Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have it all while others struggle to get by? Why some people have great careers and enough money to live the way they want to while others feel stuck in dead-end jobs? Why some people have rock-solid relationships despite trying times while others bicker and complain constantly about their partners? Why some people are fit and full of energy while others can’t maintain a healthy weight and feel like they’re dragging through their days?
The people who are successful, in loving relationships, and in peak physical condition aren’t just lucky. In most cases, it’s because they know what they want out of life and they match their behavior to help them get it. You can learn to do this too. It all comes down to one simple question.
Does it fit?
Step 1. Define Your Life Goals
To get what you want out of life, you first need clarity about what you want. There is a very simple exercise that Amen Clinics uses with its patients that can help you do this. It’s called the One Page Miracle (OPM). Completing it allows you to define what you want so you can make better decisions to help you achieve it.
When you tell your brain what you want, your brain will help you align your behavior to get it! Whatever your brain sees, it helps to make happen. For example, if you focus on negativity, you’ll feel depressed. If you focus on fear, you’re likely to feel anxious. If you focus on achieving your goals with passion and purpose, you’re much more likely to achieve them.
The OPM will help guide your thoughts, words, and actions. It’s called the One Page Miracle because it can quickly focus and change people’s lives.
To develop your own OPM, ask yourself what you truly want in the following areas, including how those areas give you love, meaning, and purpose.
1. What do I want in my relationships with my:
- Partner
- Children
- Parents
- Siblings
- Extended family
- Friends
2. What do I want in my work?
3. What do I want in my finances?
4. What do I want for myself in these areas:
- Physical
- Emotional
- Spiritual
- Creative
- Experiential
- Attitudinal
Keep your answers brief so it all fits onto one single page.
On a separate page, write down your answers to the following questions, and again, keep it brief:
- What makes me happy?
- What do I naturally pay attention to?
- What kind of books do I read?
- What do I love to talk or learn about?
- What work would I do for free?
- What boosts dopamine for me—gives me a jolt of joy and pleasure?
- What are my strengths?
- Where can I add value or make a difference?
- How do I believe my life will be measured—by my friends, my family, and my God?
Step 2. Ask “Does It Fit?”
Once you have clarity about your goals, ask yourself “Does it fit?” on a regular basis. Before making any decisions, saying anything, or doing anything, ask, “Does it fit?”
For example, if your goal is to retire by the time you’re 65, ask yourself if spending $6 on a fancy coffee drink every day fits with your goal. If your goal is to have a loving, supportive relationship with your spouse, ask yourself if saying something hurtful or holding a grudge fits with that goal. If your goal is to look and feel your best, ask yourself if drinking alcohol every night fits with your goal.
This simple question can help guide you to the behaviors that will help you achieve your long-term goals rather than giving in to short-term pleasures that don’t serve you in the long run. As you go about your day today, be sure to ask, “Does it fit?”
Anxiety, depression, ADD, memory loss, and other mental health issues can’t wait. During these uncertain times, your mental well-being is more important than ever, and waiting until life gets back to “normal” is likely to make your symptoms worsen over time.
At Amen Clinics, we’re here for you. We offer in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental telehealth, remote clinical evaluations, and video therapy for adults, children, and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834. If all our specialists are busy helping others, you can also schedule a time to talk.
Do you have any research on the effects of facial Botox injections on the brain?
Comment by Karen — July 20, 2020 @ 5:51 AM
This One Page Miracle (OPM) is phenomenal ! Thank you so much for all you do Dr. Daniel Amen !
Comment by Kelly Davis — July 22, 2020 @ 7:19 PM