Jeremy was a bright student who worked hard and succeeded academically. He loved to learn and had done exceptionally well at a prestigious university, but he had a tendency to get bored easily. As a result of his hard work, Jeremy attained his dream of being accepted to medical school. He expected that medical studies would be an extension of the smorgasbord of intellectual challenges he had experienced in college. But Jeremy was soon disappointed when he discovered how much rote memorization was involved.
Having to memorize a seemingly endless number of uninteresting facts made Jeremy and his brain feel half asleep. He resorted to simultaneously listening to both the television and the radio to remain awake enough and have sufficient attention to commit to memory what he needed for his exams. The fact that Jeremy’s brain began to fall asleep when faced with uninteresting information was an important sign that he had attention deficit disorder, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD).
People with adult ADD, which affects an estimated 4.4% of Americans, have a high susceptibility to boredom, have difficulty tolerating boredom, and are easily distracted. They’re the ones who tend to look around the room, drift off, appear bored, forget where the conversation is going, or interrupt with extraneous information. Why is boredom associated with this condition? It starts in the brain.
Your Brain’s Role in Boredom
ADD/ADHD is a brain disorder that results in problems with low stimulation and increased boredom. Brain SPECT imaging shows that in people with ADD/ADHD, there is low activity in the prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain that is involved with focus, attention, concentration, goal-setting, planning, organization, and impulse control. Underactivity in this part of the brain can contribute to problems in these areas and feelings of boredom.
How ADD/ADHD Boredom Interferes with Everyday Life
Because of the way the ADD/ADHD brain functions, people with this disorder have trouble completing everyday activities, such as paying bills, doing household chores, or organizing their files at work. If you have ADD/ADHD, this means you may fall behind on payments, neglect cleaning the house, or have a messy desk at work. This can cause a host of problems in your life—financial issues, relationship trouble, and problems holding a job.
Some people with ADD/ADHD also have trouble maintaining everyday relationships. They often quickly become bored with their romantic partner. When the rush of new love wears off, boredom sets in, they end the relationship and seek out someone new.
Why People with ADD/ADHD Need Stimulation
Because people with ADD/ADHD need stimulation or excitement in order to stay engaged. They can pay attention just fine to things that are new, novel, interesting, highly stimulating, or frightening. For example, they can easily lose themselves for many consecutive hours playing exciting video games. And activities that would make most of us tremble with anxiety—such as motorcycle racing, free climbing, or skydiving—seem to calm these individuals.
Take a look at an Amen Clinics patient who was an airplane wing walker. This man required an extreme amount of stimulation in order to feel calm and comfortable. Most of us would be paralyzed by anxiety walking on the wing of an airplane mid-flight, but this man, who normally experienced boring situations as remarkably intolerable, was optimally stimulated when engaging in his hobby. He stopped being distracted and became mindful, alert, and fully aware in the present moment. Why? The excitement boosted adrenaline, which is often low in those with ADD/ADHD due to adrenal gland disorders and stimulated his frontal lobes. This allowed him to feel calm and focused while walking on wings instead of rattled by his normal state of intense boredom.
Unhealthy Ways to Stimulate the ADD/ADHD Brain
Many people with this condition unconsciously—based on brain-driven mechanisms (not will-driven)—play ADD/ADHD games as a way to boost adrenaline and stimulate their frontal lobes. These games just seem to happen. No one plans for them to happen. Most ADD/ADHD people deny that they engage in these behaviors, but they are common in the patients at Amen Clinics.
Here are 3 unhealthy ways that people with ADD/ADHD create stimulation:
- “Let’s have a problem.” Without enough stimulation, the brain looks for ways to increase its own activity. Being mad, upset, angry, or negative has an immediate stimulating effect on the brain. Whenever you get upset your body produces increasing amounts of adrenaline stimulating heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and, yes, brain activity. Many people with ADD/ADHD pick on others to get a rise out of them, get them upset, or make them crazy.
- “Fighting as foreplay.” Many couples where one or both partners have ADD/ADHD have intense fights followed by a period of making up and making love. One minute you’re fighting and talking about divorce, and the next moment you’re making wild passionate love. It’s confusing, but the arguing provides the stimulation that gets you ready for love.
- “Let’s get addicted.” People with ADD/ADHD have a higher incidence of addiction, whether it’s to drugs and alcohol, food, video games, social media, or even work. Think of those who are addicted to their iPhones and other mobile devices. It’s the constant pings alerting them to new information and novelty that stimulates their brain and relieves their boredom.
Healthy Ways to Stimulate the ADD/ADHD Brain
There are better ways to support and stimulate the brain, including:
- Intense exercise
- Goal setting
- A diet that is higher in high-quality proteins and fats and lower in simple carbs
- Omega-3 fatty acids that are higher in EPA
- Supplements that support focus, such as green tea, rhodiola, ginseng, and tyrosine
If ADD/ADHD is interfering with your life, finances, work, or relationships, it’s time to seek professional help.
ADD/ADHD and other mental health issues can’t wait. During these uncertain times, your mental well-being is more important than ever and waiting until life gets back to “normal” is likely to make your symptoms worsen over time.
At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, remote clinical evaluations, and video therapy for adults, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834 or visit our contact page here.
Boredom …
I apologize for the length of this reply….
I was, may I say, “finally,” diagnosed ADHD by the Amen Clinics four years ago. I was 54 … can you believe this?
Dr. Annibali, reading your article triggered my curiosity. I went back in time, look for moments I could capture where and when I experienced boredom. In retrospect, if I did, I didn’t spend too much time fretting on it. If I did experience it, being unaware of what it was, my mind would immediately put its “adventurer’s” hat on and look for the next “something” to be discovered. Quite frankly, I think the free spirit in me fueled that too. In a blink, I was up and on my way to the next “to be discovered.”
I got myself involved in very cool things. Truth be told, I have to thank God for that. In my teens my taste for adventure was a little bit more … risqué, problematic because of the environment I was surrounded by…the 70s, great rock concerts at the Forum of Montréal, light drugs (which I ended up absolutely hating…), and street gangs (GeorgiaWood style neighborhood.) Environment criminal infested, guns, people around me dying, biker gangs,… talk about stress for a self-raised teen girlee like me.
Not to be wallowing in my “bordomness” allowed me the opportunity to begin to experience cool things. I was 19 then. Getting back to my thought…(miracle), not to wallow on being bored … and, unbeknownst to me at the time, led me to live experiences that turned out to be highly beneficial to my adhd.
Here’s a few examples of where my sense of adventure led me: competitive bodybuilder, competitive weightlifter, leave my job and partnered with someone to open a gym that turned out to be highly successful, moving from Montréal to USA and becoming an American Alien… giggles…
What else did I do… oh, yes, my most favorite sport activity of all times…something I had a spiritual communion with … relaxing, organic, wholeness, was inline rollerblading. OMG did I ever become crazy about this! I could not get enough of that! In Montréal, Canada where I was born and grew up, there are miles and miles of cycling trails on asphalt where cyclists and rollerbladers share the same trail. I would leave with a lunch and water in my backpack … I would leave on my skaters for hours, going downtown, around parks, etc.. I ended up rollerblading for 10 years.
Getting back to boredom, I would say that I never had time to evaluate or recognize boredom. Too busy with my surval and fun of course! Music also plays a big role in raising my endorphins and seratonines…
Dr. Annibaly … aww…rollerblading, I never experienced such a feeling of freedom doing that The first time I did it… haha….I was gone for 6 hours! The next day, I took 10 private classes to learn how to do it properly and not to be a hazard for people around me … hahaha
For years… I was treated for general anxiety, which goes hand in hand with adhd. Nevertheless, I always had an inner feeling that there was more to it. How many times have I asked…”Are you sure I don’t have adhd? Do you think I have adhd?” The answer was always, “no, no, no you don’t.”
DgeeZeePeezee, now that I remember … at the age of 6 I was bouncing on the mattress of my bed and so jacked up, I also I got lost a few times too at that age. In my teens? Hahaha I lost keys, purse, money, necklaces, clothes, name it, I lost it at least times and times again.
In my mind, at 6, I was an explorer! At 6, I know too well now that I was way too bored, and I got myself into problems because of it. Here’s a few samples… I smile at it today… I know now. I so made my peace with this little bored sweet and very smart girlee! However, from the outside, I was a real little unpredictable monkey. Once, I broke a bunch of car antennas because I wanted to fence like The Three Musketeers on TV. Another time, I opened the door of a car and in the back seat, there was a bucket of matches! Well … I left with it, and would set little piece of papers on fire in the back of some storage shed we had behind the house.
I understand why I did these things now. They don’t haunt me anymore, and I don’t think there was something wrong with me. There was nothing “wrong” with me other than I was ADHD with an immense ability to learn new things, explore, create, create, do art (painting, finger painting, book coloring and so much more!), and of course, in those years… they had no clue about so many things that we know and understand today..
I was a 6 year old, left to myself outside to figure out my day. My brain, abilities, intelligence, (ADHD people have miles above average creative intelligence. They think fast and process fast.) We are learner junkies, go getters, doers, and go to the bottom of things type AA persona… well maybe a little too much… oh, we speak our mind too… hahaha it doesn’t filter too much sometimes.
However, as my dear mother would say, in her moments of sanity (God bless her soul in Heaven, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only please.) “Better a horse you slow down than one you have to push, push and push to move forward.” I so agree with that! hee hee
ADHD… once you know you have it, claim it, admit it, accept it, get to know it’s light and darkness, befriend it, walk side by side with it, it’s the coolest condition you can go for. And … if God, would tell me, before being born, “Alright Louise…I will let you choose your health condition .. everybody has their own little neurosis down there.” I would jump on ADHD in a blink with the condition to be made aware of it before 54, right?
I am so grateful to the Amen Clinics. It had and still has the tools, science, equipment to get to the bottom of what it is, in your brain, that may be, that just may be… affecting a behavior and symptoms you’ve been dealing with for years.
It surely had my answers and all the dots connected pretty fast. I got my “final answer.”
It confirmed what i was suspecting for so many years! Quite frankly, intense workouts, competing for almost six consecutive years, excellent nutrition, and supplement literally “saved” me from suffering the dark side of ADHD. Amen Clinics was my last stop and became the real answer that made more than sense…but nailed it down to the “T.”. Really, what can be the next step after looking at your brain to see if there could be something else? There’s no where else to look other than your story. It was a perfect match.
What a grace from God this Dr. Amen. Talk about someone who dare to be different, who stood for what he believed, someone with a mission against all odds, against the opinion and personal views of his peers. Tenacious, fearless (most of the time), determined. As my husband says, like a dog with a bone in his mouth, just try to take it off his mouth. Well … that’s what he says about me. loll
Daniel Amen, Joseph Annibaly? Ohhh, but they know ADHD, they knows the gifts, the level of creativity these people have, the free spirit, the courage of a lion of these people have when treated properly. I could not have asked for better people to work with me.
Knowledge is power and self-knowledge is massive self-empowerment. There is not a single person with ADHD that I have met in my life who had great sense of humor, with whom I had a ton of fun, had great exchange on many topics (Oh yeah…remember adhd…many topics all at once please, ad some fries and a big of chips!) I love people with this condition. They are fun, they know how to laugh, they are usually witty with a drop of sarcasm sometimes.
Something I have a hard time making sense of, putting together is ADHD and depression. It seems to me like two opposites. How can you have both at the same time?
Well, with all that being said, I am taking my leave.
BTW, I am reading your book Dr. Annibali and really enjoy it. I highly recommend it and posted it on my FB biz page.
It’s thorough, not overwhelming, to the point. No bells and whistles no complicated fluffs. Every single approach your are recommending is precisely what we need to do. However, the reality shows us that “Discipline” is the name of that game. More often than not, we lack discipline, or the speed of life just gets in the way! I speak for myself, of course. I’m also a certified Kripalu Yoga teacher, so I do understand meditation, yoga and their immense benefits.
The wonder of all this, when everything is said and done is that, at least, when it’s time to “get it together” we know what to do because we have acquired the knowledge. That is the truth for any health and mental condition.
Good God, at 58 with everything I learned and keep learning, I could cater my ADHD from morning to evening and make of this catering a full-time job.
See? Didn’t I say, “I will take my leave?” Haha well, I’m still here. To my defense, I said “I will”, not when… (wink)
There are two books that I consider my “Bibles” (metaphore). Your recent book is one of them. The other one is from Reid Wilsoin, Ph.D (you probably even know him personally … so jealous…), “Don’t Panic – Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks. Let’s just say that he made me understand I was not dying like I thought … Oh, and yes, CBT is absolutely efficient and working if you work it. Just like anything else.
The question is always, “How bad do you want to feel good, to life good, to set yourself free from all these lying thoughts…how bad to you want this life you are longing for?”
Louise Grogan
We will met in then days and I am so looking forward to it !
Another grace from God. I’m grateful.
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 8, 2016 @ 7:27 PM
I’ve never been diagnosed but everything sounds so familiar. I got into a lot of trouble as a kid because I was always in to something out of boredom. I can remember in college and falling asleep when I had to study for exams. It was like a tranquilizer to pick up a book to study. I made terrible grades the first semester but by the last I had made the presidents list and the dean’s list. I have never had close relationships because it was too difficult to read all the unspoken signals and I was always making blunders and hurting people’s feelings or making them angry.
Comment by Anne — July 9, 2016 @ 6:09 AM
I am 85 years old and have learned in the last few days that I have been ADHD since I was 11 months old. According to my mother who died in 1998, I was left alone in a small fenced back yard and was able to climb over an ash pit an head to a nearby lake. From then on she rigged up a harness and hooked me on the close line so I had a place to run while she attended to my soon to be 2 year old brother. I also learned that I have dyscalculis (basic math). I was a terrible student in high school but went to a JR. College on an athletic scholarship but failed most of my academic classes.
I was about ready to be drafted and had to join the navy to stay out of the army. I volunteered for submarines and denied because of my poor GCT scores. I eventually was able to go to sub school because of my performance as a radioman. For the first time in my life because of my passion for subs I scored in the upper 10% of sub class. I then, according to the skipper, got my dolphins faster than anyone he remembered.
Since that time I have three degrees in music education, certification in counseling, 28 years as a music teacher, a doctorate in education, started an outplacement company, designed 4 subdivisions, and passed with top level grades the ability to give and score IQ tests. Also, I have declared bankruptcy twice, been divorced and lost my subdivisions and my home. How about that for
Comment by John Harris — July 9, 2016 @ 7:15 AM
Success and failures.
Comment by John Harris — July 9, 2016 @ 7:16 AM
😉 my Sweet Anne !
Maybe, just maybe (since you’ve never been diagnosed) … maybe I would dare welcoming you to the family of the “Unique, Wonderful, and Bubbly” ADHDers since you recognizes some symptoms in my previous post.
My sweet Ann, it’s so good to read you… I’m so with you.
I didn’t like school at all. Yerk… this schedule, these topics… Home schooled on the internet would have fit me like a glove.
The public high school I was going to was pretty “FunkyTown.” There were student strikes every 3 weeks if not earlier depending on the holidays
I swear any excuse would trigger a strike…it was ridiculous. One high school would show up after lunch (teens…they’re always hungry)… 200 or less would show up enter our high school and call us out! We love it! The following year, the school decided to lock the doors… Yeah? Well student were throwing their chairs through the windows in their classrooms to get out, and they did get out. Yep…the sort of school your Yuppy parents wants to send you too… I’m goofing off… just having some fun here. The 70s … Yes, one of the strike was because we could not wear jeans in class. Ohhhh …. that one made the earth shake! Student smoking Mary-Jane in the school backyard, some teacher joining for the toke, crappy food at the cafeteria.
In class? the teachers would have had to repeat four times in a row what they were saying. I was afraid to ask a question more than once. So, I left high school with half a diploma under my armpit. I graduated high school a couple years later taking night classes.
Teachers…didn’t like me too much. My grammar teacher once told me “You’ll never make anything of your life…” I’ll never forget that one. Well, three years ago, I just happened to bumped into her … awww Facebook. She said she remembered me. Ha! you see, I had not been to the Amen Clinics yet… u can only imagine how I put her in my “cruncher” But … it’s off my chest now! 😉 We had a little “Come To Jesus” moment. Never should something like that be said to a student, especially in high school where the hormones and emotions are up through the roof.
My sweet Ann, you make my day today.!
Later I wanted to graduate in psychology. I can eat psychology material for breakfast every day. Human behavior, spiritual inner growth, consciousness expansion … oh and anything that has to do with the mind (Hard science is behind the fact that, the mind is not as hardwired but pliable !)
You know what that means? YooPeeDoo … you can teach an “old monkey” new tricks. We can create new neuro connections using our mind with new teaching, new knowledge, belief change… that kind of stuff.
Well, in any event .. look what I do today… hahaha .. LifeCoach for women who were self raised in infested “bad news” GeorgiaWoods style and are looking to be more…and especially understand… seekers.
I only work with serious seekers and strong persona forged and shaped with survival skills, women with an understanding of their past (no longer real), that hold them back from realizing their passion, what their second nature wants to express.
Amen Clinics
Coming back from Amen Clinics after being diagnosed with ADHD, the dots started to connect, memories came back with behaviors, attitude, all this energy from childhood.
I was so relieved, so relieved from what I learned there! Being raised Catholic, I would think that I was a bad person with lots of sins and I would go to Hell. I thought that in secret for many years. I was trouble concentrated in a can.
I was arrogant, confrontational, big mouth (I still talk a lot, but I say nice things now…lol…) IAt the time…I would not put up with anything. God I was angry for so, so long. I could be very sweet, but bitter and sour too. I had anxiety separation from my dad passing away I was 6, I will spare you with my mother, and my self-raised living condition. I was vivid, but I thought I was just tough, that’s what I believed because I was in a tough “hood” and this is how I needed to be to be respected and accepted….tough Louise. lolll
No…I was not tough. My ADHD was intensely rubbed against all the time . Just like a wound that can’t healed because you keep rubbing against it. As a result, the anger was building up and it was like a circle. ADHD irritated = Anger building up – Anger building up = ADHD irritated. Of course, remember we talk about untreated ADHD. And … not treated…it doesn’t get better, but it’s over time, so don’t worry, please.
Also, I could sleep for hours…and still do. If I don’t get a full 9 hours of quality sleep, it’s not good for my nervous system. I’m unquestionably a night person. I love the nightime…awwww… so calm, so still, so silent… the energy of the day dissipates and leaves the space of a much more calm. I focus better. I work relaxed. I absolutely love it.
ADHD Relationships
***Actually Dr. Annibali just wrote an article on Relationships, unfortunately or fortunately, the link takes us here. The need to adjust that link. I really want to read it.
ADHDers? This is only my view here…too protect our sanity, we need to be careful who we have relationships with. I finally “got it” after many years. I’m passing this input to you Anne. “Relationships” is not the problem. The issue is that, we here, we don’t understand our condition enough and we fall for the wrong personality.
I can hear “Yeahh but it’s the same for any relationship.” True, but you or us, we deal with ADHD it’s something we have to be mindful of more than whoever it is …
And, if you let that input go by … of course, your relationships will be challenging. If you want a decent, reasonably balanced relationship with a partner, very important to claim and understand ADHD. Again, there’s nothing wrong other that “incompatibility.” That’s how I see it. No blame game, regrets, shame. No. Incompatibility. Nothing is socially wrong with you. Nah, nah, nah … nothing is wrong. There is a Great Someone for everybody without exception.
Louise here, she changed the relationship scene. I started writing down the personality and experience I wanted to life with my Mr. Wonderful … I also wrote what I would absolutely not tolerate , aka the “Zero Tolerance” column. To each is own, but for me? No addicts, no to someone with no awareness of journey and show me a committed life style, financially very anchored, generous, patient, very calm, mature, mid-50 or upper 50…and so on, and so on. I was so focus on that, so darn focused on that description… It was like a bone in the mouth of a dog.
Did I meet my Mr. Wonderful? You bet. To my surprise, this sudden manifestation had to be written in the stars. Less than two months later synchronicity manifested itself and David came into my life. It was way too fast, I had just signed my divorce paper with my ex-alkee husband in recovery for 8 years… oh yeahhh, I was pretty angry there too. LOL Dgee… I could have lock him in my kitchen oven and turn the bake button to “Broil.” But that’s a powerful story for a relationship article.
One year later … thank God David kept courting me … he would not let go, and I couldn’t see that he was my Mr. Wonderful that I had scripted, defined on my piece of paper two months ago.
Mind you, I was pretty stressed. He was working in the same law firm I was working in at the time as a paralegal, I was afraid to loose my job… I was angry again….hahaha. He would call me every second night. Nah, nah, nah … I was not in a good place. I had the condo to myself, my peace, my sacred retreat place …. BOOM Mr. Wonderful shows us too early. Anyway… we’ve been married for 10 years and he is still Mr. Wonderful of my script. I scripted him, just like an actor in a movie, I was practicing my script. No time for the ANTS…negative thoughts.
Relationships … we have to be very careful. I chose much older than me. At least 10 years. We have to be very aware and mindful of the environment we place ourselves in. Goodness especially a relationship … someone who may live under your roof with you ADHD prone.
Sugar? Basically, in a nutshell, anything that will stimulate our nervous system enough to make us feel wired, like wired uncomfortable … is a no-no. Do I follow that? Are you kidding? Not enough, not enough, did I say not enough? We are human. To know what we need to do is extremely important, it’s like having the key to the door of wellness. You know you can get in because you have the key … but you need to make up your mind. That can be me too much.
Wine? Goodness me, I love wine I’m French native and first language. I love it. But when I drink it, one glass is not enough for Frenchee Fromage culture. 3 – 4 glasses is respectable! Well … when I do that, I can’t sleep because I’m too wired and I get twitchee.
So, what it left to enjoy life for an ADHD, the convent? hahaha
Not really, outdoor activity, vegetable juicing, hiking, swimming, you eat like a cattle…(grass and buggs).. 😉
Massage, meditation, yoga, breathing … all these things we don’t do.
No seriously, going into nature is the best medicine.
ADHDers … we love nature…awww nature makes us feel relaxed, happy, good, life that grows, the beautiful green color of trees, the wind, water … God… awww, freedom at last !
Oh well, and life goes on!
ADHD FBook Group
Now … what I’m about to tell you is only my experience, my opinion and I so respect that you may have a wonderful experience with ADHD FBook Group. I’ve experienced with three different groups. If you’re looking for the type of exchange we’re having, if you are looking to speak with people that take their life in their hands and share what they do, if you’re looking for people who will post great articles, or relevant information. you will think that there a bunch of brain dead juvenile with no hair on their chest in there. They play stupid games… seriously I’m pretty open and cool, and like to goof around. But there… it’s all day, all the time, playing the “word” game… where one person comes out with one word and will ask to find a word with the same letters in it….then they start posting unrelated answer and it gets totally out of control ! lolll Nah, nah, nah … No stimulation for a real pure blood ADHD… big huge eyeroll with a sigh.
Anne it feels so good to talk about ADHD with you , and that, even if you’ve never been diagnosed., don’t you find this exchange interesting? Good God I’m grateful for your comments and the other people too. We need to share stuff like that. It’s doesn’t mean we’re falling the deep end, we’re just bouncing thoughts, sharing experiences we had, the confusion as well..
We need to be where people like Dr. Annibali are posting great and interesting articles on topics related to our condition that impact us and our life. This is a great incentive to engage in intelligent conversation vs playing brain regression. I like to play, don’t get me wrong … In the end that was sort of funny because you could tell there were a bunch of over the top OCD in there. I have OCD too, but mostly ADHD and some mood issues aggravated and caused by ADHD being aggravated and untreated.
Again, ADHD is cool once you get a grip on it. Brendon Burchard and so many other celebrities have it… and they have a great life. So much compassion in me, so much love for people with ADD or ADHD, honestly I do.
Hugs to all
Okay … spoke a lot again, so much to share! I usually don’t engage that much, promise!
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 9, 2016 @ 1:10 PM
Sorry, no like button here … dang! I like, I like!
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 9, 2016 @ 1:12 PM
Sure thing!
The most powerful and efficient tool I used was CBT.
Now that, that worked. It’s in Dr.Annibali’s book. He talks about it.
That will show you right off the bat what conversation goes on in your head…
I couldn’t believe it.
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 9, 2016 @ 1:16 PM
Love it!
I have a saying, give an ADHD something that really interests him, which, usually is something new to learn in an area that are of interest, or something to create,…and suddenly,, woops, their focus comes back, their drive, their abilities… Isn’t that interesting. loll
If I study the work of someone that I really, really like, example: Dr. Bruce Lipton, “The Biology of Belief” or Joe Dispenza “Evolve Your Brain” or… Debbie Ford (Shadow Word) “The Dark Side of The Light Chaser … I get into all their work including interviews, YTubes, articles … because what they say…I know to be true … it rings a strong bell in me.
Wow John, more power to you !
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 9, 2016 @ 1:27 PM
Hey…thought you might be interested …
Dr. Annibali has an article on Relationships. I get the Amen Newsletter. It was in the Amen Newsletter I received yesterday.
Here’s the link: https://amenclinics.com/blog/relationships/
Cao !
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 9, 2016 @ 1:32 PM
Helloww Dr. Annibali ! Any thoughts?
My take is … either Dr. Annibali has a very busy schedule or the marketing department at Dr. Amen is doing these posting for him.
……which I tend to lean toward the marketing reason.
No worries, loll, Wednesday of next week, July 20th, I will be in the good Doctor’s office with my hubee for a 90-minutes follow-up consult and will ask him … Who knows, he may not be aware he has a forum going on ! (wink)
I will get back in this forum to give you a headZup.
Humor aside, it may be that the purpose of this style of forum is simply for us to engage between each other without him engaging. I don’t know, if someone knows, please let me know. However, I still will ask him … hi hi hi (wink) ~LouLou
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 15, 2016 @ 11:39 AM
I have a son and husband that fit this description to a tee! But, they’d both be so bored in reading about it and changing that they’d never start! Truth!
Comment by Kari Esser — July 15, 2016 @ 12:43 PM
Thank you for an engaging discussion.
One thing I do want to point out is the ongoing old-school efforts to label ADHD/ADD as a ‘disorder.’ My hope is that over time – especially with more open-minded studies and observations – we will all finally begin to view people’s brains as being uniquely different. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. And certainly nothing denigrating. I truly believe that the day we start seeing and understanding things this way, an entirely new world of enlightenment will open up for all of us.
One of the ideas that I’ve been running past educators in recent years: Before we even place out children into school, perhaps we should consider creating a brain test for our kids. And this test could be adjusted and re-taken at different stages in their educational process? The test would be specifically for uncovering how a child’s brain is wired. For example, little Suzie is very auditory and would respond better to someone teaching her with a verbal approach. And little Johnnie is much more visual so a visual approach would work best for him. Instead, today we continue to tackle education with a one-size-fits-all approach, led by teachers who are burdened with larger and larger classrooms of kids with individual learning needs. And more often than not, many of those teachers are often very rigid and set in their ways of teaching – a recipe for disaster in many cases. “Oh, Mrs. Jones – I’m so sorry to have to inform you that your little Johnnie is ADHD because he just doesn’t sit still and listen to me teach!” He has to go on Ritalin!”
I would be willing to venture that instead of finding the “7 Different Kinds of ADHD” there may well be “10 Different Types of Learning in Our Brains” instead. Hope you’re reading this, Dr. Amen! Time to REALLY think outside the box instead of being confined to what the system tells you to believe. I truly believe that the Amen Clinics could very well lead the way to our next breakthrough in understanding our brains better.
Why is it that in this day-and-age of modern technology, we still have so little in the way of new tools to help us advance our learning and teaching at the very core of our educational systems?
Personally, I refuse to be labelled and have always been an outside-the-box thinker. Never finished high school, had my first one-man art exhibition in my early 20’s, started and sold numerous successful businesses over my career with several patents to my name in the tech industry – and I would probably have been “diagnosed” as severely ADHD as a child.
My favorite analogy is about billionaire producer/director Steven Spielberg. Turns out he only discovered last year that he was supposed to be dyslexic! DYSLEXIC! Can you imagine if some idiot doctor or teacher had gone to his parents when he was a child and told them, “Oh Mrs. Spielberg. I’m so sorry to inform you that little Steven is dyslexic and will never amount to anything in life. You may want to prepare him for that.”
Let’s start by putting an end to 19th-century labels on ourselves and start teaching everyone how to make the most of their unique skills instead!
Comment by RobertinSeattle — July 15, 2016 @ 1:46 PM
P.S. – And maybe – just maybe – it’s the teacher who’s boring and NOT the student(s) who are bored (or ADHD)? 🙂
Comment by RobertinSeattle — July 15, 2016 @ 1:53 PM
You hit me right in the head and also my two boys, although to different degrees.
Comment by Fred Crow — July 15, 2016 @ 6:30 PM
I couldn’t agree with you more Robert. I am a “visual” learner. In high school geometry class as a freshman (10th grade) in the 1970-1971 school year, I was lost. I was simply astounded that a triangle’s corners always added up to 180 degrees! That was one of the first lessons in my geometry class. I struggled to understand equations that proved this. I got hopelessly lost and confused. I stayed that way throughout the rest of the year in class.
(As an aside, I like Salman “Sal” Khan’s idea used as a teaching principle for his free online Khan Academy. Rather than getting grades of A,B,C,D, or F, we – as students – should be allowed to proceed through a course at our own pace until we develop a complete “mastery” of all material being taught in a class. However, large groups of students sitting together, in a class, can also promote discussion of what is being taught in a class. This allows for the possibility of the free exchange of differing points of view, important for developing a political culture of democracy in society.)
In college, I watched the Jacob Bronowski series, “Ascent of Man” (originally presented on TV in 1973). In the fifth episode of the series, “Music of the Spheres,” Bronowski demonstrated the geometric proof of the Pythagorean theorem using tiles rather than written-out equations.
The Pythagorean theorem says: that when 1.) two sides of a triangle form a right angle of 90 degrees (in what is called a “right triangle”), and 2.) have each of their lengths squared separately (the length of each of these sides is multiplied by itself in order to be “squared, in other words), and 3.) are thereupon added together, the result will always equal 4.) the “square” of the remaining third side – of any right triangle. To use an equation of the Pythagorean Theorem for a right triangle: the square of side “A” + the square of side “B” = the square of side “C” (when “C” is the side that is “opposite” of the right angle: the long side of a triangle, called the “hypotenuse,” that is opposite of the right angle). I apologize if my writing this out only results in even more mathematical confusion if you read this. I’m doing my best.
Something of the time and setting of Pythagoras – the ancient Greek mathematician and philosoher who, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, lived somewhere around the time of 580-500 B.C. – was recreated for the series. As best I remember, Bronowski sat down among ancient ruins. Rather than writing out an equation on a blackboard in front of a classroom, he took a bunch of triangular ceramic tiles and laid them out in a square that equaled the squares of the lengths of all three sides of a “right triangle.” I got it immediately. I knew this proved that the Pythagorean Theorem was universally true for all triangles.
I, myself, here, am not personally a story of any sort of economic or professional “success,” today – at least, not as measured by any sort of external, quantifiable (statistically derived) standards or by any of the usual requirements for general social approval. In other words, I can’t say that seeing Bronowski changed my life, appreciably – at least not in any outward way. But I think this helps to illustrate your point that people do have different “learning styles.”
Comment by John Helmeke — July 15, 2016 @ 7:05 PM
I read much from Amen Clinics searching for answers BUT, I would deeply appreciate if some or all of this essential, even life-changing “saving”, information be offered at no charge. As a result of battling ADHD for over four decades much has suffered, including my finances. Please consider the possibility of giving this gift instead asking for payment in kind, at least a portion of solutions that can improve mine and others lives thus giving us the opportunity to move forward, discover functionality and stimulate our profitability. The decision to do so could very well result in more offerings purchased, even books purchased, and changing our lives forever! Thank you
Comment by PKovacs — July 16, 2016 @ 5:29 AM
how do I know if I have it. I’m a need for speed junky well I was till I Died , now after 2 years of dizzyness, I’m wondering if I still have it to some degree or not ? I have trouble staying focused on meanie tasts, but doing ok with medical webanairs to find things to heal myself ? more on my story at www.scottrobertsonsite.wordpress.com I have links to all kinds of medical doctors that are on the right path, now only to wake the world to the corruption here !!! and we can have an enjoyable few thousand of years in peace 🙂
Comment by Scott Robertson — July 17, 2016 @ 8:07 AM
Hi Kary, that is fine, and there’s nothing wrong having no interest in reading about ADD or ADHD or research about it…blah, blah blah. No everybody with ADD or ADHD are interested in reading about it. As it is true for reading anything else.
Your folks seem to be happy with their life in general, and their condition doesn’t seem to interfere with themselves, relationships, or life. Absolutely. If I would have to read anything I’m not interested in … which I happen to read occasionally when my husband wants me to read an article in Scientific America … Different strokes for different folks.
People that will benefit from educating themselves on the two sides of this condition, are for those wondering about what’s going on with them, why are these teachers in school keep bringing them down, why are they fidgety, have a hard time with their memory. It can be a pain in the “weeWee” for some, and they need to know what’s going on. These people will benefit greatly in getting educated about it to enhance their self-esteem, calm their worries. Better an enemy you know that one bothering you and your life you don’t know.
A great majority of people with ADD and ADHD are very gifted, creative, fun, seekers, interested in new knowledge, and yes, school is an issue. Now, that, that is boring… lol
The symptoms of this condition will aggravate in an environment that is dysfunctional, unstable, and unpredictable no matter how old you are. A discombobulated marriage with someone with addiction issues …you bet.
Yes, those who are fine with it, my goodness me, blessings to them! And why would they want to read anything about that in the first place.
Cheers ! 😎
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 19, 2016 @ 10:53 AM
Hi Robert !
It’s not a disorder. Yes, so true, so true.
However, it’s a “something.” It has to be given a name.
To feel that something is “labelled” is a person’s opinion.
As I see it, it’s a blood flow and brain connection condition.
As you may know, ADD/ADHD is a genetic condition. We are born with it. Yes, many kids are simply hyperactive teens and many of them will be diagnosed with ADHD, and without deeper evaluations will be put on medication.
However, when you have a teen with constant hyperactivity, I mean seriously hyper, constantly challenged in school,, loosing and forgetting except his name and address year in and year out … that is a different kind of situation. Something else is is going on other than a simple teen hyperactivity.
When it comes to a point where it impacts his relationships, his studies, his well being in body, mind, and spirit. It’s time to time to get to the bottom. His he just going through a phase of total teen rebellious crisis, is he just a pest in the makings, or is there something in the way that can be addressed. Because, you know, they will drive your crazy, drain your patience, challenge you, and … well, they will push your buttons and that for a long time.
The sign is that it will not go away with age. In their 20s it will still be there, 30s, 40s and up we go. Otherwise, by the time they hit 18, it goes away, if it hasn’t gone before.
A lack of blood flow in the brain at the wrong place is not something not to be taken lightly. If the blood is not coming through at the wrong place, it will impact your cognitive behavior. No way around that one. With a basic understanding of brain anatomy and physiology it makes sense. This is not rocket science here. No blood flow no neurological connection. Attention will not go where energy will not flow. Blood carries oxygen and other chemicals the brain needs to develop and function at its best.
ADHD/ADD if misunderstood will drain a kid’s self-confidence, and self-esteem. It takes a lot of will power and a seeking personality, and a go-getter mind to get a handle on this one. We want kids to understand what’s going, if something is going on. ADHDers are are intelligent, creative, dynamic with high energy, and this energy if pushing to be release in a healthy way. Yes, they can be prone to addiction because more is never enough for us. Balance is better.
I like you posting. I do. When you wrote “…we will all finally begin to view people’s brain as unique and different.” It already a big step for people to accept what is different and unique in someone’s personality and color, Robert. You can begin to imagine the leap it will take to view people’s brain as something unique and different. Woo hooo!
On my FB page, when I post on on my topic: “Unique. Different. Born2BFree,” it triggers a lot of engagements, a lot of positive reactions. In order to live that, it takes not only an understanding of oneself, but a choice and be okay with it. When you’re in alignment with your beliefs, you don’t need to defend them. It takes learning and knowledge to want to live this. I made it through my ADHD, but I will not pretend it was easy.
Brain testing kids, now that’s a good idea. I like that. If you want to brain test of ADHD or other mental condition a brain SPECT will take you a long way. it’s not a bone density or breast scan, which are to be taken each year, it also depends on the case.
Schools … this stone-age education system hasn’t changed, and is not about to in this life time. Public school, private school … doesn’t make any difference anymore whether a student will perform or not. The kid with ADHD/ADD is at the mercy of its environment, and we all know too well the risks of that. I had perfect grades until my second year in high school. After that? All hell went loose! It had nothing to do with the teachers, the building….nope. Other students were successful. The culture of the environment, the influence of people, the intensity, the need to be accepted, ego teen … will aggravate the symptoms. .
In my views, and it’s only my views, in this day-and-age, home-schooling seems to be the best options for them and involved them in group activities where they can build healthier relationships. BTW, Michael Phelps, Olympic swimmer, 22 medals has ADHD, and not just a little bit of it. Until there is a better education system is in place, I would home-school until college. High school is the most unhealthy place for a kid with this condition to be immersed in right now.
I believe the findings of Dr. Amen have opened a can of worms. This good Doctor had to go against the old psychiatry tradition, “know All” peers afraid they would have to give away their “Russian roulette” diagnose. New research will spring from his work with new findings. We don’t stop evolution and the only constant in life is change.
Robert… 8-), sweet. Daniel Amen totally jumped out-of-the box with his two feet…and big time, and he did because as a psychiatrist he was unable to help his daughter who was a serious case of ADHD. Each time he would try to treat her, she would not get better. It was devastating for him, totally understandable. One day, he stumble on the SPECT, worked around it for a while, tested his daughter and was able to treat her, and the results were significantly apparent after just a few months. That was enough for him to do what he did. The rest is history, but that’s exactly how it started for him. His story is very powerful..
People don’t know this, because they’ve never been to the Amen Clinics, but I can assure you that medication is their last resort. They are extremely knowledgeable on alternative approaches, advanced nutrition, and how hard workouts are beneficial for this condition. I’m a certified yoga teacher, and I can testify that their clinics will push an alternative approach first in many cases. From what I have seen, they are the best place to go to diagnose this condition and teach you how to manage it’s symptoms with meditation, breathing, yoga, nutrition, vitamins and a wide variety of alternative approach. There are cases where they also need medication, and that’s just the way it is.
These people… they know exactly what they’re doing, and between you and me, it’s a lot better than the 15-minute session with a traditional psychiatrist. I personally wanted to get to the bottom of this ADHD, but I did not want to be some guinea pig you test on medication.
When Amen came out with the SPECT for a more thorough and precise diagnose, it did not go very well for him. It turned into a cold was between him and the Psychiatry community for many years. They reported him by the hundreds, he was stopped from practicing psychiatry for two years while they were investigating his whole practice. His peers were defending their “self-appointed I Know Everything and I don’t need a machine.” Well, the machine doesn’t give the final diagnosed, it’s simply there to be placed next to the symptoms and the history you provide, and then, the doctor gives the final diagnose. That’s all there is to it. It’s the same as if you would have repetitive back pain issues, you tell the doctor your story, he takes an x-ray and treats you. There is no mystery to that.
Psychiatrists were all winded-up, insulted, screaming “charlatan” … “a machine will never replace us great geniuses…we don’t need to see the organ that we treat… we’re psychics… we can see through the skulls.” No,these traditional psychiatrists have to get on with the program and start giving a more customize treatment to their patient. The brain is a serious organ not to be messed with.
Psychiatry is the only profession that never looks at the organ they treat, and many will never do. How many people have been medicated with all sort of brain cocktails creating more issues and damage.
Amen is now close to his 70, Robert. He made an important contribution that will open the door to better technology and treatments. I am not implying that you don’t recognize that. By all means. Recognition and gratefulness is in order. He did a darn good job and I command him for never giving up. He is ADHD you know, he has it too.
Yes, as you probably read, there are different types of ADHD/ADD. I am not familiar with all of them, but I am very familiar with mine, the ADD of my husband, and the ADHD of his daughter.
My husband and I have very different type of ADHD and it’s’ very apparent.
My husband practices is corporate bankruptcy law for corporations. The demand on his focus when he writes pleadings or other legal document is very important. He litigates in court and has to be extremely focus there too, and that’s beside information he has to remember, law cases, bankruptcy codes and God only knows what else.
David is not hyperactive like I am. He is more poised, more grounded, not impulsive, has a good long term memory, he is thoughtful, and it filters through his head for much longer than me.
However … he is very anxious, short switch, impatient, stressed, grumpy, he will forget where he put things…His attention span? Oh Lord… lol Once he’s home? Well, we do with what is left of his attention span…LOL
Seriously, he gets easily distracted, noise bothers him if he’s reading something, he gets his best focus when it’s quiet around him. silence is around and he’s focused. There’s nothing creative in what he does for a living… it’s all head stuff. He’s been officially diagnosed ADD many years ago and reconfirmed at the Amen Clinic.
He has no sign of hyperactivity at all. I can assure you that David and I, as far as the hyperactivity is concerned? We’re at opposite end of the spectrum.
His daughter has ADHD, and take my word, she has it pretty bad. Don’t make her mad … Good grief, she will lash on you. She hated school, hated college…this little sweet monster had to be placed in boarding school for a few years to realign her baskets…because she was so arrogant and confrontational.
She dropped college and got a certification with Aveda as a hair stylist. She’s been happy ever since. She is exactly at place where she can express her creativity and be with a bunch of other ADHD like her. She had to be treated for her ADHD. Man … she was intense. .
Ciao for now!
Peace, blessings, and lots of love,
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 19, 2016 @ 9:48 PM
You guys are so cool. I love the exchange here. Everybody’s opinion are welcome, we can bounce thoughts, share our experience, views, and struggles too. I enjoy it. Well, I’m meeting with the good Doctor Annibali tomorrow at 10:30 am and I’m really looking forward to it because this time, we will compare my first SPECT scan I had 4 years ago to the one I had yesterday. That…will be very interesting.
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 19, 2016 @ 9:54 PM
I met with Dr. Annibali a week ago. Very down-to-earth, pleasant, composed, a good listener and spirit. If you get a chance to read his book, he’s has the personality of the “voice” of his book. I enjoyed talking with him. My understanding is that he practices as a neuro-psychiatrist which was perfect for my situation.
What I found amazing about him —for usually you’ll find these guy so serious and in their head–was his knowledge and interest in life enhancing and life transformation tools, life principles, and spiritual practices. He also s very familiar with author like Bill Harris, Holosync, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, EFT, and the new science of Epigenetic which study topic like are we victim or our genes or of our environment.
In regards to his blogs, Dr. Annibali is overloaded at this time. He just came back from vacation. He is please to hear that people are engaging with each other. He will eventually come an engage with this group. He’s looking forward to get back to writing.
He’s a cool guy to meet this Dr. Annibali. My husband and I really liked him. I’m seeing him in a month.
Louise Grogan
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 28, 2016 @ 10:55 PM
Hi there!
That is a good point. A reduce price for people with less income. At no charge is never a good idea. Without some skin in it, your commitment to implement will not be as dedicated. I’m a patient at the Amen Clinic. I would have worked every weekend somewhere to put the money together in an envelope and get there. I would have found a way. To get to the bottom line was priority for me at that point in time.
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 29, 2016 @ 8:50 PM
Hi Lovees !
I had my follow-up consultation with Dr. Annibali at the Amen Clinics about a week ago, and as mentioned, I mentioned there were comments to his blog and we were looking forward to have his input. First off, I want to share that he’s a real cool guy, laid back,extensive knowledge, unassuming, and a great listener. The style of guy one would go have a beer with and talk philosophy. I was delighted to meet him.
He shared his love for writing. He apologized for being unavailable right now to engage in his blog. The load of his work keeps him very busy for the moment. However, he truly intend to get here and engage with people who comment. In the meantime, other articles from him will be posted and we can bounce thoughts between us. Everybody’s personal views and opinions are always welcome as long as we stay respectful for each other. 😎
Just an fyi if you’re interested. He has a few video on YouTube. I will let you discover them at your leisure!
Be well and blessed,
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 29, 2016 @ 9:06 PM
Any ADHDers like me here? Squirrel…squirrel… Let’s share.
I wrote an article on Kurt Cobain, lead singer ofNirvana and flaming ADHD. I jumped on writing it right after watching his biography on HBO.”Montage of Heck” If you want to see up to where a case of ADHD never treated can get you… if you want to view how much aggravated these symptoms are when you live or have lived in toxic environments, check this. I love Kurt Cobain. This documentary about me shook me. In front of me was this dude who had the same symptoms I had … especially all this stomach pain he had for so many years. For the records here… I never used any drugs … I was so afraid of them, I mean seriously scared. Good thing… but I suffer a lot though…
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 31, 2016 @ 12:56 PM
Whoops … I didn’t think the video trailer thumbnail would show so big here… Oh well, it’s here how. Enjoy whoever will watch it.
Comment by Louise Grogan — July 31, 2016 @ 12:57 PM
Adderall. The Bar/Teva brand, no others. Its the only thing that really ever helped.
Comment by billegge — August 28, 2017 @ 7:52 AM
Try misunderstood words. This is the prime reason people tune out any subject. Making sure one fully understands everything they are reading or listening to is the key to comprehension and interest.
Comment by Judy Young — August 28, 2017 @ 8:35 AM
Actually, I am a high school teacher, and do my best to hit all of the learning styles when teaching so all my students can learn. (However, I typically teach struggling students so I have smaller classes.) It is harder in a classroom setting to hit the “hands-on child” but we sometimes play games with vocab where they can move around. I also try to get them to identify their learning style so they can utilize it when studying on their own. Most kids have no idea how they learn/study most effectively.
Comment by trmlogan — August 28, 2017 @ 6:48 PM
Not sure where you get the idea that it is genetic; on which gene is it passed?
Comment by trmlogan — August 28, 2017 @ 6:51 PM
So I like this artical and I am a client of the Amen Clinic however, I was diagnosed with ADHD and like the artical says that paperwork puts my brain to sleep! how to have my own business and do the paperwork needed! is really a challenge for me. I also have a challenge with following through with what I know that I should eat! When going to the Amen Clinic I though it was really going to really solve everything for me. however, it didn’t and I still struggle. Realizing now that toxins are still a challenge for me and I have spent years at this! The Amen clinic is really not helping me unless I really cough up more money. I just do not have it, I am tapped and challenged to move forward!!
Any suggestions?
Comment by Laurie Nathe — August 30, 2017 @ 1:38 PM
Really? Why don’t you come back to us and explain to us why it’s not for instance, and support what you claim. Go on Google instead of coming back to me asking what genes?
There are an estimated 19,000-20,000 human protein-coding genes. Look it up please.
Here’s a link to “The National Genome Institute.”
They will tell you everything you want to know about the genetic side of it. Take your question up to them and have fun. Really. And what difference does it make? Right? Talk about a time waster for people here.
Why don’t you go call them and ask them your specific question. It is genetic, sorry to disappoint you, however, it’s no reason not to enjoy it, control it, and have a solid grip on it. And that is that, my friend.
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 1:30 PM
Hi Laurie !
I would like to get back to you on this and share some thoughts that may or may not work for you. it’s so important to share between us vs knowing which of our 20,000 genes this is going thru! Oh brother. lolll
Briefly, yes, you are right it is … well, the word “discipline” is a word that may push people away from doing anything including working out on a regular basis, or yoga, or pretty much anything except, maybe watching TV… (joking.) 😉
I believe we all have to see it as a way of life or think of it as a way of life. I believe a big part of all of us here, and maybe not, are FREE and creative spirits ! And how can we not be? Once you will step out of your fear, the judgment of yourself, change your perception with time, things will be moving in the right direction.
Again, following thru? Good grief my beautiful angel, it’s everybody and even more these days. Please don’t worry your sweet heart. So much to do, to think about, and so little time.
The best way for me to follow thru something, is when I make a priority, on top of my list, and kick my behind to make it happen! lol
If you so desire, I would be more than happy to talk with you. Honestly. And, of course “You have it” my sweet bunny, we all have it. Moving forward is a challenge and which we have, while transitioning in a new way of life, do it almost as if your were a doggy with a bone in your mouth that nobody can take. Makes sense?
If you’re interested to connect with me, which would save lots of time, you are more than welcome to email me at louise@louisegrogan.com. And no, I will not charge you anything for us to talk together. I am not placing everybody on a meter like a taxi driver! loll
Nevertheless, I will come back later tonight to wrap up my reply to you. I just need to wrap up other things right now.
In the meantime, you need to start practicing emotional detachment first, that is key to shifting your experience right now. The mind is a liar, your chatbox up there, if full of macaroni, and I promise you that.
You are no slave of that, you are the master of what goes on in that tower (head) up there.
Never, ever let anyone, anybody, or anything convince you of the opposite. And I, Louise, after 59 years with adhd, so promise you that! loll
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 1:52 PM
Talk to me about what you were evaluate for in the Amen Clinic. I went to the one in Reston, VA, and went back for a follow-up two years after.
The first time it’s a two days appointment. 1) Meet with the historian, after emailing them your history form information. 2) Take the first Spect scan while you are mentally inactive (meaning resting quietly on a couch for about 5 to 7 minutes relaxing 3) then taking another Spect scan the next day right after you have solved a few exercises on a computer; 4) You session with a psychiatrist of their office for 90 minutes where you can compare everything with the test and ask your questions.
Was that the experience of your first visit at Dr. Amen’s Clinic, and who did you see the first time? I saw a different Doctor than Dr. Annibali in that office. Dr. Annibali is the doctor I saw on my last visit to Dr. Amen’s clinic in Reston, Va.
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:28 PM
hahahaha — you are sooo funny! I love it! See, that is the quality of humor of a real ADHD dude ! Love you bro!
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:30 PM
Yeahhh it’s not a disorder for God’s sake!
Totally agree with you, could not have said better! Brains just processing information differently, nothing more!
More power to you, and please, continue to be a voice! Bravo!
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:35 PM
Tm, I think you’re doing fantastic ! Really, you’re doing great, in my view…but that’s only in my view!
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:37 PM
I would have loved to hear his comments on that !
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:40 PM
PKovacs, all of us without exception need to put some “skin” in what we get ourselves involved in as a treatment, it keeps us more focus, on track, implementing the teaching, reading the material … that’s the truth for anything. Getting the money for you to afford to go there is not the focus, your focus is on avenues that will create the income to to there. Money is simply the outcome of an objective, of what you put your focus on.
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:46 PM
Oh…for the love of God … Adderall or whatever else, are only used the balance the chemistry in your blood stream allowing the brain to be more chemically balanced giving you or us a window of time to get our act together and make new and better choice for the life style that fits her best. Meds do not serve anything other than that, in my personal view. Meds is one thing, embrace a new lifestyle is the next thing.
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:49 PM
Well, how about asking question about what you don’t understand. I’m sure that would help people here who don’t understand either. It’s one thing to comment on a reply from someone being somewhat confusing without asking any clarification on what we don’t understand.
What is it that you personally don’t understand? Please ask and i will be more than happy to clarity my input !
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:54 PM
Please specify who is your comment for Fred, please. <3 LouLou
Comment by Louise Grogan — August 31, 2017 @ 10:56 PM
don’t understand your q
Comment by Fred Crow — September 1, 2017 @ 6:35 PM
Hi Fred!
The commentnu made was it to me in reply of a comment i placed or simply a general comment?. Apology if i confused you I want to make sure i reply if its addressed to me. Thanks!! Louise. 8)
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 1, 2017 @ 7:27 PM
Oh brother…it’s a joke here…. let’s have a couple of chillax breathers here. However to be factual, this research is for real.
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 1, 2017 @ 7:41 PM
Lets both not pretend to know how drugs work internally, but focus on what we really know – the result.
The word Lifestyle does not mean much to me except to think about TV commercials of happy families doing things we rarely ever do or have much time to do.
In summary, I can only take your post to mean something like this “Go to your happy place and take medication only when you need to be responsible”.
This is not life. Here is what life is, “I just read this sentence and cannot understand it, even though it is not complex”, “I have a problem to solve for work and every thought in my head clashes with every other thought, the harder I try the worse it gets. I cannot move forward.”, “Someone makes a comment and smiles, and I have no idea what they are smiling about”, “I just read a paragraph from a book and realized I was thinking about something else the whole time, -restart-“, “Someone says something I do not agree with, but I am unable to understand why I do not agree.”
The problems above are serious problems that affect work, family, and personal growth. They are all related to some inability to think and get thoughts together in your head. Adderall gets rid of those problems, thus improving Work, Family, and Personal Growth… or “life style”.
Comment by billegge — September 2, 2017 @ 6:50 AM
trmloga – Just a thought you might like for teaching, I am able to teach my son by asking questions and showing and not by telling him things. For example, before I taught him how to multiply (he is 7) I would create groups of coins where each group had the same number of coins. For example, 2 pennies in a group and 5 groups. To start, I placed all the pennies down and grouped them, then I asked how many pennies there are. I then showed him the groups of 2, then asked him how many groups there were.. “5”. I said “That is 2, 5 times” This leads to saying 2 times 5. I could then start to ask what 2×1 was, 2×2, 2×3, etc and he would be able to answer. I even asked him what 2×0 was and he correctly answered, zero.
Comment by billegge — September 2, 2017 @ 7:01 AM
We all have to pick up our bed and walk. We all come in package with a baggage. We can either justify our grocery list or litany of why we have this problem, this issue, why it hard to do this or that. Our life goes according to the conversation going on in this chat box sometimes too full of sugar, coffee and what not. Don’t come in this room with issues and complaints that we, ADHDers are all dealing with in our own version.
You bring nothing in here, but only the same old experience you have every day. How about talking about solutions, what are you doing to address all that. After all, hey… this is not cancer, right? The problem, whatever, is always our problem first, and we are the only ones who can address this. And if you address it, remember it goes both ways, that will improve all the areas of your life.
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 2, 2017 @ 9:55 AM
But you replied to my solution… so I am confused why you are asking me to talk about solutions.
My Solution you replied to: “Adderall. The Bar/Teva brand, no others. Its the only thing that really ever helped.”
ADHD/ADD is a physiological problem, not psychological, thus the medication.
Comment by billegge — September 2, 2017 @ 1:37 PM
Woopss … my sincere apologies, Bill ! 8=) ~Louise
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 2, 2017 @ 2:16 PM
I will tell you, chat box, texting, or email are not the best means of communication. There are too much confusion, misunderstanding (like now … 8-), miscommunication, no body language, no eye contact, no voice intonation. I use it, but I dislike it.
Bill, you are so right ! ADHD/ADD is a physiology situation, no psychological, and yes, in many cases medication is needed. And we learn to be okay with it, live with it. A diabetic takes his injection of insulin daily, we take a medication daily — as to the side effects of medication for add/adhd each person will react differently.
And, Bill, you sound educated on this topic. Truly, there is a nutritional and fitness exercises that are crucial is we are interested in a better control of our symptom. Now, it is easy to implement? Heck not! I like my pizza, Starbucks coffee with a lemon pound cake, spaghetti … I have a treadmill in my house and I rarely use it. However, I will never deny that both exercise and nutrition are key in a solid control in our symptoms as well as in body, mind, and spirit.
I’m no better than anybody here. However, at least, I know what I need to do, and will not try to convince myself of a list of excuses. If I want to feel better? I need to get my act together. It’s all about chemistry that the brain release in our bloodstream depending what we put in our mouth, meds or food, or … what comes out of it (“Things we say”)… lolll 😉
Again, sorry about the confusion.
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 2, 2017 @ 2:34 PM
just overall comment
Comment by Fred Crow — September 2, 2017 @ 7:20 PM
Thats ok, from one ADD person to another.
Comment by billegge — September 3, 2017 @ 9:32 AM
ADD Me thinks: I wonder how long it took to dress up that dog.
Non Distracted me thinks: Your right, except the part about seeming educated (I read a lot but don’t consider myself educated). A lot of things do affect the ADD, but I think the affect is not ADD related and is just simply being a healthier person stacked on top of having ADD. However, anything that helps is something we can do.
Comment by billegge — September 3, 2017 @ 9:42 AM
The difference is that to have attention for 6 seconds means silencing 1000 other thoughts, while the goldfish has no other thoughts.
Comment by billegge — September 3, 2017 @ 9:45 AM
Oh, I see, thank you. I’m not quite familiar with the environment of Disqus for now. I just noticed that if the comment was to me, there would have been an arrow next to your name pointing to my name. Apologies, Fred. Louise
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 3, 2017 @ 11:23 AM
😎 … loll, yes, indeed ! ;=) I so much love humor. I love to laugh, Bill.
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 3, 2017 @ 11:25 AM
About the dog… well, everything seems to be in the right place now … poor doggy… lol
Educated also means to be informed and continue to educate ourselves. Reading is a part of educating ourselves. Well, in short. me personally, I see you as Educated Bill on ADD and ADHD, which are not that far from each other more often than not.
There you have it, to live healthier, think healthier (which is an outcome of living healthier.) When I was in my 20s I compete for 10 years in a sport that required me to do a lot of strength training in the gym up to 5 days a week. A couple months before the date of my competition I had to include cardio training and adjust my nutrition as well.
During these 10 years, all symptoms were gone, in 10 years I never had to take any medication, nothing. No anxiety, no absence of mind, great focus, I slept well every night, my mind and my thinking was clear, and mostly, I was releasing a lot of energy from working out hard. For ADHDers, this hyperactivity energy has to be released no matter how old you are. I attribute 90% of the greatest things I did in my life because the “H” in my ADD was in there.
Because of my hyperactivity I was able to get things done, to pull it through, and pull it through not in the best conditions, but harsh ones. Of course, the opposite is also true…many times I put my foot deep in my mouth because of it too!
The hyperactivity aspect of ADHD remains the same. We have more energy, we are more intense, everything is either super wonderful, ultra fun, awesomely great, or the end of the spectrum. However… when we finally reach balance… over some years of mountains and valleys. AKA… when we get it ! We move into a place of wholeness, and accept the whole package of us including the baggage !
The brain will release the “chemistry” into our bloodstream according to our personal views, perceptions, beliefs, and what we see through our eyes, and our personal conviction. there’s nothing wrong with medication, too much of it too feel better is an issue.
DgeeZee … even life without add or adhd or meds, is something that will happen to you, if you don’t happen to it,if it makes sense. You know, I wish we would be “educated’ about these things from the age or 3+ I know, I know, it’s never too late, but nevertheless. I’m grateful for what I know and what I have today. Hey… it only too fifty some years to get all that stuff… nobody’s in a hurry, right? Sh*t… lol
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 3, 2017 @ 12:06 PM
Yes, Bill. 8)
The fish has a brain the size of a grain of salt if not smaller. Btw, love, research has it down that we have between 60 and 70,000 thoughts a day, aware of only 5%. 95% is unconscious…(thank God for the bad thoughts in this 95%).
Thought is a unit of energy. Thought is not something we can see or touch. We can only feel it. Energy is something we can learn to have control on, it’s a skill. Think of Tai Chi, it’s all about grounding energies. Tai Chi is more than excellent for our condition. I have a yoga certification and taught silent meditation and yoga for a few years. There is so much more than meets what we believe. We are much, much, much more powerful than these thoughts… Trust Louise on this.
Again, implementing what is the best for our condition is the name of that game. The more skin we put into anything, the more we get out of it.
There’s no magic bullet (I wish), no holy grail, no easy permanent fix, but in this day and age, only great tools and practices to give us a great quality of life, but most of all, a worthy level of inner serenity. It’s all about choice. 😉 You know all that, I’m simply bouncing thoughts with you.
It’s a blessing to share with someone who experience and live with add or adhd. We’re cool and fun people. Each one I met were funny, fun to be around, they have this “spark” about them. I personally love it. They have this “Je ne sais quoi !”
Happy Labor Weekend if you’re in the states like me.
Comment by Louise Grogan — September 3, 2017 @ 12:24 PM
Comment by cdub69 — January 30, 2018 @ 11:48 PM
Hi Louise, I am a 63 old male. I actually started receiving these emails years ago and I did get interested because both my sons had been put on adderol for concentration and attention issues. My oldest son now 31 has been through a lot. He has been in recovery from alcohol and pain pills for 2.5 years and doing very well. My younger son takes a small 20 mg or even 10 mg dose of adderol but I am not thrilled about it. He is 22 and a senior in college and doing very well.
I digressed with that background. My question is about me. I remarried in 1993 and prior to my second marriage I suffered from panic attacks, anxiety and depression. In lat December of 1993 I saw a wonderful psychiatrist that helped me through those difficult times. I was prescribed 100 mg of Zoloft and kloinpin to steady myself. Here I am 25 years later and I have followed that prescription of medications religiously however now I have found over the last 5 to 10 years that I have lost determination, extended focus, serious goal setting which were the very fiber of my being. Yes I fortunately have great work ethic and have been very financially successful but I am bored and unmotivated. I want to slowly get of klonipin first and then zoloft. It is scary to even think about! I could give many more details but I wanted to start there. Thank you Rick
Comment by Rick — March 10, 2018 @ 10:14 AM
I was diagnosed later in life. I was in my thirties. I don’t think I experience boredom so much now, probably because I always have so much to do. Adulting etc. However, when I was a kid I was a real daredevil. I’m lucky to be here. My poor parents. I’ve never been seriously hurt but I’ve had a few head injuries. I also remember being terribly bored in school. It would be like torture. I never did homework and didn’t pay attention, I couldn’t. It was agony. I still got As and Bs on tests. It was this way until highschool. I don’t take risks anymore but I struggle with time management. I have no internal clock whatsoever.
Comment by Susan — March 24, 2018 @ 6:12 AM
First, I’m not a medical or mental health professional, so please know that what I’m passing along is just my story.
I’m not sure if this was covered in your posts, but in one of them, you mention that ADD/ADHD is genetic. And while I do usually agree with that statement, I’d like to qualify it by saying, not in all cases is it genetic.
Case in point; when I visited the Amen Clinic in 1997, to have my SPECT scan and related treatments, Dr. Amen, after reading my scan and the lengthy interview I participated in, told me that my ADD/ADHD was caused when I contracted spinal-meningitis when I was 7-years old. That the 107 fever I had, as a result, fried my brain over the 4 days the fever lasted. He described it as creating the Ring of Fire. I also learned that ADD/ADHD is physical in nature and should be treated medically; with medicine.
Anyway, Dr. Amen prescribed several meds that I took that evening and the next day when I woke up, I felt better (normal) for the first time I could remember. While we had some trouble getting the combination of meds and doses right, I have never felt better. Life is great. And it’s been that way for more than twenty years. I’m 69 years old, now.
While I do believe that it is a physical malady I’m not saying that therapy doesn’t help but in my case, I’ve never had to seek that kind of help.
Hope this helps.
Comment by Al Heisley — April 18, 2018 @ 5:30 PM
I am tired of the complaints about teachers. Everyone is an expert who doesn’t actually have to do the job.
Comment by Martha — May 2, 2018 @ 11:07 AM
EVERYONE has trials in childhood. It isn’t a teacher’s fault. I’m not of adults whining about their lives all their lives. Life is tough, PERIOD.
Comment by Martha — May 2, 2018 @ 11:08 AM
I’m TIRED of adults whining about their childhoods all their lives.
Comment by Martha — May 2, 2018 @ 11:09 AM
Hi Louise,
Everything you describing is so much what i experience in life.
I’m French, I’m 35 years old and I live in australia since 7 years now, I have been diagnosed ADHD but I do have a lot of the symptoms.
Anger is eating me alive sometimes, lack of patience, focus, can’t really find interest listening or talking to people, I so so sensitive too sound, it sometimes drives me crazy. Struggle remembering names, dates, events..
I found no rest, no peace in my life. I’m desperate to find someone to help me manage this debilitating part of me.
Do you have some advice for me?
I need a break..
Comment by Celine — May 11, 2018 @ 2:30 PM
Don’t forget to eat your vegetables every day.
Comment by Chauncey Heckaman — June 8, 2018 @ 8:02 AM
Hi all,
Can’t believe I just spent 30 minutes reading through all of these comments!! So interesting! My husband was diagnosed with ADD at 44 and after much pain and anquish and almost divorce in our marriage. He was taking Vyvanse 70 mg at the time we almost called it quits because of his erratic behavior and lying. He is now on 20mg and doing much better, however, we are soooooo over being treated like drug dealers/addicts EVERY SINGLE MONTH that we go to Walgreens to get the script filled. There are so many hoops to jump through for this medication. He wants desperately to be off meds. Anyone else have experience with VYVANSE?
Also, I really believe my 14 and 18 year old have ADD. We have not had them tested and though they are completely different personalities, so much of what I see resembles one of Dr. Amen’s 7 different kinds of ADD.
Hoping to one day have them each get a SPECT scan. Feeling like a bad mom that I haven’t had that done yet. Doctors do not think they have ADD. The 14 is super quiet and introverted, can’t pay attention, easily distracted, not great in school, forgets everything, but is the sweetest kindest soul. The 18 year old is happy one minute emo the next. Incredibly talented in so many areas and has no filter on his mouth. Feels guilty for hurting others with what he says, yet doesn’t understand why he’s so wrong. I DO NOT want their wives to experience what I went through for 20 years with their dad.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Comment by LivingLight — June 18, 2018 @ 5:25 AM
I have inattentive type. I am retired and 66yrs. I have many interests and am never bored in that respect. What does bore me and drive me up the wall is someone talking on and on about sports or something I have zero interest in. I realize that most people are bored by things they have no interest in but when you have A.D.D. It is unbearable. And especially when you were interrupted in the middle of something you were intensely interested in.
Comment by Lillian — March 27, 2019 @ 8:55 AM
Allergies were virtually non existent before vitamin D supplements. Which is saying something. I found this out when I thought it was odd that all the foods highest in Vit D are the ones most likely to cause allergies.
I noticed that when I wondered.. surely nature didn’t design humans so poorly that we are racked with auto-immune disorders and mental illness?
So I looked this up and found The Marshal Protocol. Sure enough they have demonstrated that the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is the target of th1 pathogens working to suppresses the innate immune response.
Funny thing is that these pathogens are often highly motile parasitic bacteria like Lyme spirochetes. That end up in the brain.
Not really funny haha funny.
But I find it highly intriguing that light skinned blue eyed boys like me are so similar to albinos. With a bit of Neanderthal thrown in. And that I make vit D 5 times faster. And that I always wondered how my short sight had not been selected out.
So I found it surprising that albinos were often r/g colour blind. But more that they had other problems .. like facial recognition and locking onto objects. And odd ocular nerve paths into the brain.
Reminded me of autistic kids.
So I searched that, albino and autism. And saw GABA supplements. Huh! Handy perhaps, I rather enjoy a bit of gbl. Goes well with the amphetamines lol. I had never really looked at ADD, ha! Yep that’s me. Must be a good thing, I mean I am freakishly good at guessing connections and diagnoses.
Type 6 ADD Ring of Fire?
Something tells me.. Ermm.. yes.. Lupus.
Yknow, albino.. mutation.. Neanderthal cross breed – Cro Magnon (we are not cro-magnon), they were like superhuman.
Maybe mutations are a good thing when medical science tinkers in pure ignorance with our place amidst the All (which took all the time in the universe so far)
Ta ta.
Comment by Just James — August 20, 2019 @ 6:22 PM
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Comment by Minh Jetty — September 23, 2019 @ 2:05 PM
That makes so much sense to me
Thank you
Comment by Wow! I so agree with you — December 23, 2019 @ 7:51 AM
Personally, I am one of those who is “under-stimulated”…or as I put it: forever bored. It’s an odd feeling when you become aware that you’re actually enjoying what you’re doing and even interested in it enough to want to continue doing it, but you’re still so GD bored…just less so than usual. I can be in an interesting conversation with a friend and be so bored just sitting there that I could be playing a Gameboy while listening to Led Zeppelin in the lobby of a busy hotel while talking to my friend before my brain would even consider thinking about being less bored. On my road to “figuring out why I was broken” I actually punched existential boredom into google as one of the things I felt on a regular basis that I was sure set me apart from having the “normal” human experience.
Anyway, for years I knew I loved driving and would take random late night drives to nowhere but aimless wonder around the Interstate system in town. If you know what you’re doing you can get on at any point and drive a long loop and end up right back where you started without back tracking. So, that’s what I did. I felt different and I could think way more clearly when I was driving. Was like my brain just worked. I came up with so many good ideas when I drove. And as time went on and risk taking became a reality I found that handling a car and very high speeds was…well, I’m not dead and by all rights I should be. No accidents, not even close by any means, but c’mon…the amount of risks I took and the likelihood of an accident as high as it always was and still is…I should be dead. No one is as lucky as I am. Let’s just say my city enacted a curfew when all the rioting was a new thing a few months back and I got bored, so I went out after curfew and went down the Interstate at 120mph. True story. I can get from standing in my kitchen to fully punched in at work in about 7 minutes. Driving legally, uh…about 20 or so. If I don’t watch my speed I will hit 80mph on any Interstate, freeway, open stretch of paved road and that’s where my brain kicks into gear and there I coast…at roughly 80mph+. I don’t even think about it, just pick up speed until…”there we go.” I once made a 45 minute (each way) Interstate trip…to the next town over to pick up a music player I was having repaired…and I went 100mph the entire way there and back (while using the shoulder as a traffic lane part of the trip) just to see if it was possible. It was. By the way, the gas mileage in my car is usually 33+ easy. Well, at 100mph it drops to 15 or less. Ouch!
Yes, I have had accidents (a few). Recently I had to replace the gas tank on my car. The irony is though, I drive like I’m outrunning the end of the world all the damn time, but all the accidents I’ve had have been at normal speeds while consciously “driving safe.” Maybe my brain is under-stimulated and gets distracted, idk. But, when I going 113 down the shoulder of the interstate while some old lady in the next cars is exploding out of her skull with building eyes as I pass by (true story) my brain is in gear and I’m there in the moment and aware of what I should be like all the time, not just when I’m about to die at a billion miles per hour. So, I live your article every day.
Long story short, thanks for writing this. It makes me feel a touch bit more normal to know what I experience is actually a thing (if it still isn’t something most people have experienced).
Comment by Batmansbestfriend — July 7, 2020 @ 1:20 PM
I feel bad because I’m too impatient to read through the long posts here, which is part of the issue. While helping to figure out what was going on with my ex, who was later found to ADHD, turns out it was probably me, too. I also have a type of dyslexia, called dyscalculia (numbers, and directions.) As far as ADHD goes, my parents said I was considered “gifted” in 4th grade, however it was completely washed away because of my daydreaming. That term was used often in report cards. The thing is I was bored. What I started doing at an early age, was slipping away from school just to walk around the neighborhoods and see the houses, and smell the flowers. I continued when I had jobs that allowed me to run errands, and sometimes I just found excuses to get out and ‘explore.’
I’ve had success with a variety of careers, mostly self-made because I couldn’t stand being in an office 40 hours a week. Even though I work remotely as a writer and designer, I find myself jumping in the car to ‘explore’ most days, and doing my work at night. I put 170,000 miles on my car in 6 years, and I don’t commute — it was all just seeing new places, smelling flowers, etc. I have several things going at once, learned the guitar in the pandemic, moved to a new area alone, new job, I do art, photography, write, entrepreneur. But i get bored! I especially get bore and sleepy when trying to watch an instructional video online, or when I’m faced with a big task that involves detail. As a kid, I was always falling asleep when tasked with cleaning my room or doing something boring.
I have tons or envergy otherwise, can go out dancing til late at night and be energetic all day. It’s a brain thing. I wonder if anyone else has the urge to wander, as I do? I was able to test out of high school when I just turned 17, and after trying to do college a few times, I quit during the first few classes out of boredom.
Comment by Trixie — April 15, 2022 @ 6:43 PM
I just want to mention I was the partner of somebody with the hyperactive adrenaline chasing ADHD type. And it was a traumatic experience because my partner went from loving me and was quite passionate to overnight pulling his affection away. But at the same time stating that nothing had changed in his mind. It was very confusing. He has untreated ADHD, I'm the one who pointed him in that direction. I don't know if he's sought out help as we broke up. I couldn't stay in a relationship with someone who was going to be hot and cold. So those with ADHD be mindful of your relationships.
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