors with the BRIGHT MINDS strategy.


  1. My husband was diagnosed with frontal lob demencia in March 2017 he is progressing very fast and loosing speech and functions, he is not doing anything for himself
    Is there anything I can do to slowdown the process, His dr says no I have to accept it. It’s very hard to see him like that and I can’t do anything about it. I also would like to know how much will coast since we are on fixed retirement income thank you.

    Comment by Hanaa Boutros — January 8, 2018 @ 2:59 AM

  2. I am trying to learn something new. The thing that shocks me most is the change in my ability to learn new things as quickly as I did when I was young.
    Dementia is a terrible disease and takes many forms.
    More education is needed!

    Comment by Denise Fitzsimmons — January 8, 2018 @ 6:51 AM

  3. I have had brain fog since my 30s I have been going to college since I was 40. My 4 kids were all out of the house by the time I was 43. I am currently attending nursing school and am very poor because of it. Is thee anything you can do to help me. After a full semester I only learned 4 of my classmates names out of a class of 26. It was embarrassing.

    Comment by Lucinda L Essin — January 8, 2018 @ 7:42 AM

  4. My husband is 79 years old, will be 80 on May 4, 2018. He has been showing memory problems since Spring of 2017. He does not recognize familiar routes. He misplaces a lot of things, more often than he has ever had before. He forgot one of his grandson’s name. He sent his daughter and his grandson’s Christmas gifts to the wrong address. There is more but will not get into it. He saw a gerontologist in October 2017. His lab results were fine. He spends an extraordinary amount of time infront of the computer. He gets up at 2:00 PM, sits in front of computer from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Back on the computer at 7 or 8 PM till 2:00 AM. If his lab results did not show any deficiencies, can depression be one of the reasons for his forgetfulness? We attended one of your seminars conducted at Reston, VA, I think Dec. 4, 2017 was the date. He bought the book Memory Rescue but has not read a page of it. He does not think he has a problem.

    Comment by Priscilla Gaines — January 8, 2018 @ 7:49 AM

  5. I already get the newsletter. I have travelled to hear Dr. Amen speak and have visited the Seattle clinic. I have listened to the YouTube hour and a half interview with David Asprey and Dr. Amen and was impressed, but especially delighted with the kudos to Helen Irlen at the end. As an Irlen diagnostician for 26 years, I could not have imagined that the importance of this technology would have ballooned as it has.

    Comment by Cathryn Hay — January 8, 2018 @ 8:12 AM

  6. Interested in preserving my memory. Ideas from this sight has given me yout thoughts and ideas on how to maintain ones memory

    Comment by Charlotte Miller — January 8, 2018 @ 9:30 AM

  7. Have u tried suplementation? Eg. tyrosine carnitine and Brain aminoacids?
    1. Aminoacids,
    2. Food do induct ketosis,
    3. Everyday exercises physical and mental…
    4. Social interaction
    5. Try to learn neh things even without his perception of the “learning process”…
    I could recover my father’s memory/Brain from dementia (very advanced level of impairement to a middle level after only 6 months).
    Do not give up.
    He is and was good for u when u most needed as Baby now it is your turn

    Comment by Anonymous — June 9, 2018 @ 8:03 AM

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